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For Android: 6.0 Guide: Gladiator manager cheats tutorial
When updated: 2023-10-26 Star Rating: 4.64
Name: Gladiator manager hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Renegade games File Name: com.rene.gladiatormanager
Current Version: 3.0.9b User Rating: Teen
Downloads: 10000-39864 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Participate in tournaments with your squad of gladiators, while you test to weaken your foes with poisoning or assassinations. You can buy gladiators from your competitors, or sell them if you have lost interest. Train them with fresh skills and make batter their statistics to dominate the colosseum, and establish your house as the greatest in all of Rome! Join our discord to discuss the mini game: https://discord.gg/H95dyTHJrB

Gladiator manager Hack - Gallery:

Gladiator manager screenshot Gladiator manager screenshot Gladiator manager screenshot
Gladiator manager hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Gladiator manager:
- Ascended weaponry will now correctly take the type of the weapon you ascended with<br>- Ascension tournament now has a different color, instead of looking like the underground banner.<br>- Small bugfixes
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Jack Hurst: Brilliant tiny mini game! Really enjoying it so far! Only 1 or 2 things I would change... but I think they would then break the mini game & create it much easier πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‚ Would be nice if you can train the animals, but I think they're slightly overpowered already? My wolf was able to make batter a technique from lvl 1 to 7 in one go... not sure if it was stored up or broken? πŸ˜‚
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-13

  • Shagnik Deb Roy: love the mini game, the level of detail is truly commendable. I just want wars weren't so random. My 3x competition winner dying to a random wolf is a bit disappointing. But good potential.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-15

  • david Lopez: I love the mini game, bought every dlc with no regrets! I just want you can move your gladiators around but they stay in the order you receive them and being able to change there names more freely would be good! I also can't wait for more war animations and arenas
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-23

  • Ray H: If they never create this pay to play then it's probably the best mini game on here imo. It's so awesome that I'm actually scared it's going to ruin my life. I'm supposed to be driving a forklift right now but I'm not. I'm getting destroyed by armies of escaped gladiators I could have killed when I had the possibility.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-03

  • Aaron Cole: I love this mini game! The reward system is good and allows you to unblock more mini game play possibilities. I do want there was a method to train or war your beasts for xp. Looking forward to playing more!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-15

  • Kristian Arvy: I love the mini game! The management and decisions you need to create is good. But beast don't have a level up pop up, would be nice to have that worked on. The another thing is that there's only one Carthaginian helmet and can only be obtained through the Punic heritage, I don't know of any another method to receive it. Also, sometimes the health bar doesn't match the hurt text. There are times my gladiators recieve hurt from "throw sand", another times health bar goes up from an attack. Only minor problems.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-01-23

  • Jeremiah Deadline: Been around for quite some time now, and it's been Nice while I've been playin' the Mini game – but... I've not played it much in awhile because Storage Place Problems. πŸ˜…πŸ™ƒ
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-27

  • Isaac Levack: Absolutely unbelievable. Only bug is the inability to ascend. Video test gets stale the more you play so it'd probably benefit from expanded mini games or increased war sizes (3v3, etc). Needs a guide. On the another hand, the happenings are good, the tournaments receive you on edge going versus awesome opposition, the ability to make batter the Ludus and do things join the senate and war uprisings are a brilliant touch- so much so that I found myself wishing for more action inside the arena to complement it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-06-14

  • Theethat Anuraksoontorn: Awesome mini game good play a lot, but I cannot make batter blacksmith to level 3 due to requirement of blacksmith gem. I need to use moderate equipment and my enemy have all quality equipment.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-28

  • Tim R: Only played briefly so far but I like the concept. No advertisements so far which I'm enjoying You might wish to consider replacing some the all white background on certain screens {training I think, as an example) as it's a tiny harsh on the eyes imo. Awesome mini game though!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-11-31

  • Alpha Cat: Good mini game, if you don't mind searching for it. Menus and interfacd can be borderline broken (training selection just shows white squares for me), but if you place in the time you end up running a unbelievable gladiator school. Early on it's fun getting going, mid mini game is good as you begin discovering good skills... though it does receive repetitive. My school has around 10 gladiators, my doctore is the second gladiator i ever bought but was crippled... and my best 3 gladiators are killing machines
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-03-02

