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For Android: 4.0.3 and up Guide: Cancer Predictor cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-04-25 Star Rating: 5
Name: Cancer Predictor hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Ashraf Ullah File Name: com.datakeenbd.cancerpredictor
Current Version: 1.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 5- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Ovarian Cancer Predictor: 521 cancerous and non-cancerous patients record were collected from various diagnostic centers (in Bangladesh). Then a structured questionnaire was used containing info of ovarian cancer risk factors including age, menopause end age, trouble during pregnancy, first sex age, any infection in genital place, affected by ovarian cancer, abortion, pregnancy, BMI, menopause after 50, meal habit, obesity, excessive alcohol, late menopause, early menopause, hormone therapy, exercise, previous exposure to another sexually transmitted infections (STIs), marital status, genetic risk, outdoor activities and affected by any cancer before based on the previous studies. After pre-processing, data was clustered using K-means clustering algorithm for identifying relevant and non-relevant data to ovarian cancer. Then relevant data were used to develop this system, there are 6 algorithms applied in the relevant data and on 70-30% training and testing split the performance of the models were evaluated. performance of Each Algorithm: Decision Tree (J48): accuracy = 80.2548 % Random Forest: accuracy = 80.2548 % Logistic Model Trees (LMT): accuracy = 82.1656 % Naïve Bayes: accuracy = 75.7962 % Logistic Regression: accuracy = 80.8025 % Help Vector Machines (SVM): accuracy = 80.8917 % Risk Score Generation Process: Below is the table which was generated from the dataset that shows each and every features percentage/distribution of developing ovarian cancer (yes/no) click here : https://github.com/mobassir94/Cancer-Predictor-Android-App-/blob/master/risk%20score.JPG From the above table manual rating was given to each sub feature based on their impact on developing ovarian cancer. For example the feature “Menarche Starts Early” has 3 features "early, late and normal", we can see that 64% time patients has developed ovarian cancer whose menarche starts “early” and only 35% patients haven’t developed ovarian cancer whose menarche starts early, so we give higher score to sub feature “early” because it is more likely “dangerous symptom” of a patient. Here is the Manual Risk scoring Table: 1st column: "Menarche begin early" Early - 2 Normal - 1 Late - 3 2nd column: "Oral Contraception" Yes – 3 No - 1 3rd column: "Diet Maintain" Yes - 1 No - 2 4th column: "Affected by Breast Cancer" Yes - 3 No - 1 5th column: "Affected By cervical Cancer?" Yes - 3 No - 1 6th column: "Cancer History In family?" Yes - 2 No - 1 7th column: "Education?" Illiterate - 3 Basic level - 1 Graduated - 1 8th column: "Age of Husband" Below 30 - 2 31-45 – 1 46-60 – 4 Above 60 - 3 9th column: "Menopause End age?" Before 40 - 2 40-51 - 1 After 52 - 3 10th column: "Meal includes high fat?" Yes - 3 No - 1 11th column: "Abortion?" Yes - 3 No – 1 This system then checks which sub features player selects and sums up all manual scoring rates, if total score for the patient is less than 18, the system shows “low risk”, if total score is greater than 17 and less than 25 then the system shows “medium risk” and if the total score is greater than 24 then the system shows “high risk” status of the patient. The system checks if 3 or more algorithms/classifier returns positive prediction over 50% then the system gives the patient a warning by saying “Please Consult a Doctor As Soon as Possible” Cervical Cancer Predictor: the Dataset was collected from UCI machine learning repository, i've applied Boruta (Feature selection in R) to receive the relevant and Most Necessary Features for detecting BIOPSY. then only 1 algorithm used for predicting cervical cancer which is Random Forest, and on a 70-30% training and testing split and using 10 fold cross validation the accuracy of this algorithm for predicting BIOPSY was 89.5349 %

Cancer Predictor Hack - Gallery:

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Changes in Cancer Predictor:
This App can early predict both ovarian cancer and cervical cancer of patients with high accuracy.
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