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For Android: Varies with device Guide: BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-03-05 Star Rating: 4.5
Name: BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: CritterMap Software LLC File Name: com.crittermap.backcountrynavigator.license
Current Version: Varies with device User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100000-500000 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Backcountry Navigator - Pre-trip preparation video.

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Watch Samsung Galaxy Tab S - Backcountry Navigator Pro - The Best GPS for Off Trail? video.

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Watch Review - BackCountry Navigator part 1 video.

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Watch Backcountry Navigator Pro video.

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About the application:

Download topo maps for an offline outdoor navigator! Use your smartphone or smartphone as an offroad topo mapping handheld GPS with the bestselling outdoor navigation apk for Android device! Discover beyond cell coverage for hiking and another recreation. Download topo maps for the US and a lot of another countries in advance, so you won't need cell coverage for navigation. Use storage memory for maps. Fresh: Android device Wear help to see navigation at a glance on wristUse GPS waypoints from GPX or KML files, or enter your own coordinates using longitude/latitude, UTM, MGRS, or grid reference. Using GOTO makes a waypoint a locus for navigation. This uses a lot of publicly accessible map sources as gratis downloads. Some extra content accessible as an in apk purchase:-Accuterra Topo Map Source for $19.99/year. This can be purchased and used with or in instead of the gratis sources.- Boundary maps for 12 western states from the Bureau of Land Management(BLM) Overlay for topo maps valued by hunters. -GMU boundaries in some states-Lake Contours in a few states. -Content from US TrailMaps including:-ATV, Whitewater, and Equestrian Trail Maps See the menu under More-> "Purchasing AddOns". They can be shown on top of topo maps. You may test the DEMO ver to create sure you like the maps in your country. About topo (topographic) maps: Topo maps present terrain through color and contours, and are useful for navigation offroad. Topo maps and GPS can be used for hiking, hunting, kayaking, snowshoeing, & backpacker trails. You can make your own maps with Mobile Atlas Creator, or specify a custom tile server. Built in sources include:OpenStreetMaps from MapQuest OpenCycleMaps showing terrain worldwide US Topo Maps from Caltopo and the USGSUSTopo: Aerial Photography with markup. Canada Topo Maps from ToporamaMarine maps: NOAA RNC Nautical Charts (coastal)USGS Color Aerial photography Topographic Maps of Spain and Italy Topo maps of Fresh Zealand Japan GSI maps.Many of the above sources are generally gratis to use. Use offline topo maps and GPS on hiking trails without cell service. The GPS in your Android device smartphone can receive its position from GPS satellites, and you don’t have to rely on your data plan to receive maps. Have more fun and secure GPS navigation in the backcountry.Use as a geocaching navigator by getting a pocket query as GPX. Besides geocaching, use GPS for recording tracks and GPS waypoints on your trip, all the while tracking your GPS quest on topographic maps. It may replace your Garmin handheld GPS. Here are some of the outdoor GPS activities BackCountry Navigator has been used for:As a hiking GPS both on hiking trails and off trail. Camping trips to search that excellent camping website or the method back to camp with GPS. Hunting trips for hunting wild mini game in rugged places. Doing recon for a hunt or as your hunting GPS Fishing: create it your fishing GPS. Find and Rescue (SAR). Trekking the Pacific Crest trail or another long term hiking. Kayak and canoe treks on inland lakes and streams or marine, coastal waters. Backpacker trips: using topo maps of wilderness places and national forests for navigation on trails with the GPS in your rucksack or backpack. Search your own methods to have fun in the outdoors. Be a maverick by venturing beyond cell service boundaries with your GPS. Become a pro at navigation with GPS for the outdoors. BackCountry Navigator has been on WM devices and preloaded on the Trimble Nomad outdoor rugged device. This Android device ver is more flexible, featured, and fun. Make a memory with maps. For a one time fee, this a good addition to the outdoor gear you bought at Cabelas, REI, or other outdoor shop. A lot of have found the Android device GPS in a smartphone or smartphone to substitute for a Garmin GPS or Magellan GPS, such as the Garmin GPS troops Montana, Etrex, or Oregon. Android device can be your handheld GPS.

BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS Hack - Gallery:

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BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS:
Probably fix for some failures with Accuterra and Forest service maps.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google User: Download maps directly unto smartphone for use out of service range! Maps rotate. Responsive developer(s) -- tool keeps improving! A bargain at $10!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2010-11-19

  • Mathew Hiner: Best gps apk on the shop Love the usgs image and topo option. Simple to use...flawless now that compass is on map screen!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-02-15

  • Good topo apk I use this apk all the time. What more can I say.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-07-21

  • Mike Walker: Good Used it as GPS backpacking and it worked good. The contour maps accessible were gratis and the smartphone GPS did the rest. Economical and practical solution.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-08-27

  • A Google User: Hunting Used it for hunting this year. I sent my garmin back because this did it all for method cheaper.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-10-17

  • Jim Cummings: If you love the outdoors this apk is for you. It's good!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-03

  • John Edwards: Essential back-up Used relentlessly. Download your maps before you head to the hills. When the clouds lower and you don't wish to trust your compass bearing, this gives a five star confidence boost.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-08-05

  • Bob: Works very well I've had this apk for a while now and it works good. The maps/roads for Canada are a tiny out dated when it comes to BC logging streets, but the contours etc are just ok. The tracking feature has come in handy numerous times and has allowed us to tag secret camping websites we have found in our travels. The ability to download maps for offline use later is the number one feature that got me to download this and has worked flawlessly once I figured it all out. There's a bit of a learning curve when first using this apk but I highly suggest it to anyone looking for offline ability to navigate the backwoods using your smartphone as a gps.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-05-21

  • Craig Geer: Use it everywhere. Snowmobiling, hiking through Yellowstone Use it all alot. Snowmobiling, ATVing, hiking. Download the maps for where i am at and no longer worry about needing service. Saved our butts a few times after getting spun around on trails.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-28

  • Julian Bond: Responsive Squad Good Comms from Nathan and Dan after the hiatus caused by Bing Maps resulting in UK OS Maps not working. (Not BCN's Fault)...solution: Select "Choose Places for Download", tag an place and instead of selecting "Download", select Menu->Delete. Go to the file system, and delete the folder mmosxp underneath bcnav/tiles. Since the 5.7.3 modernize and the clean up:The Apk is working perfectly, hope it continues. Best Apk for hiking in the UK, so I am really satisfied with the outcome
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-20

  • A Google User: One of the BEST With me in the UK, I receive full 1:25k and 1:50k OS maps. All downloaded, usable offline. Just select your place and download. It takes a lot of place, but don't be greedy and you receive a unbelievable outdoor scrolling OS device. For £6.99 it's a bargain. Multimap supplies the OS maps. My satmap cost nearly £300 and this will perform the same essential task.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-07-09

  • Shannon Middleton: The best. This is the best navigational apk you can receive. I believe it, and use it all the time, even when I have no GPS signal.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-07-29

  • Dennis Witte: Good. I just did a winter ascent of Pikes Peak via the Barr Trail and found BCN very helpful, simple to use, and reliable.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-03-08

  • Marcus Sorenson: Good for backpacking. I only use this apk to see where I am in the backcountry. I download the maps before I leave. When I begin a trip I place my smartphone into airplane mode, and I only use this apk and the clock on the smartphone. I have gotten a week on one battery with two various phones. I know it is a fully functional GPS, but I don't use all that, I just use it for maps, and to see where I am on those maps. I have fun using it on a smartphone at home to plan trips as well. I have used it in Utah, Nevada and Wyoming with no problem.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-09

  • A Google User: Best mobile GPS apk In my opinion, this is the best mobile GPS apk accessible. I've inspected others and they don't measure up. Customer help is unparalleled!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2011-11-24

  • Ted Spetnagel: I used the gratis Demo ver for a few months while I compared it with a few another smart smartphone hiking navigation apks. It works good when you are off your smartphone network and have downloaded your map place ahead of time. I usually place my smartphone on "airplane mode" and can go hiking for more that 8 hours with plenty of battery power left at the end of the hike. This is the best. It is the easiest to download and upload GPX files to Garmin Base Camp on my PC. The Pro ver lets you shop your maps, GPX files and recorded tracks on the phone's external memory card. And if all that is not enough, the staff keeps the Pro players informed of issues, solutions and upcoming improvements. This is the only apk on my smartphone that has such a good staff keeping the players informed.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-05-32

  • James Squire: As described Love this thing, esp with Acuterra add-on. Finally, all the 24k maps I should wish in my pocket!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-24

  • Scott McGee: BCN Pro has been extremely useful for me. I have used it mostly for mapping purposes. I manage an irrigation association in a remote place of Montana, with multiple miles of creeks, reservoirs, and canals, and hundreds of irrigation structures, diversions and turnouts. I use this apk to collect accurate gps "waypoints" for later transfer to a custom map of our system. Also used for private trekking. I haven't had any true problems with BCN that are the fault of the apk. With Android device 4, there were problems with storing map files to SD card, but with Android device 5 those problems are mostly resolved. That's Android device, not BCN. I've also had problems at times with getting gps readings, but that is problem with my smartphone, and once more not BCN. Basically, any functional problems that I've had are not due to the apk itself. This developer is quite dedicated to it, and provides updates on a continual basis. I've read reviews with complaints about the "hidden" charges for maps. These are false problems, I use both satelite & topo maps that are provided gratis. There are "some" maps also accessible that do require a fee, but they are not needed. A lot of thanks to the developer. Worth twice the price.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-31

