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For Android: 2.3.3 Guide: CoinKeeper Classic cheats tutorial
When updated: 2023-01-07 Star Rating: 4.1372547
Name: CoinKeeper Classic hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Disrapp LLC File Name: com.disrapp.coinkeeper
Current Version: 1.2.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 50000-94714 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Private finance management, budget, bills, income and expense tracker. Popular budget tracking apk for Android! Find out where your cash goes! Plan your budget and savings. Have fun the fastest method to track everyday expenses using a comprehensive one-screen view of your finances. Improve your skills with a special, game-like feel. ❤ “I would definitely suggest it if you are looking for a less tedious method to budget". --- AppAdvice.com ❤ "CoinKeeper is by far the best and easiest to use private finance apk I’ve ever used" --- 148apps.com ❤ “CoinKeeper is a budgeting apk that takes a special and very visual route to achieving financial control.” --- Tap! Magazine Key features: ✔ NEW! Data export into *.csv (another formats are in the works) ✔ NEW! Full freedom of budgeting! Set custom budgeting periods (week, 2 or 4 weeks, month, quarter, year) starting from any date ✔ Fast begin with autobudgeting mode ✔ Multiple accounts and currencies ✔ Add transactions in couple of seconds - just drag a coin from the acc you wish to charge into an expense category ✔ The fill level and color of each expense category instantly shows where you’re overspending ✔ Reminders of upcoming bills & recurring transactions ✔ Financial goals assist you save cash for things you’re dreaming about ✔ Subcategories provide info on exactly how you spent your cash ✔ The subscription is linked to a cloud profile. Use shared data on a few devices (smartphones and tablets). ✔ Create payments from tablets without a GSM module. ✔ Captivating mini game mechanics stimulate smart budgeting ✔ Password safety of your data Plus: ➜ One-screen overview of your finances ▸ Income source panel (green) - where your cash come from and how much (budget for each source) ▸ Accounts panel (red) - where you shop your cash, money or cashless ▸ Expense categories panel (black) - what you spend your cash on with an optional budget for each category ▸ Financial goals panel (yellow) - what you are saving for and how much. ▸ You can rearrange and edit icons on main screen at any time, also change category names and budgets via the ”Edit” menu in your Profile. ➜ Sync & backup ▸ Instant or everyday server backup to safely safe your data ▸ Synchronization between multiple devices with the same private profile for shared budgeting ➜ One-click history of transactions ▸ View history of transactions by taping on any income source, acc or expense category. ▸ Any transaction can be edited (by taping on it) or deleted (by swiping) ▸ On this screen you can also add transactions in extended mode - with notes and frequency (everyday, weekly etc) ➜ Reports & stats ▸ History of income and expenses month by month. Apply filters, view dynamics of any income source, expense category, net income and net worth, select custom periods of time and build forecasts! ▸ Monthly breakdown of expenses by categories and subcategories. Overview expense distribution for any period of time. See statistics on expenses in various accounts. ▸ History of your everyday incomes and expenses If you need any assistance with the application please contact us [email protected]

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google user: Good apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-05

  • A Google user: the Apk crashes on begin
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-11

  • A Google user: Ive used this apk since 2012 and still using it. Good method to hold track of my expense. Please develop widget for android device.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-03

  • A Google user: Realized I've been using coinkeeper since December of 2013. The player interface is easy and simple to use, simply the best tracker around. Finally created the make batter to lifetime yesterday.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-17

  • A Google user: Probé la versión gratis y cuando se me venció el tiempo intente vivir sin ella pero es que esta muyyy buenaaa. Gracias y felicidades por tan buen producto. Cuando van a cambiar la interfaz de android device como la de ios?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-11

  • A Google user: Apk is awesome and help is awesome. What's more from an apk? Used it since IOS came out and port over to android device. A everyday driver and simple to apk. Had an problem over the apk but was quickly resolve by help in less than 12 hours.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-08

