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For Android: 4.0 and up Guide: HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-02-03 Star Rating: 4.1153846
Name: HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Sonicviz File Name: com.sonicviz.harpninjadiatonic
Current Version: 1.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 500- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica related image

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HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica related image

Watch Advanced Diatonic Harmonica Lesson: Exercising Scales for Jazz video.

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Watch HarpNinja Harmonica Tab: Oh When The Saints Go Marching In video.

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Watch HarpNinja Harmonica Tab: Jingle Bells video.

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Watch HarpNinja Harmonica Tab: Taps video.

HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica related image

Watch HarpNinja Harmonica Tab: Baa Baa Black Sheep video.

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Watch HarpNinja Harmonica Tab: Mary Had A Little Lamb video.

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Watch HarpNinja Tutorial Melody Dojo Part 2 video.

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About the application:

HarpNinja - Learn harmonica faster! Pitch recognition + simple melody theory HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica is a diatonic harmonica ver of HarpNinja Pro, the complete edition of HarpNinja. It contains just the essential tuning and melody theory features for simple access on your phone or smartphone wherever you may be. *** Reviews of HarpNinja Pro: 1. Bluesharmonica.com http://www.bluesharmonica.com/harpninja 2. Bluestime.it http://www.bluestime.it/harpninja.html Please Note: There are two versions of HarpNinja, this is the smaller featured ver. Please see the differences here: https://harpninja.com/app/harpninja-diatonic-harmonica/ HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica has been designed to work on smartphones and tablets. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SCREEN SIZE would be at least a 5" screen smartphone. Anything below this size would really be too little to be useful. If you have technical problems or pre-sales questions please contact me via https://harpninja.com/contact/ HarpNinja supports your harmonica learning independent of whatever way you are using. It has two modes. True time pitch recognition shows you what you play. Harmonica mode is where you can visualize all the notes on a diatonic (10-hole) harmonica. Choose from 8 commonly accessible Diatonic tunings (Major, Natural Minor, Harmonic Minor, Music maker, Country, Diminished, Powerbender, or Suzuki Ultrabend Sub30) or 7 Chromatic Tunings (Standard/Solo, Bebop, C6, C6 Bebop, Diminished, Augmented, or Whole Tone), all 12 Keys, 18 Scales, and 5 Chord types (Maj, Minute, 7th, Aug, Dim). You can also switch the display between notes or melody intervals. Play your harmonica and the True time pitch recognition highlights the notes on screen. An audio recorder also allows you to record up to 30 second segments to hear your own playing. Interactive Circle of Fifths makes melody theory easy. Circle of Fifths mode is an interactive Circle of Fifth’s specially adapted for harmonica. The Circle of Fifth’s is a well known melody theory program for working out chord and scale relationships. Settings mode is where you can adjust all the harmonica and application settings, in addition to checking the integrated news feed and any errors. Please see the site assist and guides for more guidance: http://www.harpninja.com/wp/faqhelp/ http://www.harpninja.com/wp/video-help/ Other versions of HarpNinja: HarpNinja Pro: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sonicviz.harpninja

HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica Hack - Gallery:

HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica screenshot HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica screenshot HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica screenshot
HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in HarpNinja Diatonic Harmonica:
Fixed volume on audio playback<br>nb: Some intel chip devices currently have some issues with audio playback from recordings. This is under investigation
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Tim Devine: This has helped me receive over to the point that I can now send. Note recognition helped me learn the note to hit.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-04-19

  • ydvisual: Nice work
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-18

  • Carter Brown: I was a tiny hesitant to drop $20 bucks on an apk. Downloaded the apk to my Galaxy S6 and it works as described. Really helps you visualize what you are doing on the harmonica. I am trying to excellent my bending and having a visual of what you are doing right (or wrong) will defiantly speed up my learning process. Glad I bought this apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-19

  • Sarath Nair: I got this apk to practice harp where it works good. Then I tried it with my bamboo flute(bansuri). It works good with flutes too!! Indian scale is harmonic and not equal temperament,for example indian G is ahead of western G by 1.96 cents. But thats not a trouble for Harp Ninja.Great apk. Thank very much.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-17

  • William V. Chase: I recently just started to play the harmonica. I search this apk very useful to see if I'm bending notes to the right note, also I found out online how to tune my harmonica by myself. I used this apk to judge the notes position on the highlighted circle. My harmonica is now in excellent tune from using this apk to go by! Thanks! Sincerely., Billy. Thank you Sonicviz for how much more your apk can do. With changing keys and all about tunings. This is a attractive apk with 5 stars
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-10-07

  • Tony Scinta III: A solid apk for helping me learn my bends, and since there is no worthy tournament, it's certainly worth the price. I couldn't receive this to load on my s3, and a portrait mode would assist a lot for microphone positioning. It's a solid begin, but I'm definitely looking forward to feature implementation that focuses on fresh users. #ourchildrenarethefuture and all.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-06-28

  • P I A N I S S I M O Blues: Waste of 15quid could at least have blues' tabs songs to play along with, and present you how to play tounge blocked, vamping and more, be able to make a full twelve bar sequence on the apk via harp and then copy on true harp this is awful for the amount of cash don't receive me wrong you have done good job, please add some updates .
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-03-16

  • Douglas Friedrich: I was suggested this apk to develop my beginner /intermediate harmonica skills. I went to their site and saw a woderous demonstration of how this should be a good teaching program with built in songs and structured learning mini games. However, those features were for a various ver unavailable for iPhone and Android device phones. Only accessible on tablets and PC's. I contacted their help squad and requested a refund so I should in fact, purchase the more expensive ver for my iPad. I did not keep a answer. Be wary, the diatonic Harp Ninja apk is basically a glorified $19.99 guitar tuner. The $29.99 ver, NOT AVAILABLE for iPhone or Android device phones is the teaching program apk that is demonstrated on their site.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2018-07-19

  • Gravel Road: Tool will not load
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2015-09-21

  • Steven Radley: The only thing that would create it better was if it also showed chords
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-18

  • Robert Laferrière: I've taken a fast look, and the apk seems good. I can't justify buying it until it allows for a manual or custom tuning option, or at very least a PowerDraw tuning option. (It has PowerBender, which is good!) As soon as I hear it has Power Draw or custom, they can have my $25!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-09-30


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