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For Android: 8.1 Guide: Apollo Neuro cheats tutorial
When updated: 2023-10-07 Star Rating: 2.6380951
Name: Apollo Neuro hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Apollo Neuroscience, Inc. File Name: com.apolloneuro
Current Version: 3.2.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000-29787 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Apollo Neuro Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch Apollo Neuro Review - does it actually work?! video.

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Watch Is the Apollo Neuro worth it? Honest thoughts after 6 months video.

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Watch The Apollo wearable: how does it work? video.

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Watch Apollo Neuro video.

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Watch The Neuroscience Behind Apollo Neuro video.

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Watch Apollo Neuro HRV: Stop Making these Mistakes video.

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Watch Which is Best? Sensate vs Apollo Neuro Review: Boost HRV and Stimulate Vagus Nerve video.

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Watch Apollo Neuro Review: The Game-Changer for Stress and HRV video.

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Watch Apollo Neuro Review: Everything You Need to Know video.

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Watch Apollo Neuro Review: I Gave It A Second Chance After 2 Years video.

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About the application:

Apollo Neuroscience empowers you to be the best ver of yourself by improving your resilience to stress so you can relax, focus, sleep better, and feel better — anytime, anywhere. The Apollo Neuro technology was developed to enable you to tap into your best self, effortlessly. The Apollo wearable helps you adapt to stress by harnessing the power of the nervous system. When we’re stressed, our fight-or-flight response kicks in, making it hard to focus, sleep, and be show. The Apollo wearable restores balance to the nervous system by sending gentle waves of vibration that signal security to the body through your sense of touch. The Apollo wearable is scientifically validated, naturally strong, and secure. No drugs, no side effects. And goes where you go, day or night. The first wearable that helps your body adapt to stress, for improved: Calm Sleep Focus Physical recovery HRV Pick from distinct Vibes designed to assist you reach various goals by relaxing your body and clearing your mind: Energy Social Focus Recover Calm Unwind Fall Asleep Power Nap The Apollo apk also features: Scheduling: Build a custom schedule to create Apollo part of your everyday routine Progress Tracking: Check in on your Apollo usage patterns and set fresh goals Integrations: Connect Apollo to devices like Oura Ring to optimize your experience.

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Apollo Neuro hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Apollo Neuro:
New - Customer support chat. Just tap on the settings icon then the chat icon on the top right of the screen.<br><br>New for Labs subscribers - Good Morning. A new Vibe that transitions you from sleep to daytime and helps you feel more energized, focused and awake.<br><br>Resolved an issue that may have prevented some Labs subscribers from seeing their sleep data.<br>Improved device sync performance and data reliability.<br>
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • John Figueiredo: was having an problem with updating. contacted help, few emails to assist define the problem, then resolved. squad offered clear, concise step instructions to resolve the problem.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-16

  • Jeffrey Sprague: I am loving the apollo neuro device and the apk is simple to use. It takes a moment each time for the device to connect, and the adjustment button at the bottom is very close to the control buttons at the bottom of the android device smartphone screen.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-28

  • Aidan S.: The fresh apk is impressive and customer service is helpful and fast to answer. I had a minor problem after downloading the revamped apk and customer service gave me effective troubleshooting steps and now I'm back in business. I have fun using the Apollo device and the fresh apk features create it even more compelling.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-09

  • Eric Kapono: Loren L. in tech help says come here to download Apk version 3.1. Here only has Apk version 3.0.6. Very confusing and frustrating. UPDATE July 12: Changing from 1 star to 5. Some days ago the Apk notified me of a firmware modernize, so I'm now at 1.6.6. Then, downloaded an updated Apk, and now at version. 3.1.0. For me, when I begin the Apk, it does need to reconnect, but it connects in a few seconds. I think maybe once it had a problem, but I just did a Force Stop of the Apk, tried once more, and voila.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-13

  • Stephen Hodge: The device is good, the apk is not up to date on android device. I have had an OSI and TBI and this devic has brought a fresh level of modulation programs to my daily practice! Good program for assisted therapy and the squad finally updated the android device apk for power nap!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-09

