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For Android: Varies with device Guide: Cyclone 2000 cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-09-25 Star Rating: 4.39
Name: Cyclone 2000 hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: NoCrew Mobile File Name: org.nocrew.tomas.cyclone2000.full
Current Version: Varies with device User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Tempest 2000 Typhoon 2000 and now Cyclone 2000 video.

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About the application:

Cyclone 2000 is an Android device clone of a well known web shooter, which name must not be mentioned according to rules.Try now for a nice retro mini game feeling. * Supports Google Play Mini games Services for achievements, leaderboards and saved mini games * * Play in 3D on Google Cardboard VR or 3D TV * * Controller help * ** If you have issues or search bugs, please send me a mail instead of awful review! ** The gratis ver has the same features as the full ver, but with ads. Cloud Save also works between the gratis and full versions, so you will not lose any progress. There are 99 levels to play, all levels accessible in the original game. Collect powerups to buy additional assist in form of permanent particle laser, A.I.droid, jumping or additional lives. They can be disabled, if you change your mind. More can be bought with in-app purchases. Settings contain control kind and size, melody path and melody and sound effects volume. Before complaining about the controls, please try them for a while to see which one suits you the best. Also test various control sizes. Also supports mini game pads, inspected with PS3 controller using Sixaxis controller apk, Nyko Bluetooth controller and with NVIDIA SHIELD. The first time the mini game is started, it will choose control kind and size based on your device properties. If a gamepad is connected, controls will be hidden and fullscreen is enabled where accessible. Key mappings are done in the control settings. Gamepad control supports analog joystick for movement. Touch control types: Multi touch swipe: Lower part of display is used to swipe left and right to move the blaster. Right side buttons used for shooting, jumping and superzap. This is the default control for Android device 2.2+ devices with real multi touch. Dual touch swipe: Similar to multi touch swipe, but for devices without real multi touch. Lower part of display is used to swipe left and right to move the blaster and simultaneously shoot, and swipe up to jump. Right side buttons used for superzap. This is the default control for Android device 2.2+ that does not have real multi touch. Single touch arrows: Use on devices without multi touch. Controlled with one finger, typically the thumb. Side-arrows place moves while shooting. Up arrow place moves and shoots and jumps when accessible. Top place superzaps. Center place does not move, the further out on the arrows, the faster movement. Multi touch arrows: Use on devices with multi touch. Left side related to single touch arrows for moving. Right side buttons used for shooting, jumping and superzap. This control kind works well with the touch emulated Sixaxis controller. Multi touch circular: Use finger to rotate around the circular control on the left side. Right side buttons used for shooting, jumping and superzap. On Android device 4.0+ and devices with soft keys, there is an option to go to true fullscreen mode. Note that this does not work when using touch controls, only when using keyboard or gamepad. For some older devices, performance may be increased by setting the sound result volume to zero. The graphics info can also be set to low for better performance on low end devices. For copyright reasons, the original Tempest 2000 melody is not included in the mini game, but can be automatically downloaded from the settings. It is also possible to choose any another music. Bug reports or recommendations are welcome to my mail or Google+. Praise is best shown by buying the full ver, giving awesome rating and telling all your friends. Permissions used: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Required on some devices to download Tempest 2000 soundtrack. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Required on some devices to read the background music. BILLING: In-app purchase help for powerup extras. ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and INTERNET: Anonymous analytics and crash reports. WAKE_LOCK: Hold screen from blacking out. NFC: Used for Google Cardboard VR help.

Cyclone 2000 Hack - Gallery:

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Cyclone 2000 hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Cyclone 2000:
- Updated for newer devices.<br>- Fixed possible crash after signing out from Google.<br>- Fixed automatic detection for hiding controls on devices with fingerprint reader.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • django miles: Premium levels please
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-25

  • Paul Story: Remap buttons, thank you dev. Didnt know I should do that. Bumped sensitivity to 3 and works perfectly on the analog stick. Good dev help. Responded within hours. Tempest 2000 in the palm of my hands only better. Ty. Buy and help this dev!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-08-19

  • A Google user: FUN!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-09-10

  • Shaun Stephen: Runs good on my Sony z2 with lollipop! I loved the old jaguar mini game and it's good to play it anywhere on my smartphone. Controls are responsive considering its touch operated too. Thank you for releasing this mini game, especially when atari themselves don't care about fanatics enough to have released a decent ver since the ps1.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-25

  • Sean Bogue: Fun!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-12-28

  • Pat Rondon: Easily the best dollar I've ever spent.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-10

  • A Google user: Outstanding conversion If you played the Jaguar Ver, you'll be impressed how close this is to the original. This is still beta, but making good progress to a polished final product. The developer is seeking feedback on any bugs or recommendations.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-01-08

  • harri manni: Total blast! The fresh fullsceen mode is good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-03-32

  • Tony Vangel: TEMPEST 2000. SUPERBLY DONE. A pleasure drOpping 99cents on this gem. I spent a bit of time to receive be best control set for mobile. DUAL Swipe Yes Congrats. Dev. Pulling this off so well on mobile.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-06-12

