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For Android: 7.0 Guide: How We Feel cheats tutorial
When updated: 2023-09-02 Star Rating: 4.287879
Name: How We Feel hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: The How We Feel Project, Inc. File Name: org.howwefeel.moodmeter
Current Version: 0.0.213 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000-34270 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

How We Feel is a gratis apk made by scientists, designers, engineers, and therapists to assist people better understand their emotions and search tactics to assist them navigate their emotions in the moment. Conceived in conjunction with Yale University’s Center for Emotional Intelligence and based on the work of Dr Marc Brackett, How We Feel helps people search the right word to describe how they feel while tracking their sleep, exercise, and health trends in order to spot patterns over time. Founded as a science-based nonprofit, How We Feel is created possible by donations from people who are passionate about bringing mental wellbeing to the widest possible audience. Our data privacy policy puts you in control of how your data is stored and shared. Data is stored on your device unless you select to send your data to an alternative storage solution. Data is only available by you unless you select to share it with others. Data is not used for research unless you opt-in to contribute an anonymized ver of your data for research studies designed to assist more people. Whether you are downloading this apk in order to build better relationships, create your emotions to work for you, not versus you, improve how you handle stress and anxiety or simply to feel better, How We Feel will assist you identify patterns and search emotional regulation tactics that will work for you. The How We Feel mates feature allows you to share how you feel with the people you believe most in true time, strengthening your most necessary relationships. Filled with step-by-step video tactics you can do in as tiny as one min on themes like “Change Your Thinking” to assist you address negative thought patterns with cognitive tactics; “Move Your Body” to express and release emotions through movement tactics; “Be Mindful” to gain perspective and minimize the negative impact of misunderstood emotions with mindfulness tactics; “Reach Out” to build intimacy and believe, two necessary programs for emotional wellbeing, with social tactics.

How We Feel Hack - Gallery:

How We Feel screenshot How We Feel screenshot How We Feel screenshot
How We Feel hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in How We Feel:
Fixes:<br>- Fixed friend notification being sent multiple times.<br>- Fixed bug where friends list is disappearing.<br>- Ensure GPS service is enable before requesting weather data.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Natanel Kronenberg: This apk is brilliant! Good work! It's elegant and rich! I would like to mention that it has been a bit buggy. The save button has disappeared so I couldn't save an entry and the stats were wrong showing everything under the same segment (say 5-6 hours of sleep) even though my entries varied. Is there a method to sync between devices? Thank you for a well designed, well thought out and truly well delivered apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-22

  • Rachel: I've been waiting for it to come to Android device, and even though there are still a few little bugs, its core feature still works. It challenges me to describe how I feel in a method that isn't just "fine, I guess," and I love the fun visuals. Modernize: I really hope the bugs can be fixed soon, each modernize hasn't been fixing anything for me, and it's actually created some of the margins worse. For the time of day statistics, I can't see the label for the bars at all.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-30

  • Lauren Paul: This is my fresh favorite mood-tracking apk! I had seen it on a friend's iPhone and am so satisfied to see it on Android device now. Using the has helped me to more specifically identify my emotions in the moment. The analysis is presented with easy-to-understand visuals, and each section provides necessary insights. The instructional videos are brief and offer helpful info and recommendations.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-04-21

  • Allen Proulx: Edit: The developers have fixed the problem! 5-stars! Really have fun the apk the the experience using it. But the reminder notification stopped showing up even though I have them on in the apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-28

  • GC: the apk itself is excellent, but can you add more sign-in options? for example, I have a Huawei device, so I cannot use google sign-in options
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-20

  • daze: I love this apk, it's simple to use, have special interaction, I can richen my emotion vocab, and learn fresh psychology things. One recommendation, I hope we can see our check-in notes history. So I can analyze what happened in the past.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-17

  • Alexandra Pogan: Very useful apk to monitor your emotions. When you have to pick an emotion, you are basically forced to analyse your feeling more deeply, thus gaining more knowledge on your private mechanisms. However, i personally feel it is lacking some features: -chance to have a mix of a couple of feelings -ability to set the intensity of the emotion Thank you for this good apk. I feel like im on a adventure to explore more of myself!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-30

  • Jada Wilson: Best mood apk I've ever used, really simple to understand and I love that you can have mates and see how eachother are doing.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-18

  • Marjolein: Good apk, you can scroll through feelings, track them, add notes and who you were with, what you were doing. It gives you insight in feelings you've felt the most. There are also short videos which are really insightful. Good apk, thank you so much for making this accessible for gratis!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-30

  • Valarie Ferris: Would like to see adding more than 2 emotions to apk. Good apk so far and should be even better in the future
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-18

  • Aarushi Tewari: Hey guys! I am so satisfied to see that the Android device apk is out. I'd asked you on Twitter too. I feel in love with it once I saw it on my friend's iPhone and used it a tiny. I am really really excited to actually use this now. Thank you for such a attractive and helpful project! 🌈🌻✨
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-02

  • Beshoy Atif: The most special and scientific mood tracking apk I ever stumbled upon! The apk utilize the idea of emotions wheel, giving life to each and every emotion with brief yet insightful description of each emotional state The only thing I would have wished for is a find function for the note function, I do wanna go back to my entries and see what I wrote back then Also, a bubble with most commonly used words would assist identify pattern in notes Overall, 10/10, I am so grateful for the apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-04