  • Dana Dobucki (DkD): I was really loving using this apk, until about 3 days ago. All of a sudden it just stopped working. Whenever I begin the apk it immediately crashes. I uninstalled and reinstalled and it is still having the same trouble. This is very frustrating as I often switch between settings throughout the day, which I cannot do without the apk. Modernize: The apk is fixed and running smoothly once more so I updated my review to 5 stars. Thank you Apollo squad for fixing the Android device bug!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-11-04

  • Nancy Lewis: Apollo neuro has helped me SO much with my anxiety and insomnia. The updated apk is large progress. It is much easier to understand and use and I love seeing the statistics on how it's helping me. The modernize has improved connectivity problems tremendously!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-12

  • Tracy Hill: I can't live without it. I've never, EVER had a single problem with the apk or device. It opens, it connects, it's excellent. Even if it did glitch, which it doesn't- android device here, I wouldn't care because this thing has literally changed my life. No hyperbole. Changed. My. Life. I can fall asleep now. It's unbelievable. I concentrate on the feeling and it lulls me into a trance and I drift off. Worth it's weight in gold, and I'm buying a 2nd for backup. Helps in stressful situations and to wake up!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-04-15

  • Seth Sternberg: This is easily a 5+ star device. I first saw it at a large trade present with dozens of people in a vast, loud convention hall. A truly stressful experience. I demoed it for about a min, and the stress score on my smartwatch dropped 50% and stayed low for the next hour. I ordered my Apollo as soon as I got back to the hotel. I've used it for a few years now and continue to love it. It makes a noticeable, measurable difference in my stress and HRV. I use it in the morning to energize me, during and after workouts to go harder and recover faster, during the day to stay focused, and at night to wind down and sleep better. I've got dozens of gadgets cluttering my house, so to use one consistently for 2+ years says a lot. The apk experience falls a bit short of the wearable. To save battery, the Apollo disconnects from the smartphone when you exit the apk, so the reconnection takes time and the apk feels unresponsive. That said, I've never had problem connecting and the battery lasts me ~2 full days with massive use. You don't need the apk to replay the same tool, though, which is really helpful when you wake up in the middle of the night. There's also no dark mode, so if you do need to reconnect at night, you're blasted with a bright, white screen. Apollo is somewhat of a unicorn device - a stress-reducer that takes no time from your day, with no side-effects, is discreet to wear and use, is secure while driving, and works quickly and consistently. This is going to be in my arsenal for a long time to come.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-04-20

  • Amanda Tsoa-Lee: Next level service, the fresh apk was only suitable for newer androids, hence l should no longer use my apk due to having an Android device 9 smartphone. Within 48 hours the Apollo squad made a patch for older phones, l can now happily use the apk. The company stands behind their product . As a device, l really love the apollo. It has helped my son and l cope with stress. My son uses it when trading stocks. We are noticeably calmer and experience less muscle tension since using the apollo.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-32

  • aubrey nye: I wasn’t sure at first if this was going to work for me. For some reason I thought it would have something where I should set it to begin waking me up in the. Morning instead of having to receive up first to place it on. I have narcolepsy and getting up is one of the issues and other is the daytime episodes of falling asleep at random times during the day, where I literally have no choice. So those 2 times were why I got it, which didn’t really assist and because I had to receive up to turn it on. I am still experimenting with modes, ,times and intensity and need to receive more info on that. But! Since I have been working with it, there is a radical difference in other place. I have to take adderall for this, which I don’t like and one of the things with that is it would create me anxious a lot and not feeling myself during the day. I have been presently surprised to search that is not event now. Also, as I am using it more and experimenting I am noticing that I am not as tired during the day and calmer. Maybe in continuing to do it, it will assist in waking up and the sleepy episodes when they happen. I’m sure you mentioned this that the more you use it and giving it a tiny time and adjusting the settings, one can search how it works for them, and also starts working on the whole system with the HVR. I am excited about experimenting more with it and looking into more info that you have in various methods to use it, etc. If the battery held a charge longer and didn’t take so long to charge as well as a mode to preset a mode, like waking up in the morning, it would be good! Thank you for creating this mind/body instrument! Actually what I have experienced so far is large for me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-11-19

  • Juan Torres: When I first got the Apollo Neuro about 8 months ago the apk was very hard to use, constant disconnection, sometimes unresponsive, with what felt like constant re-pairing. I'm glad to say this is no longer an problem, after a few updates it's working sleeplessly, I use it every day and haven't had a trouble in latest months.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-04-03

