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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: carus music cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-09-23 Star Rating: 2.92
Name: carus music hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Carus-Verlag File Name: de.carus.carusmusic
Current Version: 2.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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carus music Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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Watch carus music, the choir app - tutorial (Android) video.

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Watch carus music, the choir app video.

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Watch Bach vocal at Carus: The Sacred Vocal Music video.

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Watch carus music, the choir app - Präsentation Musikmesse Frankfurt 2015 video.

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Watch Choral Collection Beethoven video.

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Watch Carus-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG video.

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Watch Carus Thompson - Crash Land (Offical Video) video.

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Watch Carus de Sekaiza (Epic music) - Salduie (Piano cover) video.

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Watch Carus-Verlag - VdM-MusikschulNews Musikmesse 2015 video.

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About the application:

carus melody offers a whole fresh choral melody experience and the innovative chance to learn one’s own choral part by means of an innovative coach. Every passage in the melody can be skipped to with playful ease. Rehearsals and concerts will thus be even more enjoyable! You always wanted to go to the next choir rehearsal well prepared and no longer stumble over difficult passages, right? This is at latest possible with carus melody: learn your choir part in no time at all – whether you can read melody or not. The apk is based on carefully prepared Urtext melody editions from Carus vocal scores synchronized with recordings by renowned interpreters. Every measure can be directly chosen thanks to the intuitive navigation within each work, and the original recording starts exactly at this point. A marker that moves synchronously with the melody simplifies the orientation. Turning pages occurs either automatically or manually. A unique feature offered by carus melody is a coach to assist you learn the choral part. If the coach is activated, your own part is clearly emphasized and you can practice with the recording of your part within the overall sound. The slow mode can be used for quick and difficult passages – from now on you decide on your learning pace. Learning your own part will thus become a unique experience and singing will be even more fun! carus melody supports you in getting to know and practice the most necessary choir works: • one apk with the top choral works • sheet melody in high resolution and familiar layout by Carus • Carus vocal scores synchronized with first class recordings • Acoustic coach helps you learn your own choral part • Quick passages can also be practiced in slow mode • simple navigation • swift retrieval from your private library Each player can try the apk with a gratis choral setting – naturally with its complete range of functions! After the free download of carus melody, you will search a steadily growing number of works. You can buy the work with your choral part (soprano / alto / tenore / basso) by In-App purchase. After the download, your works will be accessible offline as well. carus melody, the fresh choir apk, makes practicing even more fun. On the go or at home. FAQ Find answers to the most frequently asked questions directly in the apk or on our site: https://www.carus-verlag.com/en/digital-media/carus-music-the-choir-app/faq/ CONTACT Do you have any recommendations, wishes or questions regarding carus melody? Please do not hesitate to contact us by email at [email protected]. Further info as well as our complete work list can be found on our site www.carus-music.com.

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Changes in carus music:
carus music 2.0! That&#39;s new:<br>- totally new look for the library<br>- get important details about the work directly in the library<br>- select your voice only once: carus music will remember<br>- learn from others: check out our FAQ, now within the app<br>- finally: find the work you are searching for<br>Of course we also fixed some smaller bugs. We hope you are having a great time using carus music - even more with the new look! Feedback is always welcome, so carus music will become better and better!
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Rev Acquah Emmanuel Schilling: The apk is took awful I mean very week to begin pleas do something about it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-07-19

  • Barbara Garcia: Insgesamt gefällt mir die Apk . Sie lädt große Werke in der Tat langsam & bei mir manchmal auch erst beim 2. Versuch aber das stört mich nicht so. Was mir fehlt ist, dass man die Apk auch im Hintergrund oder zumindest im Split Screen Modus laufen lassen kann, Suchfunktion in der Bibliothek fehlt, ausserdem würde ich gerne auch mal nur die Sätze nur mit Chor nacheinander abspielen können. Beethoven gehört unter B einsortiert und nicht unter v wie van. Das müsste ein Verlag eigentlich wissen...
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-04-21

  • Lydia Mx: sehr praktische Apk, aber ein paar Verbesserungen wären fantastisch: - Suchmodus, sodass man nicht durch die endlose Liste der verfügbaren Scrollen muss - Chor-Modus, bei dem die Solo-Arien etc. ausblenden kann - Endlos-Wiederholung, damit man sich einzelne Abschnitte ins Hirn prügeln kann
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-10-15