  • Stefan Maritz: There is a lot to compliment here! The mini game is RIDICULOUSLY addictive. It is challenging yes, but that is what creates immersion. This mini game combines historic immersion with tactic and it is just a beast! Also, the Developer is accessible for inputs/bug reports on Discord - and besides being one helpful dude - he is just a win as a human being. Cannot suggest this mini game enough. I wish to give it 10 stars!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-05-30

  • Tryrd: Good mini game, Should use more achievements to gain gems, allowing users to unblock the "Full" mini game easier, there are also a couple quests that seem bugged, such as the one where you buy an Artifact and restore it at a smith (In mine I kept getting a notice that it was restored, but never got the actual item) I also feel like there could be the option to help Spartacus and his rebellion, instead of always fighting it, over all though, good mini game, with no pay walls if you can grind
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-07

  • Jake Dunkin: The Awesome: A surprisingly deep mini game when it comes to training your gladiators to give them the correct traits and skills they need to succeed. The Awful: You will lose the mini game really quick the first couple of runs because of some happenings that you aren't aware of and aren't prepared for. Feels unfair. What can be improved: Strategic depth and a dozens of outcomes is what makes this mini game work, so more of that would create the mini game better. I'm sold on the mini game and am eagerly awaiting fresh content.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-08-03

  • Dom Power: A awesome tiny mini game to pass a couple of hours with fun, got decimated by gladiators raiding me very often which ultimately ended me a few times as it hit my finances very roughly. Not sure if I'm awful at the mini game or if others having difficulty with this. Thanks for the mini game though, no advertisements and very enjoyable
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-17

  • Caleb Moore: Fun but tough. I will play for an hour or so and feel like I'm doing well and then receive beat by a raid and lose. I think that is part of what makes this mini game fun though. Some recommendations I would create is being able to see the statistics of my gladiator and the another gladiator who are going to war (when other ludus challenges you), maybe adding some another things you can use influence for, and adding an auction place where you can "bid" on gladiators versus AI or a method to haggle for warriors. 9/10
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-11-28

  • Virgil Viorel: Good mini game! Just the type of mini game I wanted. I love this "management" mini games. Unbelievable that there are no advertisements and no in-game purchases. Is is almost impossible to search something like this these days. Even though I don't mind supporting the developers, but it becomes annoying when they create you buy something daily and for large prices. So, thumbs up for the developers of this mini game!!! I have no words, love the mini game. Hold it up!!! You have done something for passion and no one does that today!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-02-28

  • tom122205: Good mini game, very addictive and fun. I wrote a review earlier about the raids being too frequent. While I still think that's real. It's managable with enough trial and error. That was my only negative view on this mini game. 5 stars. Good job
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-08-05

  • Joshua Evans: This is one addicting mini game. Perfect concept and follow through, future potential.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-14

  • Keykore Charlie: Absolutely the best mini game I've played in years. Good features! Non-stop action! No energy needed to wait for play. Training, leveling up and upgrades are interesting! Tournaments are exciting! Only catch is it can be very addictive. Lol. Thank you developer. Perfect mini game! 5 Stars!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-08-16

  • Aditya Sahu: Really lovedit! Good! level up of animals doesn't pop up if it should fixed Very tiring to check who levelled up or not And didn't understand the work of auto manage it doesn't work Option to adjust the sequence of gladiator would be nice too:)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-01-12

  • Dan Stephenson: Love the mini game have been playing for a few days now and was instantly addicted personally I've struggled to receive past week 30 as cash seems to be my problem however I have noticed an occasional bug and that is when I test hitting intrigue to purchase a gladiator from batiatus (gannicus) obviously it shows no gladiators strange considering he just became champ would love too search some useful advices and tricks however seems impossible to search
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-08-12

  • Don Mogul: Had this since it was first released with barely any downloads and it was fun then. Got a fresh smartphone and remembered this mini game, now it's just more content and just as fun as ever if this is your kind of mini game. Hold it up, add more content and scenarios! I'd pay for it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-02