  • Nikita Kotsehub: Good apk for developing awareness of your feelings and identifing tactics for mitigating negative and manifesting positive ones. Highly suggest even as a journaling apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-15

  • Adina Harris: Love love LOVE this apk! Attractive interface and very simple to use.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-29

  • chirag purohit: glad it exists and it's here, this is 10/10 apk with delightful experience and utility, came across this latest year on twitter then forgot the name, it was only accessible for ios. (satisfied, satisfied, satisfied) a private bite - this is almost same thing I've been working to build right now to sharpen my product design skills and begin as side project (gut punch 😃,😭 bummer) decided to just work on product design skills and move on to a various project/problem. thank you makers. I'm grateful.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-04-22

  • Deb Milam: Enlightening and empowering.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-04-10

  • Kimberley Anne: My initial review commented on how there were multiple problems. These have since been fixed. It's nice to be able to use the apk once more! I love being able to log my emotions, and see charts on how they change throughout the day/week/month.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-06-28

  • Jim Lakey: Attractive designed apk. One problem: the short videos that play at the end of a check-in don't trigger the "hold screen awake" function so I hold having to tap the screen to stop it from turning off. Using apk on a Google Pixel 3a.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-05-03

  • Dawn Hall: Love the graphics, educational videos and perfect, production value is top notch: attractive apk! Helping me in my goals to tune into myself and pay attention to my feelings. Technical problems: cannot connect to weather. Notifications may or may not notify, have to hold resetting them for them to begin once more. Apk sometimes crashes upon opening. Hope these things can be fixed so the player experience is what this apk deserves!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-06-02

  • Alissa DeLucia: I really like this apk, it's a super creative method to track how I'm feeling and I love being able to share it with my mates! I also love that it's gratis because of how high quality and special it is! However, for some reason I have always had problems linking the weather and hope they add a backup feature for android device so I can transfer it across devices if required without loosing my data!!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-05-16

  • Annie Ruiz: I've been wanting this apk for a while and have been waiting for it to come out for Android device!!! I really have fun it. Four stars because the notifications don't work correctly - a bug I'm sure will be fixed soon :).
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-04-12

  • Елизавета Руденко: I receive thrown out of the apk every time I press "mates" button....
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-05-16

  • Lala Brooke: The idea behind this apk is good, but it should be better executed. First, the reminders that I set haven't worked for over a week now. When they did work, they were always late. Second, it's too limiting by only allowing you to pick one feeling at a time. We rarely feel only one feeling. I realize this is gratis, but if they can't create it work better, it's not even worth the price of your time or energy.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-05-20

  • Hend Lady: Apk closes when checking in
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2023-04-15

  • Abel Roy: A excellent apk to track ur mood. Good UI UX
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-02

  • Blake Slosser: This apk is actually good, and you can see your emotions over time.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-25

  • m m: Tracking emotions is fine, but there is no option for mixed emotions. Like, I feel harm, mad, and resentful or I am tired and frustrated. Emotions are more complicated than just 1 color on the board. Also, the videos. Sigh. They are so lame. "You're feeling mad? Have you tried thinking of things from a various perspective?" I expected more than vague platitudes from an apk developed by Harvard. This is nothing you can't receive from any inexperienced influencer on TikTok.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2023-05-12

  • Humza Muhammad: it's awesome and the dev squad is very caring for the players' needs. I sent them an problem with their apk and they actually fixed it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-06-30

  • N K.: ชอบแอพนี้มากค่ะ เสียดายไม่มีภาษาไทย
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-19

  • Taha: Good apk 🔥
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-12

  • Lauren Salmon: Perfect apk. Very sleek. Love the videos. Can't trust it's gratis!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-14

  • Ari Carou: Really love the apk, required something to record my constant mood changes and this is excellent, although I really feel like there could be a neutral/flat/empty(?)/whatever option, I really need a middle ground, like a gray place
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-06-17

  • Christie Vrankovic: Nice concept and overall look and feel. Also love that it's ad-free and has useful advices on learning better methods to manage emotions. But: Check-in notifications only worked/work when I first turn them on, I want there was an option to click more than 1 emotion, sending feedback through the apk to customer help yielded no responses.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-06-02

  • martyna: Despite the occasional bugs, I think the idea of the apk is one of the best mood tracking apk, especially for a person like me who has a quick changing mood
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-05-24

  • butusov72: Thank you so much for your work
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2023-05-29

  • H. Danielson: I love it! Just want the weather worked. Weather is still broken 💔 do i need a specific weather apk? I use AccuWeather
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-05-29

  • yikes: the all is really nice, I enjoyed it for a few days. after the recent modernize, whenever I receive in the "mates" tab I crash instantly. reinstalling the apk or restarting my smartphone didn't fix it.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-05-16

  • Vera Leeuwangh: Has quite some bugs on Android device, the apk stops when I go to the mates tab, also when I begin the apk by clicking on the notification it is almost unusable
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2023-05-14

  • Wilma: Loving it so far love the layout only problem is setting check ins it won't allow me freely set times for some reason I can set the hour but the min seems to be tied to the current min I'm setting it eg: set reminder for 8:30 but it's 12:41 the set time will be 8:41 for the notification Edit: looking at it further it only happens if you kind the time in when setting works ok when you "scroll" to set the notification time.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2023-06-05

  • Zexocool: I cant check in , whenevr i do the apk closes
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2023-04-14


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