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For Android: 5.0 and up Guide: iGigBook Sheet Music Manager cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-10-21 Star Rating: 3.1891892
Name: iGigBook Sheet Music Manager hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Black And White Software File Name: com.igigbook.app.igigbook
Current Version: 4.7.2A User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch iGigBook Sheet Music Manager and iGigBook Pager Wireless Page Turner App video.

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Watch iGigBook Sheet Music Manager 6 Drawing Tools Demo video.

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Watch iGigBook Sheet Music Manager - Transposing Chord Charts video.

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Watch Building a set list with iGigBook Sheet Music Manager video.

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Watch iGigBook Sheet Music Manager 6 New Annotation Feature video.

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Watch Gigbook App for iPad Review by Thom Callan video.

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Watch igigbook load video.

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Watch How to Import Sheet Music to Your iPad video.

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Watch Igigbook File Load-Mac video.

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Watch iGigBook For Android Tablets - Search and Add to Set List video.

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About the application:

Say goodbye to multiple 3 ring binders, suitcases full of ebooks, and time wasted trying to search the song that you need. iGigBook manages all of your PDF sheet melody resources; true ebooks, fake ebooks, chord charts that transpose, single sheets of melody and full blown scores. All of your melody at your fingertips, in true time, on any gig. Designed by gigging musicians for gigging musicians, iGigBook features a strong find engine that lets you instantly search the one song that you need among the thousands contained in your sheet melody collection. Present up to any gig, confident, that when the tune is called, you'll have it up and ready while others are still flipping through pages. iGigBook works like the strong find engines that you've used for finding items on the web. Begin typing in the name of a song and find results from over 70 ebooks appear so that you can select the best arrangement that you have accessible. Only iGigBook can let you to search, in seconds, all versions of "Autumn Leaves" or all of the songs by Antonio Carlos Jobim. Now is the excellent time to receive your hands on the excellent jam session program and the only apk that allows you to search in seconds that needle in a haystack tune buried deep inside your vast sheet melody collection. Take a look at the features: • Over 70 Fake Ebook and True Ebook indexes makes searching a breeze. • Download and link a PDF to an index automatically in one step. • Add notes to any score, highlight repeats, D.S., D.C., Coda, etc. • Transpose between Bb, C, Eb and Bass clef versions of the same PDF. • Manage scores of any size, 1 page to thousands of pages. • Quickly locate the song you need by typing in the title. • Looking for all of the tunes by Miles Davis? iGigBook can search them! • Strong Set List Manager lets you make, arrange, sort, combine and rename. • Email set lists to band members and contain a PDF of the songs in the set. • Import bookmarks show in your PDF documents. • Turn pages hands gratis with an iPod, iPhone, iRig BlueBoard or Bluetooth pedal, . FREE BONUS! Over 1,300 chord charts of your favorite Jazz Standards that you can transpose to any key! * i Gig Ebook DOES NOT PROVIDE ANY PDF BOOKS FOR DOWNLOAD. Got questions? Ask them before you buy. If you're not sure what this apk does or whether or not it will do what you wish, visit forum.igigbook.com and ask questions, we will assist you.

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iGigBook Sheet Music Manager hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in iGigBook Sheet Music Manager:
Minor bug fixes.
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google user: IGigBook
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-07

