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For Android: 5.0 and up Guide: iVRy cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-02-03 Star Rating: 3.79
Name: iVRy hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: iVRy VR File Name: com.mediator_software.ivry
Current Version: User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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iVRy Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch How to play SteamVR games on an iPhone with iVRy (New & Improved Version) video.

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Watch Miles from Kinshasa - IVRY video.

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Watch TESTING IVRY PSVR at PC with steam - video.

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Watch Mairie Ivry video.

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Watch Ivry en Fête 2019 - par Consenssus Artistic video.

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Watch IVRY MA VILLE (Filme ton quartier 2019) video.

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Watch Sistema de VR Caseiro - iVRy Software + VR Box video.

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Watch Ivry ou l'histoire de la Banlieue rouge video.

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Watch Ivry en Fête 2019 video.

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Watch Miles from Kinshasa :: IVRY video.

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About the application:

What is iVRy? • iVRy is a SteamVR-compatible Virtual Reality headset apk for your Android device device with a native high-performance driver for Valve's OpenVR / SteamVR. What does that mean? • Wish to use that stunning Android device display for something more than sending text messages? • Wish to play PC VR* (Virtual Reality) titles without having to buy a high end headset? • With iVRy, a compatible Android device device and VR headset you can! • Supports Wired (USB) connections for greater visual quality and performance. • Supports Wireless (Wireless connection) connections for greater mobility. • Automatically adjusts quality to maintain optimal frame rates on all connection types. • Player configurable quality and performance options. • Player configurable vignette options. • Use your VR headset's Cardboard QR code for optimal lens distortion correction and field-of-view. • Integrates natively into SteamVR, so no 'manager' / 'server' apks or extra configuration needed. • Compatible with most HTC Vive and Oculus Rift** titles, including 'Robinson: The Adventure', 'Adr1ft', 'Project CARS', 'Obduction', 'Elite Risky', 'EVE: Valkerie', 'Chronos', 'Assetto Corsa' and a lot of more. • "Lite" edition has all of the features of "Bonus" edition, but will begin to reduce color saturation after being connected for more than 5 mins. Make batter to "Bonus" edition via In-App Purchase to remove this limitation. Download the iVRy OpenVR/SteamVR HMD Device Driver from: https://store.steampowered.com/app/992490/iVRy_Driver_for_SteamVR/ * Valve OpenVR/SteamVR. Requires Valve Steam & SteamVR on Windows 7 or later. ** Oculus Rift titles require Valve SteamVR, Oculus Home & 3rd party 'Revive' tool from: https://github.com/LibreVR/Revive • Requires VR headset, compatible with Android device device (eg. Google Cardboard). • Requires a PC running Windows 7 (or later) with a DirectX 11 (or later) graphics card with Valve Steam and SteamVR installed. • Requires installation of iVRy SteamVR HMD Device Driver tool. • Installation of Google Cardboard and Google VR Services suggested. • XBox 360/One controller for Windows suggested. • Extra hardware/software needed for positional tracking and motion controllers. All trademarks are used for informational purposes, and remain the property of their respective owners.

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- Performance improvements<br>- Minor bug fixes and improvements
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Luon Thai: Hey Man, I just wish to say thank so much for making this apk. I have been trying to receive riftcat with vridge and nolo motion tracking working for about a week or so. I tried everything from running riftcat and vridge stable ver with nolo motion tracking but kept crashing and everytime I load into steam VR I'm always few feet away from the centre position when loading with riftcat. I also heard the vridge beta ver supports nolo driver wirelessly without turning the nolo desktop tool on. The only method I was able to receive it working was installing other apk on my smartphone called VirtualHere Usb Server. Starting it connected to the nolo and smartphone and downloading the client on desktop as well and enabling nolo then got it working wireless but it was not working for long and hand problems as well like latency or so after alot of digging around and research I found your posting on Nolo forums and found your apk. Turns out yours was the best one for trying this mobile vr and nolo motion tracking. worked good and played for hours. I was able to receive it working wirelessly as well with nolo by using the same way I mention above with VirtualHere. Turns out your apk and work didn't crash the my smartphone. Hold up the awesome work man! I can tell you developed this product really well and are doing outstanding job more than nolo and riftcat. it's worth the purchase! I'm wondering if you are ever gonna help the Gear Vr as well? =D
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-02-20

