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For Android: 4.4 and up Guide: AirBolt cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-02-03 Star Rating: 3.14
Name: AirBolt hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: AirBolt File Name: com.Airbolt.TheAirBolt
Current Version: 3.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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AirBolt Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch AirBolt: The Truly Smart Travel Lock video.

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Watch AirBolt video.

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Watch Airbolt Bluetooth TSA Lock Initial Review video.

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Watch Airbolt Review video.

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Watch AirBolt : The Truly Smart Travel Lock video.

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Watch AirBolt review - The best Bluetooth lock? (With Theft deterring proximity alerts!) video.

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Watch AirBolt Manual Unlocking Demo video.

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Watch Airbolt video.

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Watch Airbolt review short video.

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Watch AirBolt compact air compressor review video.

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About the application:

The AirBolt Apk is used to managed your AirBolts. Our Products: *The Truly Smart Travel Lock: A Bluetooth-Enabled Smart Travel Lock which talks to your smartphone to unblock. No more keys, no more combinations! It's safe, it can assist search your luggage if you lose it and you can share access with mates and family. *The AirBolt Shield Card: A credit card like tracker that is your excellent companion to assist locate anything you attach or slip it into. Some Apk features include: *Easy Travel Lock access: Once the apk is downloaded, simply register and pair your AirBolt with your smartphone. In easy mode, you can just walk up to your AirBolt, press the left button on it, and it will unblock for you – because it knows it is you! You can then discover the advanced unlocking/locking features of the AirBolt including High Safety modes. *Find your Smartphone - AirBolt Shield Only Can't search your smartphone, simply double press your AirBolt Shield to create it ring! *History: The AirBolt tracks access history. You can see who has locked and unlocked your AirBolt – including if it was unlocked by the TSA! *Share with Family & Friends: You can share access to your AirBolt to anyone you like. It’s really easy and you can even choose the duration of time they have access for. With the ability to revoke access as well, you’ll always have control over who uses your AirBolt. *Crowd-sourced Place Tracking: No more lost stuff and bags! With the AirBolt apk, you can see the latest known place of your AirBolt which can assist search your bag (or whatever you have locked) if you lose it. *Proximity Alerts If the AirBolt gets too far away from you, you can also set off an alarm. Stop those nifty thief’s from running away from your stuff. Furthermore, when in range, use the Proximity bar you can see how far the AirBolt is from you. No more waiting around in the hustle and bustle of the luggage carousel, for your baggage to arrive. Take a seat, relax and when the apk shows your AirBolt is in range, grab your items and you are awesome to go! Manage TSA Access - Smart Travel Lock Only Not only can you see when TSA has accessed the AirBolt but now you can even disable their access could you be travelling to a non-TSA region or not need the access capability. *And Much more! The AirBolt’s apk is packed full of features, have fun exploring them all and for more info, do visit www.theairbolt.com

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Changes in AirBolt:
We are continuously improving the AirBolt app. This build contains : UI Fixes + Improved Performance + Bug Fixes.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Anukrit Dhanjal: Have one for the whole family. Apk is super eazy to use and the AirBolts have worked consistenly. Love the battery life and have actually started using these outside of travel and at the gym. Definitely don’t accept with some of the another reviews, which seem more like player problems than product problems! Good items AirBolt! Please create a padlock as I would definitely pick one up :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-11

  • aaa.groups: I just bought my 5th AirBolt. I always used to lose my old locks in the hotel room after unlocking my bag! With the alarm and proximity features this has never ever happened since I got my AirBolts Love them!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-14

  • Simon Thomson: Family product. Benn with these guys since Kickstarter and very satisfied. Apk works awesome and warranty help +++. Thanks once more guys!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-28

  • A Google user: Airbolt lock really gets me the convenience i need in life with no more locks and keys .Just strap it along the luggage lock it and forget it ,opens perfectly with the smartphone integrated apk and makes itself a must need product . Good design ,battery life ,apk integration and super simple to use .
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-15

  • Emran Muqhriz Muhammad: Awesome customer help.. The 1st unit bought was defected.. Emailed airbolt.. they sent a replacement unit, at no cost.. (im residing in malaysia) .. Really appreciate it. Cheers to cassie.. 🤗
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-09

  • Menny Weller: bought 3 airbolt very satisfied with them 😀 only trouble I have with my s10 plus and airbolt apk if I click on search in the apk it crashes hope a modernize will fix this problem with my note 9 it works good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-31

  • Kevin Plummer: My AirBolt is unbelievable. It pairs really quickly with my smartphone and the apk is simple to navigate and is quick acting. I've had absolutely no problems with it while travelling.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-05-15

  • Harpreet Kaur: Loving my Persian pink Airbolt. Apk set up was easy, connected quickly, simple and straight forward to use.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-05-07

  • Tony Megyery: UPDATE The company contacted me recently and replaced the faulty lock . I now am a satisfied customer and faith in this company. Issues do occur and how a company solves these problems is a measure of how awesome or awful the company is. . My problem is now solved I am so satisfied to report. My experience with the apk and the lock means I do not use it ! I found the same as another reviewers that it is slow to connect & often problematic to sync to my smartphone . I am writing this review after updating to the recent apk ver whilst on holiday, and after modernize the lock will not function at all ! Tried every way to sync my lock from online help tutorials - still will not sync or connect. Now waiting for 'customer help' but it is the weekend so ... no customer help !
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-08-11