  • A Google user: Trouble Wer regelmäßig mit Fakebooks arbeitet, kann diese spätestens nach 3 Jahren als Altpapier entsorgen, da sich viele Seite aus dem Verbund gelöst haben und die ganze Angelegenheit mit der Zeit unvollständig, abgegrappelt und unansehnlich wird. Sofern Fakebooks alphabetisch geordnet sind, ist das schnelle Aufschlagen der betreffende Seite grundsätzlich kein Trouble. Bei nicht alphabetisch geordneten Fakebooks (z.B. Firehouse FK) geht ein Finden nur über das Inhaltsverzeichnis. Ist man im Besitz mehrerer Fakebooks, stellt sich bisweilen die Frage, in welchem Buch fight das doch noch mal was. Lösung durch diesen Apk Das digitale Aufrufen von Noten ist materialschonend. Durch ein komfortables Such-Tool wird angezeigt und zwar per Link , ob bzw. wo in all welchen Fakebooks sich das gesuchte Stück befindet. Wenn das oder die entsprechenden Fakebooks als PDF vorhanden und mit dem Programm verknüpft sind, öffnet der link die entsprechende Seite. So schnell lässt sich manuell ein Buch nicht aufschlagen. Voraussetzung für eine Nutzung des Apks ist, dass der Anwenden diejenigen Fakebooks, für die das Programm ein Inhaltsverzeichnis erstellt hat, auch besitzt und zwar als PDF-Datei. Kopiergeschütze E-books können meines Wissens nicht verknüpft werden. Aus urheberrechtlichen/verlagstechnischen Gründen könnte es sich dann womöglich nicht vermeiden lassen, mehrere Hundert Seiten des Fakebooks in ein PDF-Formtat zu kopieren – oh was für ein lästiger Aufwand. Es kann auch nicht jedes existierende Fakebook abgerufen werden, sondern nur diejenigen, die der Anbieter in das Programm eingepflegt hat. Fazit Das Programm funktioniert exzellent und schnell. Ein gewöhnlicher Pdf Reader ist dagegen im Vergleich sehr langsam. Ein Einstellen von Lesezeichen für jedes Stück wäre dort sehr aufwendig. Eine Verknüpfung von demselben Stück in verschiedenen Fakebooks gibt es bei gewöhnlichen PDF Readern nicht. Für unvorbereitete Sessions oder Proben – oh kennt jemand soundso und lassunsmaleben – ist dann dieser Apk genial – vorausgesetzt die Musiker bewegen sich ausschließlich in dem angebotenem Fakebook-Genre und die Fakebooks sind als PDF tatsächlich beim Anwender vorliegend/vorhanden und mit dem Programm verknüpft.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-04-11

  • Patrick Mahon: I used this apk on my Ipad and now they have it for Android device. I have copied and indexed 15 True ebooks in three keys so that I can have them to hand when gigging. Best still is that I can view two page charts on one screen as I replaced my ipad with a Samsung Notes Pro which has a 12.2 inch screen. It works so well.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-05

  • jim peterson: Good apk! To have all this melody at the advice of your fingers is good. Awesome customer service.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-01-04

  • Vincent Colletti: Good apk with 1st class help. With a tiny assist from Phil Smith, I was able to build a custom index fairly quickly the first time using it. Nice to have all my scores organized. Definitely worth the $
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-05

  • John Cervantes: Good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-08

  • Bob Miner: come on fellas.....I'd love to be a flag waving advocate if I should JUST receive in the door. I need details on editing the index files and how to create my own (rb1 5th). ur silly FAQ says if registration is unavailable to contact a board guy....which I can't do unless registered. edit: nevermind.I found where to register.....why not "welcome,read me first"?.... cripes. 2 stars and counting up I hope. EDIT:thanks for the response,I apologize for my snarky tone. I suggest that you change the ebook title to READ ME FIRST. and also place a line in the play shop write up like "Begin up info can be found in the READ ME FIRST ebook top left in the Ebook List". Lastly, I cant remember having seen a forum that allows unregistered players to post questions, you might consider mentioning that because the default behavior these daze is to look for" register here" on first visit to a forum. 3 stars. now if I can figure out how to import my own index file......EDIT AGAIN : Well, I'm now a flag waving advocate. 5 stars. It REALLY has a learning curve and a LOT of setup creating indexes for bulk upload ,but I must admit its worth the effort.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-14