  • A Google user: Отличное обновление! Сделали самое важное - намного увеличили скорость работы. Спасибо!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-05

  • A Google user: Drag and drop expenses tracking with just the minimal info required to hold everything under control with just a couple of button presses, Yes please
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-21

  • A Google user: Very nice finance apks
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-04

  • A Google user: Very nice apk, I like it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-04

  • A Google user: But not so cool as on iphone. Waiting for the fresh design.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-11

  • A Google user: Brilliant GUI, a finger-friendly approach to hold finance on track. No hassle anymore to kind too a lot of heroes or to flip too a lot of folders.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-16

  • A Google user: Intuitive, quick, simple to manage. It has it all!!! Method superior to the rest of apks.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-24

  • A Google user: Вылетает при старте после последнего обновления!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-13

  • A Google user: So awesome apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-01-20

  • A Google user: Would be nice if it were upgraded a tiny more but, best by far. :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-27

  • A Google user: I've been in love with this apk since day one (like 2 years ago). I tried the gratis ver and immediately after it was over I had to buy it. I can plan ahead my expenses, plan my financial goals and allow me analyze where I spend my cash. It's good. I also love their service. If I receive any trouble whatsoever, I write to the developers and they fix it really fast.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-03

  • A Google user: Good.. Best budgeting apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-29

  • A Google user: Oh!! God thx
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-16

  • A Google user: Awesome!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-25

  • A Google user: It's very useful apk .this all is much smoother on iOS .please add smartwatch apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-24

  • A Google user: This is very awesome apk. I like that.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-23

  • A Google user: Love to use. Very simple. Understandable.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-26

  • A Google user: Very awesome apks. I can use for my grocery shop. Thx..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-15

  • A Google user: Solid UI so far and simple to use. So far meets my needs to do primary transaction recording
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-11

  • A Google user: I really like this apk, I'm usung it every day and I have a lot of details inside, but I have to continue with using the OLD ver, because Synchronization in fresh ver having some problems, which I wish to ask developers to fix. After synchronization in fresh ver I have wrong amounts on my accounts. So that's why I just cannot use it. I have already written email to Help, but didn't received any answer. Trouble has been solved:)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-13

  • A Google user: Excellent. Using it for half a year, renewed my subscription for other year.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-16

  • A Google user: However, can u have a fresh design just like what u guys did on ios.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-03

  • A Google user: Best budgeting apk ever. Awesome gui interface..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-16

  • A Google user: Good!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-03

  • A Google user: Очень удобное приложение, но некорректно работает счёт, которым пользуются одновременно с iOS и Android device
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-28

  • A Google user: I am super please with this apk and have hardly tap into its potential
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-22

  • A Google user: Good concept, special. Simple to use, fast for day to day transactions. Budgets are good. I suggest
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-19

  • A Google user: Good Apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-06

  • A Google user: The apk needs payee info for each entry. I paid a subscription and can't enter minimally accepted accounting info. What gives?
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-03-08

  • A Google user: Дней до окончания вашей премиум-подписки: 2916581. А потом настанет конец света? :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-03

  • A Google user: Сравнил около 20 приложений - это лучшее! Нужно добавить такую опцию: корректировка бюджета на следующий месяц с учётом перерасхода/недорасхода в предыдущем месяце (по каждой статье затрат). Смысл этой программы в том, чтобы накопить определённую сумму денег, например за год. Для этого я должен тратить ежемесячно определённое количество денег, а определённое откладывать в копилку. Если в одном месяце я потратил больше, то во втором я уже не могу тратить столько же, сколько хотел. Чтобы в конце года получить планируемую сумму, мне нужно сократить расходы в следующем месяце. Поэтому нужно сделать автоматическую корректировку в виде отключаемой опции. Кому не нужно - тот не будет включать.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-13

  • A Google user: Server error on sync modernize
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-07

  • A Google user: A good application
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-09-08

  • A Google user: Nice apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-24


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