  • Erik Hartley: As a virtual reality enthusiast, it is hard to justify the cost of a VR headset for a lot of people. What I love about iVRy is that it works with a lot of smartphones and delivers a very awesome, simple to setup, experience with gamepad based SteamVR and Oculus Home titles. I also love that the developer allows a "test before you buy" apk that just degrades the graphics a bit after five mins and allows you to continue your experience. I've tried Trinus VR, Riftcat and Intugame and all three involved complicated tool downloads via PC and tethering. With iVRy, the driver download integrates itself immediately with SteamVR and you can be running Elite Risky or another gamepad based VR titles in just a few mins. This is a must buy in my ebook if you have any interest in VR, have a PC that can run SteamVR titles and a capable phone.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-05

  • A Google user: Loving this on my cheap Moto G6. Latency should be improved a little bit but this may just be down to the smartphone and PC im using. Would love a zoom from the mouse wheel. About the buy the full ver on Steam.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-14

  • Zak Fuller: Really good! Very reasonable cost and so far, it just works. Another VR apks I've tried are more expensive and much more difficult to receive running (though they do offer more flexibility in that they're more of a screen-mirroring solution than a Steam VR passthrough). Even the wireless connection connection is stable, which is good for those of us that have a hard time finding long USB cables that help data transfer.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-08

  • Piotr Urbański: Really impressed. Works seamlessly after adjusting the view. For some reason the tracking and graphics are better then in the another apk I was using so far ;). One question though (as I should not search a manual anywhere. The settings screen popped up once but I don't know how to navigate it or close it. Any tip?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-22

  • Logan Blank: This is good but my screen does go grey when im playing but i just ignore it but if theres a solution i would love to know. And the graphics are a tiny cubic, but im not complaining because your playing on a smartphone
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-14

  • Scott mck: Unbelievable apk for using Steam VR with your smartphone! Using USB 3.0 tethering I was able to stream to my LG G5 in 2k very well indeed with hardly any noticeable input lag! Also really simple to set up and just worked straight away. So much better than Trinius and the another hassles of solutions I have tried. Thank god a dev that knows what they are doing is finally on the stage. Top work!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-28

  • Siddharth Kolte: This is the next generation of in between VR scope... this will begin up so a lot of more options for mid budget VR solutions
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-05-20

  • Jose R. Martinez: This is by far the best Cardboard to SteamVR alternative I've run into so far! I've tried VRidge and Trinus (and sadly bought one of them thinking it was going to receive better), and when I tried iVRy for the first time, I had it running faster than the another emulators, plus I should actually use my Steam Controller in VR. Using it on USB tethering mode enhances the experience, and it auto adjusts quality on the run, no need to take off the headset to do it. I bought it immediately after using it the first 5 mins, worth every buck!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-02-13

  • Cassie: i bought the full ver on my iphone but switched to android device ;_; feelsbad that i have to be black and white mode once more. works good. you still need to have the specs on your pc to run vr lol.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-28

  • Cesar Rodas: Excellent for vrchat
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-20

  • Santosa Soewignjo: Can I use this apk to play non-VR Mini game like Skyrim or GTA V?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-31

  • Ivan Mullis-Alvarez: This apk was really good! Worked really well on VRChat.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-32

  • Samuel Lyons: Probably one of the best SteamVR streamkits accessible yet, and the only one that runs entirely without a PC frontend. Installer puts injects a plugin DLL in the SVR apk, and it connects when you begin SVR. Definitely buying when I receive the play credits, iVRy is just as deserving as VRidge (very).
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-15

  • David Navarro: Te BEST vr streaming apk!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-05

  • David Nicol: Your steam vr streamer is rhe best so far! Finally i can use steam vr with virtual desktop to play mini games its just good! Thank very gery much, but the fresh modernize with h264 doesnt work on my note 9 for some reason and isnt even showing on my a7, the resulotion must be low to 1176x664 for it to be play able smooth on my a7 even on 100hz it doesnt stream above 30 fps for 1080p, with note 9 the stream quality and fps was good 60 fps 1080p but for some reason there was stutterring every 5seconds, i dont know why but maby its becouse im using my orginal cable of the smartphone that is usb 2.0 to usb c, i have gtx 1060 24 gb ram i5 4590, your work is good and thank you very very much once more, please optimize the streaming capabilities
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-20