  • France Rovelli: the setup and chart/score organizing can be a bit daunting at first, but once you figure it out, oh! what a program! not only does it place your entire library at your fingertips, but you can virtually contain whatever classical/pop melody you can search online, making you prepared for any eventuality when you're out in the field. how a lot of times have you been at your gig, chamber melody jam, etc. and said, "next time i'll bring it along...?" igigbook gets you to the 21st century in a hurry. tech help is practically always live on the forum, so you receive fast solutions and private service. you'll love setting it up and fooling around with it, getting it up to speed and doing its versatile thing. i'll never leave home without it! igigbook is worth every penny!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-13

  • Gary Schwartz: If you use fakebooks or need chord charts for 1000+ tunes (in any key) this is your apk. I've used it for over a year and it's all I use. There is no need to manually split up pdfs, import and name them. If you purchase a fakebook, the index imports into iGigBook. It's running on my Google Nexus 10 without a hitch. Yes, there are things on my want list for this apk, but for the most often used fake ebooks, the built in indexes, fast song find, this can't be beat.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-04

  • Andy Dudnick: I have iGigBook both for my Android device device (Samsung Tab Pro 12.2 inch) and my iPad Pro. The tool works wonderfully well on both, and the recent updates from the developer create it even better. Yes, there is a little learning curve to receive all your fakebook pdfs to operate properly within the framework of the apk, but once you are up and running you will be delighted. I play piano, bass and saxophones, and now I take one smartphone to all gigs, instead of stacks and stacks of ancient and dog-eared fakebooks. I can instantly (a) search any song I am looking for from among variety of fakebooks, and (b) place it in the right key for the instrument I am playing. I can, with extreme ease, make setlists and instantly share them via email (including a pdf file of all the charts!) with bandmates for upcoming gigs. This is the Holy Grail for jazz musicians.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-09

  • Graham Leggett: This took a while to set up, but it is well worth it. There are a few things I would like to be more friendly, but it is ok the method it is. I had a trouble with the tool crashing because of a corrupt pdf. I got assist from tech help quickly. After I sent them the corrupt pdf they created a fix to the tool and distributed it the next day. Good service! I am very satisfied to leave my ebooks on the shelf.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-10

  • A Google user: Overall it is a awesome apk, but it has a few limitations that I search annoying. You have to create and manage your library on their site, not the apk. You also have to search the exact PDF of ebooks they used for the index, you cannot alter it. But once the ebooks are installed correctly, they work very well with indexing.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-11-23

  • Dwayne Irvin: This apk has become an essential program for every gig. That said, the setup isn't the easiest in the globe, but once you receive it going it's good. I have it set up for all the major fake ebooks as well as ebooks for a few of the various bands that I am in. I'm able to easily call up any of the tunes from any ebook and place them in a set. The transposition feature is very useful for sax users. I call up a tune, press the key icon, and pick Bb, Eb, or C which is a feature that sets this apk apart from the rest.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-12-30

  • Keith Runfola: This apk worked beautiful well on My Nexus 9 for quite a while. Then, I had to wipe my smartphone and begin from a clean slate do to issues with Netflix. Netflix began to work but now Igigbook won't boot. I have reinstalled it and tried a couple of another things that occurred to me but with no luck. I have the recent android device ver.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-08-32

  • Chas Tao: This is a useful apk, but not configurable for adding ebooks unless they are in the short list of supported ebooks. ... Also there is no method to adjust the apk to your ver of each ebook. Need to be able to adjust the hard-coded page numbers... Most fake ebooks are imperfect and this apk does not let the player to create important adjustments.... Just updated and now it crashes when I test to call up a "recently viewed" song from set list page. ... All that being said, this is my go-to apk on gigs... It is on the cusp of being an good apk if they would just create it a tiny more usable... They should double the price and it would be worth it!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2018-07-13