  • Marc Himmelberger: Tolle Apk - super zum Üben, aber stürzt leider oft beim Öffnen eines Stücks ab. Ausserdem verbraucht sie viel Akku, auch wenn sie gar nicht offen ist (wakelock)
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-11-10

  • Frank Jones: Tendency to crash Works well otherwise but runs in background even when closed Will run down your battery on Android device Needed restriction
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-11-05

  • Cam H: Clearly, the techs have not fixed the problem of it taking forever to begin up. I can not afford to uninstall it at this pont.... I am using it for a melody class. So, while i love the coach button...i am doubtful i will buy melody once more from this apk.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2016-12-09

  • A Google user: My main comments are less about the quality of the apk (which does load a bit slowly and occasionally quits) than about some disappointing Carus policies regarding returns and Android-versus-iPhone score pricing. I recently downloaded a fresh work, having used the coaching apk a couple of years ago and found it helpful. About a week later, my chorus director and I unexpectedly agreed that I would switch voice parts for this concert. When I e-mailed the Carus help squad to ask if I should swap editions, given the circumstances, I was told no; I would have to pay for the another voice part as well. A Google Play representative whom I later reached by smartphone did test to execute a refund for me on the initial purchase, but the payment had already been processed. Furthermore, I've learned that the work costs $3 more on an Android device than it does on an iPhone. I eventually decided to download the extra voice part. The upshot for this Android device player who's trying to be a competent choral singer (and to assist my group by filling a temporary gap in other section): Members of my chorus who use iPhones can receive both works for our upcoming concert from Carus for less cash than I'm paying for one.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-09-31

  • A Google user: instable slow
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2019-01-27

  • Cameron Stein: One of the best programs I've ever seen for learning melody however, running the apk is a nightmare. The apk constantly crashes, simply from loading songs, playing a song for too long, or even just opening the apk. I spent about $10 already on the apk but I feel it's a waste since I can hardly use it. If patches don't roll in soon, I'll be looking to receive a refund
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2016-02-25

  • A Google user: Die Apk stützt nach dem Öffnen jedesmal zwei oder drei Mal ab, bevor es endlich funktioniert und ich meine Werke hören kann. Sehr ärgerlich.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-09-29

  • Stephanie Gauzens: This apk is unusable. I think they continue to sell it because they know Google play won't problem refunds, so they won't be penalized for their fraud. The pieces of melody I bought will not play all the method through to completion. But awesome luck actually getting the melody begin to explore that!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2018-10-12

  • A Google user: Complete rubbish. This apk can be useful when it works but it can take 15 atempts to begin and once it loads after 20 mins it keeps bugging through the melody. I am waiting for the cash back on the melody i purchased an then i will uninstal.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-11-13

  • Carmen Theedt: Diese Apk habe ich gerade herunter geladen und versuche nun zum 6. Male, (inzwischen 11.) die Missa Brevis in G von Mozart zu öffnen, allerdings die Demoversion, denn ich kaufe nicht die Katze im Sack. Das sieht auch alles noch bis dahin sehr gut aus, dann nüddelt es, nüddelt es und nüddelt es und dann.........., kommt nichts mehr! Weder auf meinem Phone noch auf dem Smartphone. Allerdings - auf dem Smartphone kam allerdings doch noch der Hinweis 'Carus wurde beendet'. Was soll ich davon halten? Muss ich nun kaufen, bevor es funktioniert mit vielleicht dem gleichen Ergebnis??? Ich finde es sehr schade und bedaure, dass diese Apk nicht funktioniert. Ich würde sehr, sehr gerne damit arbeiten. Aber vielleicht wissen Sie ja Rat? Leider muss ich ja mindestens einen Stern vergeben. Das tu ich äußerst ungern für etwas, das ich nicht beurteilen kann!!! Aber anders kann ich meine Kritik leider nicht verschicken! Diese Nullsternkritik sollten Sie doch in der Zukunft ermöglichen!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-04-26

  • TheLostReich Back-Up: Once I bought the melody it wouldn't load...
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-06-21

  • Erin Palicki: When this apk works it's unbelievable, but I always have a hard time getting it to begin. Sometimes I have to test 8-10 times or more! You need to work on that because it's a awesome program but people will quit using it if it won't work.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2016-04-30


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