  • Faolan Kusibo: EDIT: That did the trick! I set the height to how tall I am and Im no longer an earthworm! Thanks for the speedy answer! First impressions were unbelievable! Smooth video, awesome tracking. By far the best android device VR on the shop! I only have one trouble. Im eye level with the ground and cant seem to fix it myself. Any advices to fix it?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-02

  • isprayudi prabowo: after make batter to bonus , it cant connect anymore , can u assist me?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-02-17

  • Old Gamer: Good method to play my vr subnautica and some others that are steam controller compatible. Assist page truly helps you quickly, continue the good work.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-01-29

  • Avinas Lingam: I like it 😃
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-20

  • La geas: Vr Server keeps crashing. Works ok for RiftCat though. EDIT: Driver required to be updated, currently working ok.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-11-07

  • Joe Cunningham: This is the most complete and stable Vr streaming solution I have tried. Well worth the cost. I highly suggest using this with DolphinVR. This won't work for everyone, though. It works good with my laptop but is unstable on my desktop. You will also need some type of controller.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-11-13

  • Block Builder: Good! Simple and quick to set up compared to related apks. Works well when I use it, too!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-26

  • Samuel Haley: Beautiful awesome.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-05-25

  • Ahmed Alshaheen: Useful
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-09

  • Bob Grohl Bob: no problems at all except for windows sometimes it gives me bsod when using tethering mode/usb mode
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-28

  • Nathan Anderson: Good apk, does all it says. Very impressed. To dev: some carriers disable tethering on devices, would something like clockwork tethering be feasible as a work around for USB mode? Love to receive feed back as presently forced to use in wireless mode.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-05-21

  • David Jr: I can play steam vr mini games no trouble best 7 bucks i spent.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-24

  • Piereligio Di Sante: Method better than the competitors. Glad to have bought full ver of this apk, you totally deserve it. Awesome luck
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-10

  • Thur Iya: Afraid riftcat and afraid trinus THIS is the best vr apk for mobile EVER
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-04-08

  • Dave Hindle: After reinstalling windows 10 i place steam back on system and it works good now less buggy than vridge 2.0 will perches after evalution thanks
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-02-14

  • Michael Wallstrom: Edit#2 - Here we are, at 5 stars! iVRy succeeds, even with less focus on Android device & NOLO, where VRidge has not. Edit- Might be getting better. Looks like, unlike VRidge, you do NOT have to do the "just enter your height" in room setup of SteamVRHome. Looks like it's built in to work right without any funky work around. This place me EXACTLY where I could be! It also place the controllers exactly in the right position, right tracking, facing, you name it. Then... the resolution took a dump. Hoping that was due to the trial nature... if so, this review will be climbing it's method up to 5star, and kicking back a refund of someone else's apk... ;) I've had a rough time getting NOLO to work with VRidge/Riftcat, and decided to give iVry a test before throwing in the towel on both. I got it to connect, but... the globe is on it's edge sideways in SteamVRHome, and I'm outside the building... ? At least the controllers are closer to where they could be, and pointed in the right direction. Hard to figure out where to locate assist info/guides/etc, for iVry though.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-09-11

  • ASmashedCat: Is this apk still compatible with Android device 7? It does not appear in the play shop anymore.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-27

  • Marcus Iremonger: Perfect apk. I love the fact it works out of the box. Tried another vr emulators but nothing as awesome as this. Will buy it soon :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-02-06

  • Shell Flare: Its good. sadly you kinda receive black and white after 5 minutes gratis but its still an good experience. if i had a CC id definitely buy it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-04-06

  • Julián Ignacio Aydar Paz: So far, the best apk for HMD VR replacement... Simple to use, and very stable...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-12

  • Daniil Trusov: Good apk works very well. But how do you connect through wireless connection exactly ?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-07

  • **: Good apk, good customer help, has a demo ver for you to test out before you buy and at its price it's a steal compared to another apks that do the same thing.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-19

  • A Google user: Really simple to set up, stable, no latency. This is asking a lot, but the ability to use the smartphone mic for audio transmission would be good. But as it is, excellent!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-04-03

  • SlikZed: I love it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-23


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