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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: BioRabbits - Manage your Rabbit cattle. cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-11-31 Star Rating: 4.0526314
Name: BioRabbits - Manage your Rabbit cattle. hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: bionaturalapps File Name: cocodrilomobile.com.biorabbits
Current Version: User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

🐰 Now in ver you can import the fresh Lives of Lives per rank of crotals in an infinite way. BioRabbits is an application to bring traceability in Rabbit farming that allows you to manage the info and production of animals from your Rabbit farm. It allows to take a detailed control of rabbits, rabbits, bunnies, feeding, sales, deaths, diagnoses to determine diseases, production of shearing or coats, as well as registering sanitary treatments with official exploitation data. It is an application optimized for use in the field, works in cases of lack of coverage and is designed to be easily available, visible and manageable. What can be done with the application? ★ EXPLOITATIONS: - Make geolocated farms. - 3 operating states are defined:            -> Without Beginning            -> Started            -> Completed - Filter by REGA and see the exploitation summary. - Modernize data. - Export the exploitation report via EXCEL or PDF.           ★ LIVESTOCK: - We offer 3 methods to add your livestock to the APP: o Lot of Cattle: You can select from 5 Troops. Up to 1000 Troops of samples to the selected farm. o Enter data manually. o Import an Excel: Download the template, add your animals and import everything from the APP. ★ GEOLOCATION: Locate registered farms according to the various accessible navigation options. ★ DISPLACEMENTS: - Record the kilometers traveled and control your consumption of spent liters. ★ SYNCHRONIZE THE DATA: You have changed the device or you wish to return to the latest synchronized state, use synchronization. ★ COMPACT DATA: - If you manage a farm or ranch very extensive and at some point note some type of slowness, create use of data compaction. ★ WORK SHEET: Control your evolution by: - TimeLine: Consult your historical data line navigating directly to the item. - Stats. ★ INFORMATIVE PANEL: Stay informed at all times of the management carried out from the initial view, which provides the acc of each sample broken down by kind, displacement, exploitation or sanitation carried out. ★ HELP / VIDEO-TUTORIALS: * Video-Tutorials: Learn how to use the APP with the videos provided from the Assist session. 🐰 SAMPLES AND SANITATION: - Register samples, happenings, diseases, sanitation. - Filter the animals by the latest 4 digits, race, date of birth or modernize your data. - Access the ANIMAL VISTA to: - Individual info of each animal. - Define observations. - Unsubscribe the animals. - Update data. - Consult the happenings. - Export the individual sample report via EXCEL or PDF. 💰 INCOME / EXPENSES: - Record income or expenses and hold financial control at all times of your operation. 🌰 FEEDING: Learn to feed your cattle correctly from birth to 6 months - onwards with the meal suggestions provided. 🔬 LABORATORY DIAGNOSTICS: You can know the diseases of your animals, perform a detailed analysis with the possible results and improve the health of your animals with the personalized management plan. ✂ ESQUILADOS DEL TBAÑO: Production and info of the coats of their cattle by operation. ⚑: 🇪🇸 ES 🇪🇸 Gallego 🇱🇷 US 🇬🇧 UK 🇵🇹 PT 🇫🇷 FR , CH 🇨🇳, RU 🇷🇴, Catalán, IT 🇮🇹, 🇩🇪 DE, 🇳🇱NL ⚠ For more info, news and help visit:   BIONATURALAPPS WEB PORTAL ☞ ♥ FOLLOW US ON: TWITTER☞ YOUTUBE ☞ 💡 Players of the SuiteBNA application can download this module for gratis and the rest taking advantage of all the functions offered.

BioRabbits - Manage your Rabbit cattle. Hack - Gallery:

BioRabbits - Manage your Rabbit cattle. screenshot BioRabbits - Manage your Rabbit cattle. screenshot BioRabbits - Manage your Rabbit cattle. screenshot
BioRabbits - Manage your Rabbit cattle. hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in BioRabbits - Manage your Rabbit cattle.:
Version 1.5.0 facilitates communication and traceability. You will review the work done in the Exploitation Book.<br>More than 10 new modules, modifications and corrections focused on improving functionality and user experience:<br><br>🔴 Food, Waste, Analytics, Controls ...<br>🔴 Pregnancies and predictions of births and jealousy.<br>🔴 Animal movements.<br>🔴 Documents: Livestock Exploitation Book.<br>☞ Check all the improvements and news in the New icon.
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