  • David Weinschrott: I was quite satisfied with Igigbook on my Android device device for a couple of years. However - it is clumsy to work with (having to use a web website to install charts.) and turning pages is problematic in the middle of a gig. Sometime the page turns, sometimes it doesn't. If this was the only option in the shop it would fill the bill beautiful well. However there are alternatives. In the Android device sector Mobilesheets is a unbelievable alternative. you can manage your melody directly on your smartphone without the cumbersome web website - or, even better, you can manage your melody on your desktop and then transfer the whole setup to the tablet.you can either rebuild the whole lot via a restore from backup (make backup on desktop and then "restore" to the smartphone. Or you can sync one method or two method between the desktop and the smartphone. And you can do that via WiFi - no cable! Also no more problem turning pages turns are simple and reliable. every feature in igigbook resides in mobilesheets plus a lot of more. There exist a collection of indexes for most famous fake ebooks and it is beautiful simple (but tedious) to make custom indexes. It appears the android device ver has become an orphan as well.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-11-18

  • SES Maplegrove: Must not be ready for Android device. The sample file that is in the guide is not anywhere. The reply in the forum says I haven't scrolled down far enough. Give me a break! The gratis chord charts that transpose will present in my ebooks but when you select a song, the screen goes blank. It crashed when I installed my bill Evans fakebook. Galaxy tab 4
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2015-08-28

  • Rob Sansom: The apk would not work with my android device smartphone, which is an Asus ZenPad. This wasted a lot of my time. The helpdesk were responsive but unapologetic.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-04-26

  • A Google user: Won't work with my Android device smartphone and iMac. Can't import pdf. They forgot to mention that, so I'll have to dispute the credit card charge. Doesn't work as advertised.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-05-12

  • Philippe Guyard: Just installed this on Nexus 10. When I go to a song I've searched for, then test to go to other one in a pdf, it crashes. The indexing for my true ebooks is of by 10s of pages. It is completely various between concert, Bb and Eb so that 'transposing' just takes you to other song. It actually muddles up pages of the true ebooks! They are no longer in alphabetical order and some are missing (or have been moved). How can I receive a refund????
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2015-02-06

  • Rene Allkivi: Importing files from local memory crashes the tool. Swiping to change page also makes it crash. Full screen sheet viewing was not possible, UI is unintuitive.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2014-12-29

  • Lisa Amore: Not player friendly!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-01-05

  • José Antonio Ramirez: DO NOT BUT THIS!!!! It is clumsy to use, has a fixed, limited amount of indexed pdf's with nothing from the current era. It is awkward and buggy. Their help is rude. If you play jazz, learn your charts. If you play rock / pop, use the internet. This thing is outdated and I want I had believed what so a lot of another reviewers wrote about it's clumsiness and limited indexes before buying it. If I am on scene I cannot be fussing with this (not that the included fake ebook index even has anything I play). Better to have binders with paper that never crash, stutter, halt, freeze ... (Why couldn't you give me a refund? I only owned it for 3 hours before asking)
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-01-08

  • Alan Phillips: I have just downloaded and paid £11.95 for this apk to my Lenovo smartphone using 6.1. The apk does not begin - just a notice 'unfortunately iGigBook has stopped'. The apk is, however, shown as being compatible with my device. I noticed a notice that on Android device on versions of Android device over 4 that the apk requires access to storage and enable this in settings. Well the apk is shown in storage and there is no specific 'access' option anyway. I cannot register on the forum as you need to do this via the apk - a classic catch 22. Perhaps I am doing something wrong but I have no experience of downloading an and installing an apk that just doesn't work. So at the moment can't really give a positive review. Answer still doesn't assist as it requests that I switch off overlay in settings but iGigBooks is not listed to do it. Answer still doesn't assist as it requests that I switch off overlay in settings but iGigBooks is not listed to do it. I've now deleted it and would like my acc credited please.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-08-26

  • A Google user: Tried on a brand fresh Fire 10 difficult to load and cannot receive the pdfs to present. Forum and assist email useless. $15 and at least 2 hours wasted. Was able to use a various apk that played nicer with an android device device
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-01-14

  • Jack Hanan: The instructions for Android device regarding building the library seems to be non-existent. The assist pages on the site don't load. If you can't create this work for Android device devices, don't sell it. Will gladly change my rating when it works.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-06-19

  • Pauline R: Not player friendly
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-08-02


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