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For Android: 2.2 and up Guide: Lightning Launcher cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-05-24 Star Rating: 4.388213
Name: Lightning Launcher hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: PierroX File Name: net.pierrox.lightning_launcher_extreme
Current Version: 14.2 (r2910) User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 50000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Lightning Launcher video.

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Watch Introduction to Lightning Launcher video.

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Watch Android Lightning Launcher - Review video.

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Watch One Of The Best Android Launchers - Lightning Launcher Android App Review video.

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Watch Lightning Launcher Variables and animations video.

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Watch Lightning Launcher LLX Demo - My Personal Home Screen Set Up - Android App video.

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Watch My Setup with KLWP + Tasker + Lightning Launcher video.

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Watch lightning-launcher-3-tutorial.ogv video.

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Watch Lightning Launcher - First steps video.

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Watch Lightning Launcher Folders Moving And Adding Items video.

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About the application:

More than a easy launcher, Lightning is a quick, light and extremely customizable program to build the excellent home screen. To build your home screen. No another launcher can compete with Lightning when it comes to customizability. Have a look at the full list of features and you will be convinced ;-) And if an extreme customizability were not enough, Lightning is also very light on memory and a blazing quick launcher. It works like a charm on all phones and tablets, from Android device 2.2 up to newest Android device versions. Under the hood, Lightning is propelled by a strong and special engine allowing you to arrange your apks and widgets using the best possible flexibility and style. • It doesn't matter whether you wish your icons to be nicely aligned on a grid, or pixel excellent positioned, or even scaled/ rotated/skewed in all directions: Lightning does it all with ease. • It doesn't matter whether you need a single page, five, or half a million with various setups for work, personal use and kids: Lightning offers an unrivaled method to manage your precious screen estate. • It doesn't matter whether your device is one of these beloved pioneer Android device phones or if you run the recent and greatest flagship: Lightning doesn't waste CPU nor memory; the apk strives to remain light and quick for everyone. With its wide range of features, Lightning perfectly copes with all type of home screens: classic, minimalist, gesture based, with side bars or moveable panels,... Lightning doesn't limit you to a particular scheme: it aims to gratis your creativity instead. Essentially, this home screen can do everything you can imagine. Key Features (not an exhaustive list): • Highly customizable desktop: change font, size, color, wallpaper, grid lines, folder options, status/navigation bar colors, layouts, scrolling & zooming options, happenings, actions, gestures, beautiful much everything. • Special limitless desktop: a desktop is a surface growing as required, in all directions. Move an icon to the right or left and a fresh page will be automatically made. And it works for pages above and below too! This means as much place as required for your apks, and also a much more efficient navigation. • As a lot of desktops as required: one for personal, work, party, children, etc. Add, remove and re-arrange desktops at will, each desktop being an independent and infinite setup. • Combined grid and gratis positioning: use the grid to easily align apks, use gratis positioning to adjust the size, position and rotation of any item (including widgets). • Pinned stuff: prevent any item from moving when scrolling your pages. This is handy to make docked elements anywhere on the screen, and more. • Scripting help: use JavaScript to unleash the full Lightning power. Load player contributed scripts to extend your setup, or make your own. With Lightning Launcher scripts, only sky is the limit! • And lots more: enhanced apk drawer, panels, Tasker integration, lock screen, floating desktop,... Please visit the developer mainpage for detailed feature list, manual and how to’s. Things to be aware of (please read this message): • With its wide set of options and switches, Lightning has a learning curve. But isn't that a little price to pay to receive the most exciting and special home screen ;-) Join the player community to receive advices and tricks! Lightning is in constant evolution thanks to a continuous and unbelievable player feedback (first release in August 2011). All comments, recommendations and bug reports are welcome. Please email your questions and bug reports to Pierre Hébert - [email protected], or join the Lightning Launcher Community at https://plus.google.com/communities/111427002111904170930. Full ChangeLog: http://www.pierrox.net/cmsms/applications/lightning-launcher/change-log.html Enjoy !