  • Paul Encinias: Looking forward to using this with my controller. Premium levels would be nice. VR is super nice!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-11

  • Daren Wood: 50p for this mini game my word buy it now pumping melody unbelievable shooting action gets the adrenaline going you wont regret it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-05-21

  • Brad Merle: Fun time passer
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-19

  • kiujgfg hjguhjjj: Buy this mini game.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-08-10

  • Adrian Rose: Good to have my old favourite on my smartphone. I'd say it's as awesome a ver as I should want for, given the touchscreen necessity. Think of that as an added challenge :-)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-20

  • Greg Clark: I've always loved Tempest and this does not disappoint. Loved it on the Atari Jaguar and it's a good port. Best mini game on my android device!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-06

  • Mohammed alidroos: Good! Its just like tempest 2000 on the Atari Jaguar.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-06-04

  • Nefertaria Briggs: Thank you thank you thank you thank you! One of my all time favorite mini games. So obscure I was so satisfied to search it. The dev had done a truly outstanding job on this mini game as a easy port. Add to that the VR option and my mind is blown! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! 💓
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-28

  • Lauren Glenn: Good port of one of my favorite mini games. Wow
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-06-30

  • Faber fox: Getting better all the time, good makeover of one the greatest mini games of all time. Beautiful awesome touch controls, good with a gamepad.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-05-12

  • Keith Stover: This mini game is perfect in so a lot of methods! I really wish to express my appreciation for this game-it has exceeded my expectations! I LOVE THE CONTROL SETUP! And the graphics are spot-on with T2K on the Jaguar! Spend the cash for this one-it's worth every penny!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-10-03

  • Paul Johnson: It looks and plays just like the classic Atari Jaguar mini game "Tempest 2000" and that's not a awful thing. Now if they should just convert "Alien Versus Predator."
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-05-13

  • A Google user: good port. Only one thing that bothers me. i change the sensitivity slider and it seems that that it doesn,t change anything. I am using a Logitech controller and i would like to be able to aim more precisely, but unable to do so because its too sensitive
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-08-22

  • A Google user: Thanks so much dev for this. Seriously better than all efforts since the original. Would love to see some original sound but appreciate copyright problems. Well worth the cash. Hope it keeps getting better and better!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-04-17

  • A Google user: good mini game ! still freezes occasionaly but not a large deal since level is saved. the only thing I would add is when you catch a powerup as your leaving a cleared web, that it would say yess yess yess like in jag ver. but even still near perfection!!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-06-08

  • A Google user: Works good on Xperia Play with recent key mapping modernize. Just like the Atari Jaguar original, so awesome.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-01-30

  • Atari Freak: Fine. I really was blown away by this mini game when I first saw it about a year ago. As blown away as I was with the Jaguar and Tempest 2000. I STILL AM! This is the first piece of the Android device tool that I ever purchased and I absolutely love it! Cyclone 2000 seriously just keeps getting better and better! I love the option to download the original melody for Tempest 2000. I have been playing this mini game on my $30 iView smartphone (A13/Mali 400) and it runs buttery smooth. Believe me. BUY THIS GAME!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-05-12

  • David Chruszcz: Thanks for making this mini game on android device, this was my most played mini game on Atari Jaguar. It brings back awesome memories. Top developer.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-03-07

  • Ralf Müller: ...would like to see it on fire television!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-30

  • Alex Thomas: Been waiting for someone to do a good port of Tempest! Now if we can receive all the mini games from the CPS2 and CPS3 that would be off the rails!! For some reason the melody download will not begin downloading... I will test once more during the day. I hope I can still receive it....?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-04

  • Teddy Baddstreet: Brings back memories of me and my Atari Jaguar. I somehow got used to the controls. Worth the purchase. The advertisements were really annoying.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-03

  • Mark Storey: Thanks so much for unbelievable Mojo and CTRLR help! Good mini game. ☺
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-22

  • Bob Dobbalina: Probably the most addictive mini game on google play. Also, dev responds quickly to problems and issues.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-10

  • andrew blower: Love it,takes me back to the early 80s,tempest is one of my all time fave games,well done dev,love the download for the original t2000 melody
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-05-28

  • M H: Tempest from Jaguar...on my Shield. This is the type of mini games only a real gamer can develop! Thanks for the awesome job. Buying now after using the gratis ver some days :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-09-26

  • A Google user: I've been searching off & on for years for this exact ver !!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-02

  • Bernard Wilkinson: More people need to know about this mini game. Thank you developer for this Top makeover of the Atari Jaguar TEMPEST.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-12

  • Kevin Iris: Thanks for this mini game! I have been hoping this mini game would present up someday. Your squad killed it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-12

  • A Google user: Buy it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-03-30

  • timmy tap: Yo! Y'all fixed it!!! Good, thanx for the unbelievable modernize I've loved this gave since the 70s. Thank YOU.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-29

  • Donald William: Possibly the greatest mini game ever created, now on android device. Brilliant ver. Just needs hardware button for jump on the back of my smartphone!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-03-12


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