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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: lattice checkers cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-06-26 Star Rating: 0
Name: lattice checkers hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: misem File Name: com.gamelattice
Current Version: lattice checkers 1.1 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1-2 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch lattice checkers videoreviews, gameplays, videoinstructions, tutorials, guides, tips and tricks recorded by users, pro players and testers.

lattice checkers Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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Watch Lattices and Sphere Packings - Dr Victor Kleptsyn - The Archimedeans video.

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About the application:

Lattice 3D rules. The goal of the mini game is to move as a lot of of your pieces as possible to the opposite side of the lattice (bottom -> top). You and AI take alternating turns and follow the same rules. On each turn a user must either move one of his/her pieces or take one or more of opponent's pieces. When moving a piece, it can go only forward (yours - up, AI's - down), to one of the nearest nodes. If at the begin of your turn you search your and opponent's pieces on neighboring nodes, and the nearest node on the opposite side of the opponent's piece is unoccupied, you must take the opponent's piece. This is done by placing your piece on that unoccupied node removing the opponent's piece from the lattice. Pieces can be taken in both forward and backward direction. One you take an opponent's piece, you don't end your turn as long as you can immediately take other piece, and so on (just like in checkers). If at the end of your turn or during it you put your piece on the topmost plane of the lattice, it turns into a "star" piece. Once this happens, you can recover one of your pieces that was taken by your enemy (if such pieces exist) and put it on any unoccupied node at the bottom-most plane of the lattice. "Star" pieces may move and take as the usual balls, but they has take to back direction at first time as turned. The mini game ends when one of the users loses all the pieces or when no more actions are possible. At this point, the champion is the user having more pieces on the opponent's starting plane of the lattice. You may set multiple AI difficulty levels, select from a few sizes of the spatial lattices, and customize the colors of your and opponent's pieces. You may decide who will create the first move. You can rewind the mini game and resume it from any point, or save the ongoing mini game and load it later. Develop your 3D thinking abilities! Join the fanatics of intellectual mini games!

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