  • Evan E: Day 1: Apk runs smoothly and quickly. No delay In response or connectivity. Feeling euphoric and relaxed within 20 minutes of using the Relax and Unwind setting. Been using it for the past few hours and those feelings seem to be fortified, not really enhanced nor weakened. The device itself is beautiful primary looking. Might be awkward wearing in public. I'd expect it to be more design oriented with the price, however, not at the cost of functionality. Will hold updating.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-04-14

  • Troy Bonner: 1 star, 3.0.0 is a fail on Android device. On my S9+ it will not begin past the splash screen. Uninstall, reset, install no assist. Edit: development quickly pushed out 3.0.1 which resolved my problem, 5 stars
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-32

  • Catherine Morgan: Simple to use, does stop occasionally and I have to reset, but so worth it. I have had it 3 days and have already logged over 1000 mins. I use it to assist me wake up, focus, sleep, and recover from stress. It is making a large difference in my ability to focus and my anxiety levels. My most effective program so far.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-02-11

  • Eugen Bach: Fresh review! This recent modernize with the scheduling function is the cat's meow! My device is set for a few times in the night. I trust it has prevented me from waking up. Formerly, I got only about 2 hours of sleep a night for about 3-4 years. Sleep medications did not work. Probably inherited. I had to retire. I have gotten more than 7 hours the latest two nights with only one brief awakening latest night. Lots better than most people at age 70!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-12-13

  • Jennifer Bradshaw: My first review reported a lot of difficulties with the device & apk, including failing to search the device even when it was well charged, only connecting when plugged into power. It wouldn't begin using the two buttons on the device when in Sleep mode. A lot of emails & attempts to solve issues finally resulted in device replacement. There have been no further problems. Full credit to Apolloneuro. The device is outstanding. Both device & apk need improvement but Apolloneuro is dedicated to doing this
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-07-08

  • Ashley: My experience has been nothing but good, thus far. I read the reviews before I bought Apollo, and I have created sure not to install the firmware modernize at this point. I have heard that the modernize has a lot of bugs. I got the Apollo Neuro at the absolute most excellent time. I received a discount when buying, and I've had a lot of stressful happenings occur in my life, directly after purchasing the product, all for which Apollo came in handy. I search the rebuild and energize mode extremely soothing.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-09-26

  • Amber Murri-Mortensen: I love my Apollo so much I bought two so I would always have a back up!!! It has helped with my sleep and and anxiety from day one and continues to do so!! Thank you Apollo!! 😊😴☺
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-32

  • Roly Blosch: I updated the apk today and now my device can't connect at all. Is there an existing problem on the recent apk modernize? I can't use my Apollo at all :( --------------------Editing my review. After figuring out the Bluetooth connection all is awesome now. I absolutely love this device. A good one to have specially for folks like me who are in a very stressful work environment. Thank you for having this device accessible to folks like me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-09-22

  • Wesley Sullivan: Apk opens instantly once more, thanks for the fast fix. I still need multi device help to begin 2 devices at the same time.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-08

  • Brian Legate: I've used this apk for about 3 months. I've had some success with better sleeping, energy, focus, etc. Recently I got a fresh smartphone running android device 12 and experienced connection problems with the Apollo device. Fortunately it appears the developers at Apollo were already working on resolving this matter and provided both tool and firmware updates in Nov 22. All working as expected now. Apollo Help did a awesome job communicating the status with me via the help tickets.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-11-30

  • O M: I see it is fixed w the modernize. Fresh graphics look good as well!!! Thanks Apollo. Hold up the good work and super product help. Appreciated!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-02

  • Lackadaisical Child: I'm honestly so proud of how far you guys have come, Apollo. Every time a fresh firmware modernize comes out, the product gets better and better. And I don't have to hold buying fresh hardware to benefit. The Sleep and Renew function is my favorite. First I noticed you improved battery life, then the scheduling thing came out, and now you can look at how much battery is in it while it's charging!! Leaps and bounds. So satisfied for you.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-05-24

  • Andrew Kutchen: Moved to a fresh smartphone and had problems, Apollo was fast to send a replacement device that has been working good since! I use the product every day and love it! I've been using the Apollo since release and the squad is consistently updating and improving the product and tool, would suggest!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-11-04