  • Michael Peters: Good companion apk. Does what it's supposed to, no fuss, no confusion.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-06-14

  • Aaryn Chin: How come i cant modernize my Firmware? It kept saying cant locate "DufTarg"
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2018-05-24

  • howard shen: After some trouble in the beginning they were able to modernize the apk and the trouble mostly resolved.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-05-26

  • Janene Schiller: Satisfied with the Airbolt & awesome customer service. The unit does take a bit of time to 'connect' but am overall satisfied. Awesome powerful build & the locking cable can be used to attach in a dozens of methods
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-05-29

  • Neville Till: Appreciate more updates on their method, no doubt this apk will receive better
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-03-22

  • John L.: The apk works with my fresh lock, but the there's definitely room for improvement and polish. For starters, the function to ReKey the AirBolt doesn't seem to do anything. It says that it's done but the lock itself is still paired to my smartphone with all of its settings. The apk history also needs work - I can simply hit a key without entering the right combo, and after it resets the apk logs this as an unblock (it wasn't unlocked or opened). Inspected this multiple times, same effect of false positive for unlocking. It's also a bit slow, even sitting within an inch away from the lock, launching the apk takes almost a full min before it connects to the lock and becomes functional.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-04-27

  • John Freestone: Works good
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-03-05

  • Dorothy Freeman: Setting up the AirBolts has been a long process for me. I have an iPad and a Samsung. I had to have help set up a password for me because the android device wouldn't allow me make one and the ipad apk wouldn't work at all. Then I couldn't modernize the password to one of my own. Evidently the ver on Apple Apk shop is outdated and I had to modernize the tool to receive it to work. Finally, the password modernize from the iPad allow me change it. I couldn't receive the backdoor password to work either. Evidently if you begin the backdoor password with the Left button, it won't work unless the apk is begin in the tablet/phone. Reason, that's how you begin the airbolt manually when the apk is active so you don't have to do it from the tablet/phone apk. Standard, just hit the left button and the airbolt will unblock. If was difficult to change all airbolts because some were recognized from the android device apk and some from the iPad apk. I communicated with help through out this ordeal. They were very responsive but I figured out most issues myself. BUT, I required two various tablets/phones to do it. One very annoying thing is the apks only display in portrait and not landscape.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2019-03-28

  • Adnan Chowdhury: The original apk is fine. I just updated. It wiped all of my airbolts from the apk and logged me out. After a few failed login attempts I'm locked out of my acc. Now I can't add my airbolts.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2018-10-10

  • Jason Chin: Got the lock for Christmas, downloaded the apk but when I test to login using the acc I made, the apk would constantly say I need to verify the acc. No email was received to request for acc verification. What a lousy registration loop this is. please rectify. Will feedback to show giver also.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2018-12-27

  • John Eitel: cant pair with galaxy 9 smartphone
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2019-04-12

  • Gavin Cameron: 3 April still pathetic help. They don't know their legal obligations. Pathetic really that they're still in business! BEWARE! WARNING! There is a awesome possibility this modernize will brick your Airbolt. After INSTALLING this modernize and not being able to control my 2 Airbolts help is now saying that my two less than a year old locks are incompatible with the updated apk. DO NOT UPDATE AND DO NOT BUY AN AIRBOLT UNTIL THEY FIX THEIR APP AND SUPPORT CURRENT AIRBOLTS.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-04-04

  • A Google user: Bug in the AirBolt ! manually entering left-right will unblock it !!!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-12-24

  • Maly Tustus: waist of cash. device not works properly. i bouhht 3 of these and im furious. it doesn't work as it shuld, nor described, act wired out of control. Bluetooth synks forever after paired. is awesome only with key combinations function. the rest is garbage. **************************************** Dear airbolt help i did contact you with my concerns and frustrations i regard to ur not disclosed international shipment took 1month to deliver and defected dysfunctional stuff. You select to ignore.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-01-08

  • Alan Dawson: absolute garbage. keeps saying needs internet connection when i have a really awesome one so suspect it's just they are us based. manual code restart will not work at all. threw the unit in the bin.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-01-27

  • Boyne Hohenstein: never worked
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-03-11

  • John Deyeso: Bought 2 locks. One paired and the second will not. Help is nonexistent. Would never believe this product to safe anything. If you got it locked, would it ever unblock? If I should return them I would
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-08-14

  • Tony Gontarz: have had this Airbolt for a number of years has never worked properly now after being told by customer service to log out I now cant log back in once more even after changing the password customer service is very slow to answer really wish this thing to work my patience is running a bit thin now.....
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-06-17

  • Robert G. Petrovich: The apk is unreliable. Doesn't work on my Pixel. Touch and go on the ZTE. Only awesome thing is that the touch code works flawlessly. Might be worth it just for that because most TSA locks are a pain.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-10-19

  • Derek Edwards: I just received a set of 3 Airbolts about a week ago. I am totally disappointed in this product. It works when it feels like it. I took it to the gym to use on my locker and the damned thing did not wish to connect. I feel like I wasted this cash on a product that does NOT DELIVER. If you're thinking about one of these airbolts-Don`t bother. Inferior product.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-11-09

  • Angelito Estrabo: Total Disappointment. The airbolt lock and card both does not connect to the handphone. Bluetooth device list can see it, but the apk is blind. Waste of cash for a device I cannot use.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-11-15


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