  • Ethan Speer: This mini game is one of the best mini games I've ever played. I love management mini games I've been looking for a gladiator one like a mini game called Domina Gladiators. I do have a few recommendations for the future that would create this mini game good one, create the wars animated like where the gladiators are shown in the Coliseum running around and fighting each another and the crowd cheers Second, multiple saved careers allowed Third, a gladiator HOF Full customization of gladiators Lastly, friending/multiplayer
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-05-15

  • Laert: I am enjoying the mini game, the only trouble i have is with assist texts, would be a awesome addition to the mini game, going in blind not knowing what to do is a tiny rough, best method to learn is starting with sandbox mode. More happenings would be nice too. Awesome mini game and i really hope it will go large in the future.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-07-06

  • Hyo: Really awesome mini game, I enjoyed assassinating my colleagues and buying their gladiators when I can't victory versus them.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-07-02

  • Tragedy Michael: Solid mini game that's always getting updates and getting better. Just needs more random happenings for the gladiators to be involved in, and more political decisions once you're a member of the Senate. But I think it's worthy of five stars and a couple bucks.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-04-09

  • theodore howell: Fun but I can't restart my acc data fully I just wanna redo as I spent gems on awful make batter
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-26

  • Mark Joseph Fuentes: Its fun and very entertaining.. but I'm just wondering if I am the only one who stuck up or got bugged when the tax collector wants to collect extra tax from me for paying less than what it could be.. there's no button for me to press so that i can continue with the mini game.. what to do dev?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-04-19

  • Mr Crunch: Cool tiny mini game but i have one problem, it keeps closing the apk when i tap on certain things and i think one of them are the thing you use to sign up to the colloseum but i don't know since THE BUTTON DONT GOD DAMN WORK! Also this dev is true nice.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-19

  • Joshua Garcia: Hey dev, you did a really awesome job making a fun mini game. It's surprisingly in depth and I feel like a sequel (if you create one) with improved sprite work and more creative ideas to add on to the ones you already have without sacrificing the game's approachable quality would be very successful. I hope you hold working hard and search greater success in your work.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-16

  • Angel Cowles: This is a fun sim mini game, simple time assassin with tactic and management. My obly reques is that there should be more ludus updates in the future. Would also be fun if you can receive a gladiator from your regular slaves maybe?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-28

  • ICT-13 Delacruz Schxyde Lowkey H.: Good mini game. I had a lot of fun with it. But one trouble though, the success possibility in assasination doesn't change in 20% even if my gladiator has higher stat than the one that i'm assassinating
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-10-14

  • KJ Collier: Incredibly addictive mini game, loving every min so far - my first play-through completely reeled me in and before I knew it I'd spent two hours on a mobile mini game...! I can't wait to see how this develops further!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-10-28

  • Austin McPherson: Love the mini game would recommend making it possible to give gladiators names maybe they should receive more awful traits from war make bigger wars maybe pitting your entire squad of people versus other person's I would also like to see the wars have bit more detail to it maybe create a arena for them I love the mini game as said would definitely suggest it to anyone who sees this
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-10-20

  • RedBeard: A good mini game overall. No pay walls, but if you wish an edge or to even unblock cool things early, you can pay a tiny money. I did once and haven't had once more since. It's a nice grind when you have down time.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-04-15

  • Thomas: Honestly loving this mini game, been playing for a while now. Love everything about it and I was pleasantly surprised with the building updates. One thing I would say is that my tactic, most mini games, is to dump all of my cash into miners, eventually making 'infinite' income. Maybe you could cap the number of miners you can hire or increase the risk of things going wrong? In any case, cheers for making the mini game.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-08-27

  • Carl Troy Segura: Should use a bit more flavor like going to various cities like where u can receive exclusive gears or gladiators. The betting should use raise too, it's a bit too low. Good mini game tho, hold up the awesome work.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-11-03

  • Colin Quiambao: This mini game is beautiful awesome, the only thing I search hard is that I always receive raided, and my gladiator always dies, then once more, what I should probably do is just have more gladiators, overall it is a good mini game that I would definitely suggest
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2022-04-06

  • kyler hills: This dev honestly cares about this mini game. I've been looking for a mini game like this for I don't know how long and the incremental changes and additions create it all the more fun and exciting. I've been waiting for you to be able to level up your beasts for forever, and it finally came. Patience is a virtue
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-06-27


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