  • Jim E: Good APP, and always getting better Recording a Track, and then exporting it to Google Earth is very useful. Save it in My Territories for simple viewing, anytime. The Dev is always very responsive. Truly a good value.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-05-12

  • A Google User: Love this. One of the good features is a BMC overlay map. Good if you travel in the LV desert and need to know those boundaries.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-31

  • Jonah Boylen: best offroad gps application ever
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-10

  • Nick Stehling: Find and rescue I have been using this at work everyday for 4+ years now. It easily beats most dedicated handheld GPS troops I have been issued by the government. Access to multiple map sources offline is a large plus in the remote terrain I search myself in. Recently the "Internet loading" map option sometimes interferes with already downloaded maps. I end up switching it to cache and restarting the apk to receive the maps to load from cache.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-08

  • Charles Reding: Backcountry Navigator Pro. Best apk i ever DLed. Even world's with another systems.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-07-25

  • Steve T: Only one topo map Good product, good service.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-05-10

  • Jeremy P: Hiccup with Android device 5.0 Apk is good. Super useful. Compass rotation stopped working after make batter to Android device 5.0. I downloaded a compass only apk to verify and it works ok. I checked all my compass and rotation settings but nothing fixed the problem. Request you restore compass functionally as its critical to navigation. *Modernize* I removed and reinstalled the apk once more and it is now working.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-26

  • A Google User: Just hold getting better and better after each modernize. Thanks for making this apk my fresh GPS replacement.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2011-07-09

  • It works! Samsung S3 Just bought the paid ver. Tried the demo while exploring old logging streets to create horse trails. Amazingly accurate route tracing. I exported data to our GIS person and she was able to plot it on survey map layers. I was also able to export to Google Earth. All this and it kept me from getting lost. I DO carry battery backup with me in the woods!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-08-11

  • rainyangel1: Real Love! I am a hiker, backpacker, & mountaineer... BackCntry Nav has never failed me in the past 3 years! Flawless! It only gets better with every modernize. It has a slight learning curve for all of it's functions, but the more you fiddle, the easier it gets. Maps & GPX files are simple to download pre-trip. My Galaxy Note 5's battery lasts all day (in airplane mode!) I bring a power station so I can take images too. [Accuterra add-on is A++ (Superb shaded relief topos)] Easy & reliable! My most favorite apk ever!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-24

  • A Google User: Wow I love this apk! It works excellent on my HTC evo! I ride alone in the mountains and thanks to this apk I have been able to discover a lot more!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2011-06-25

  • matthew wentrot: Good with one problem I use this apk a lot while hunting here in BC Canada. Any fresh map packs ever come out? A satellite kind view like Google Earth would be cool as well as hunting region overlays.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-11

  • Ron Baldry: Good Apk I've now used it in a few countries with success, in one case without any smartphone service. All maps were either downloaded using the apk over the air, or made in MOBAC on my PC and downloaded. Most recently I used 5 various topo maps for places in Utah and Nevada.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-07-20

  • Sam Horn: Love it Good apk. Works well in the forest. I ride horses like going off trail. This apk helps me stay aware of where I am.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-21

  • A Google User: Perfect backcountry resource I've used this apk hiking in Yosemite and driving on 4-wheel drive streets in the Black Rock Desert. Love it!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2011-11-28

  • A Google User: I've had this apk for a few months and I love it! It's by far the best gps apk out there...Nathan's good, he sends out advices all the time...GREAT!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2010-12-23

  • Gregory Arnold: Good Apk. I download maps before I go on vacation an when I receive there I don't need to have internet connection. Works good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-10

  • Matthew B: Paradigm shift I use this apk in bird, wildlife and vegetation surveys. Replaces GPS and aerial maps. Downloaded points directly from Garmin and I can see the whole route with points. Attach pics of points. Awesomist apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-09-19

  • Jacoby Wilson: Good for Land-Ops Useful offline and good developer and community help.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-12-31

  • G Martin: The apk for atv trails Good job BCN folks, exactly what atv riders were looking for!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-01-10

  • A Google User: Good all-round GPS nav apk with broad range of features. Always being improved.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2011-12-10

  • A Google User: My favorite apk!! I've had this apk for over 2 years. I am a trail tutorial and I use this apk daily for work. It is far superior to the handheld gps's my company problems and is even better than the expensive gps's some of my colleagues have purchased and they need to purchase place maps that this downloads for gratis. I can't say enough awesome things about the apk!!! I've used it everywhere from the AT to Yellowstone and it has never faild me. Thanks for such a good product!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-06-10


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