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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: Colorful Squares cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-12-32 Star Rating: 0
Name: Colorful Squares hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: ITherapy File Name: com.ITherapy.ColorSquares
Current Version: 0.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10-12 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Colorful Squares on Red - HD Video Background Loop video.

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Watch Colorful Squares 3.50 video.

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Watch Colorful Squares and MDX Rendering video.

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About the application:

Therapeutic and educational mini game Colourful Squares is a good program to help stimulation of the visual perception within the field of eye and motor coordination. As a results the mini game develops ok motor skills and help increase in the level of concentration, vigilance and reaction time to external stimuli. Visual perception is one of the most necessary elements of kid therapy both in terms of self-care, realization of school activities as well as having fun. The correct visual perception depends on a lot of factors but enables the kid to acquire fresh skills under eye sight control. The most intensive development of visual perception is in the period within 3 to 6 years of age. Unfortunately, due to different reasons, this process is often delayed for a lot of kids, what eventually causes difficulties in mastering school and another everyday living skills. Visual perception is critical as it is the ability to recognize and distinguish visual stimuli, as well as to interpret them by reference to previous experiences. There are five elements of visual perception: perception of the figure and background, consistency of perception, perception of the position of objects in place, perception of spatial relations as well as visual-motor coordination. The latest mentioned aspect of visual perception is the ability to harmonize the movements of the eyeballs with the movements of the whole body, what allows people to perform a lot of activities in daily life, for example, drawing, writing or cutting. Therefore, in the mini game Colourful Squares, the kid practices all aspects of visual perception and, above all, by choosing figures of the appropriate color, combines eye and hand movements. Colorful Squares also supports the child's motor development in the field of ok motor skills. The most intensive development of ok motor skills is, as in the case of visual perception, in the period from 3 to 6 years of age. During this period, the kid efficiently manipulates objects to learn about their properties and apks. However, in order to efficiently manipulate those objects, the kid must be able to isolate the movements of each finger and apply the appropriate pressure to the object. Therefore, by completing the subsequent mini game levels of the Colourful Squares, the kid improves the movements of each finger individually and learns to apply the right pressure for a specific effect. Accomplishing these skills causes, among another things, that the kid can learn to write letters, perform mathematical activities, and also can easily performs a lot of daily life activities such as buttoning, tying shoes, peeling fruit, putting meal on a fork, threading a needle on a thread, activating the sound toy or pressing the TV remote control buttons. Problems similar to visual perception, low motor skills and concentration are most often detected when kids begin school. Difficulties in the mentioned places can cause issues in learning and mastering further necessary skills. Therefore, stimulating eyesight, attention and hand manipulations from an early age, through properly chosen educational aids, can assist in successful educational process. The educational mini game Colourful Squares was developed by professionals in the field of neurological speech and language therapy and is a very strong educational aid. The mini game in an beautiful and secure method will positively influence the development of every kid.

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