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For Android: 5.1 and up Guide: Legion General cheats tutorial
When updated: 2021-11-16 Star Rating: 4.857143
Name: Legion General hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: L96 App File Name: com.legion.genral
Current Version: 2.0.3 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100-445 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Hello players, Legion General is the beginning of a HUB project with the main info of the mini game Rise of Empires: Ice and Fire. The main idea of ​​the application is to bring high quality content, adding programs for the player to have a better gaming experience. All development is coordinated by DonPablone, one of the game's main content publishers. Today the apk has a summary of all characters currently accessible in the mini game and some that are about to be released. In this summary you can read the skills of each character, as well as comments about the main features he offers, with this you can understand the synergy and how it can be used to counter other composition. Heroes will be divided by tier: S: Characters of high performance in the long term and with wide application A: Characters with good long-term performance, but may have more specific apks, being less resilient, end up finding relevant counters or substitutes B: Medium performance characters or with very specific applications C: Low performing characters but may be relevant for some time after its release. D: Low performing characters that will be useful at most in the season they are released You'll also have a program for monitoring arms races, with primary info and the chance of activating notification when the race starts or 15 mins before it ends, as well as selecting which happening you will do on Sunday. If you use a smartwatch, you can activate to keep notifications directly on your watch. The application also has a structure pointing out some of the main combos in the mini game. In it you won't necessarily have a bible of character combos, but some basic indications on how you can use them. This structure is divided by types and tiers, which you can search in filters Any: Combos that basically use the game's primary characters. The idea is just to illustrate for the fresh user some of the possibilities he has at hand with non-seasonal heroes. Cavalry, Archer and Footman: Compositions that use only one kind of troop are the most used compositions in the mini game, as they are relatively strong and do not require very difficult or expensive equipment to obtain. Mixed: Legions composed of characters of different types, are the current learning frontier of the mini game when the theme is characters, where you can take advantage of each unit that the mini game provides for the user to have a more efficient legion. Poison Tiles: Specific legions to attack tiles that are out of your current loyalty or that are doing you too much hurt because you still have very low tech. They are valid only during Eden and Reign of Chaos. The project initially only covers these three modules, but this is an MVP of a really big complex of modules planned for your gaming experience. The focus is broad: it is to bring programs from casual beginners to very dedicated leaders who demand complex planning programs for a successful campaign in Eden. I hope you like it and that I will soon be able to create fresh programs available A hug to everyone, except for some DonPablone - Legion 96 Dead man tell no tales

Legion General Hack - Gallery:

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Changes in Legion General:
Legion General é um aplicativo para apoiar jogadores de Rise Of Empires Ice and Fire (ROE).
Download apk from Google Play

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