  • Adam Caplan: Apollo reduces my stress levels and helps me focus during the day, as well as fall asleep more easily at night. The device is good! I've always found meditation helps but Apollo takes it to the next level!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-11-03

  • Alexander Jennes: The regular apk and device upgrades are improving the player experience. Apk 2.4.0 and device FW 1.5.0 have the best responsiveness and battery life yet. Thanks for investing the development time, hold it up!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-12-31

  • A Google user: I was hesitant given the previous reviews but the apk is working good for me. Install was ok and connected on the first test (don't forget to hit the correct button on the watch). Now I'm looking forward to trying out the Apollo.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-02-30

  • Donna Bunce: The Apollo is excellent for me. As if I'm wearing a watch⌚ - a fresh best mate is here to help me with self-regulation. I have assist waking up, then increase in socialization, and afterwards lots of clarity and focus. Later mindful meditation for a restful period. And after 8 weeks of Relax and Unwind, my sleep is longer and deeper. I am 99.9% satisfied with my Apollo, a loyal mate!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-07-03

  • Christine Neale: Helps me manage a anxiety, both at home and socially. Soothing at bed time as well. I can't part with this device!the apk itself seems a tiny bit balky, but when you understand how it works, everything is ok.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-05-07

  • Anneke Stagg: I LOVE this apk and device. Using it has greatly improved my sleep and helped me with focusing on tasks (which is a large deal for someone with ADHD)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-01-22

  • Gary Holly: Good device, helps with anxiety. But apk stopped working with latest make batter because my smartphone is Android device 10 and can't be updated. Customer help says I need Android device 11 or higher.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-31

  • Nicola Seguss: Very primary functionality, which I can live with because it's easy enough to use and the device is good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-09-04

  • Beatriz Saavedra: Initially I was frustrated that I couldn't pare my device, but we finally got it to work and it's been good since then. I've been using my device for a couple of months now and it's really helped me with getting a awesome night's sleep. I've also started to experiment with some of the another setting which I'm satisfied to say also work nicely.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-08-16

  • Katrina Dalrymple: After a very difficult year and some compounding stressors, I couldn't receive myself out of a state of panic, even for sleep (would drop off and jolt awake, all night), so ordered the Apollo Neuro in desperate hope it would assist. It did. I was convinced within days as it helped me calm down, focus, sleep, and wake up rested. Being able to access a calm, centered, and "fully in my body" state, for the first time I can remember, has been a major breakthrough in my C-PTSD healing work. (I thought I knew what "secure" felt like. I didn't.) I bought two more for my adult kids. It's expensive, yes. But so are most another programs that assist manage depression, anxiety, and another post-traumatic mental health impacts. I haven't had any connection problems with the apk. Sometimes it takes more than one test. Closing the apk and re-opening it has fixed it so far. According to the apk, I've used the Apollo Neuro for 17,504 mins. If it broke, I'd replace it immediately. It's that useful to me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-04-05

  • Rebeccah Leiby: I'm not sure why another people have had problem, my apk has always worked (and continues to work) perfectly! Sure, it's not the flashiest thing in the globe, but it's functional, simple to use, and customizable on so a lot of levels; the fresh scheduling feature is especially a mini game changer.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-03-04

  • Brad Sullivan: The Apollo has been good. It sort of smoothes me out. I am not as anxious or distracted.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-04-24

  • Migdalia Hernandez: It works well The apk works well. The only trouble I've had is sometimes it won't connect. I have a Samsung Galaxy S22 and I just reset the smartphone and it connects right away. I've only had the device for a week. Still getting used to it, but so far so awesome.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-04-11

  • Andrew Mueller: The rating is for both the apk and the device. I gotta say, it DOES calm my nerves when I use it. I suffer from panic attacks and they're frequently triggered by driving more than 45min. I use this on Calm And Focused and its allowing me to do 2hr drives with much less anxiety.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-12-10

  • Dylan Jaeger: These are the steps to take if you're having issues connecting your device to smartphone or loosing connection. Device is not broken it just happens. To perform a factory restart for your Apollo Neuro, press and keep both buttons for 10 seconds. The light on your Apollo Neuro will shine solid yellow after holding both buttons for 5 seconds then a solid red after holding both buttons for 10 seconds. When you see the light on your Apollo Neuro turn red, you can allow go of the buttons.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-09-05


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