Lightning Launcher Hack - Gallery:

Lightning Launcher screenshot Lightning Launcher screenshot Lightning Launcher screenshot
Lightning Launcher hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Lightning Launcher:
Merry Christmas everybody !<br>(add some preliminary support for SVG and fix a the Oreo icon issue)
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Brian Kateusz: Good launcher Love the customization ability. I can use anything else
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-10

  • Julian Keller: Love fresh method of choosing custom icons Developer actively works to assist with your issues
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-07-07

  • Chris Elston: Love it Love love love this apk. Some minor niggles upgrading to llx - widgets required to be re-added - but well worth every penny. The most customiseable launcher around. Certainly satisfies my ocd tenancies. Now with the lock screen replacement I wish to give it six stars.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-26

  • Enrique Jimenez: the best launcher! it really is the most customizable out there
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-10-18

  • Dimaz Sembodo: Highly suggested! A light & highly customizable launcher. There's quite a bit of learning curve n can be such a pain to setup, but totally worth it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-19

  • Miller Dunlap: Oh my god! It's my fresh favorite toy! I'm a graphic designer and always pushing my launchers to do more - more! - to satisfy my aesthetic. This is sweet.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-23

  • tomas batik: Long- time player Blows all another launchers out of water. Can't imagine ever leaving it for other one.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-28

  • Marc Reyes: Steep learning curve but good Having said that it is very strong and if you love customizing your Android device home then you will love it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-03-21

  • Pawel Klopot: Magic? Infinite possibilities, faaaast and stable in little footprint. PierroX must be a ***** magician not a developer;)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-12-21

  • Regie Langomes: I wish to use my smartphone in landscape mode however using this launcher my wallpaper is slash in landscape mode. I found other bug. When i double tap to zoom out and double tap once more to receive it back, some icons does not stay the method they were before. This is especially replicable when switching screens from landscape to portrait and vice versa. I purchased the apk for that purpose, the method you can zoom out all your screens coz its good. But please fix this bug. And give some settings for landscape mode.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-18

  • Vivienne Lumière: My favorite launcher!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-05

  • Ken Reamer: Easy or complex This apk stands out from all another launchers. Awesome job! My recent desktop is gestures only with a smartphone icon.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-13

  • Ian Jago: Unbelievable Unbelievably flexible. My favourite launcher.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-20

  • Jose Salvatico: Best Home Screen, now Minimalist but highly customizable. Definitely the most fun in setting up and using. The addition of the floating desktop is a good achievement. No need for another apks to have any apks anywhere.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-09-18

  • My default launcher! After a long time away I finally returned to this launcher to give it a test and found that I preferred it to Nova Prime which I had been using. It has greater configuration options and I particularly like the multiple swipe combinations. It means I can have a very minimal home screen but still have the ability to begin apks when I need them without touching the apk drawer. Saves me a lot of time.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-30

  • Ensar H.: This is quick ...and cool :-)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-25

  • Kevin K: Custom excellent Very stable my fresh launcher of choice thanks dev
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-07-19

  • Edd S: Limitless possibilities I somehow don't think there is anything the launcher can't do, and even more so if you contain scripts. For those who aren't convinced, YouTube "lightning launcher template" and witness the potential of this epic launcher. Only thing that irks me is there not enough free/trial templates to test/customise, so you have to create do on your own
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-08

  • William Kulich: Power user's shell Finally I can create my launcher look exactly as I wish it to.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-32

  • Karen Rease: A lot of customizing It is a learning curve. But worth it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-28

  • I've experienced no glitches
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-13

  • Raymond Cool: So a lot of options There is a learning curve as with all launchers. The functionality is robust. Frequently updated and improved.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-17

  • Worth to buy.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-07

  • Jonathan Tallant: If there's just one launcher you're going to buy place you're cash on this one. Lots of options loads of customizing options too. Thanks devs
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-03-14

  • Martin Brunner: A M A Z I N G! I don't write a lot of reviews, however from time to time I search an apk that absolutely deserves something to be said about it! I come from using NOVA LAUNCHER. Ive used it for years! For a long time Ive wanted just a tiny more out of Nova but every launcher I went through couldn't deliver! It takes a moment to receive everything tweaked just right but THIS launcher is top dollar the best you can search! You literally for the first time create everything custom how you want EVERYTHING! Totally worth the 5 bucks!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-20

  • Joshua Fogg: Definitely the best This has so a lot of options. I have tried another launchers but this takes out the another competitors.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-24

  • Robert Monterroso: Good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-04

  • Terry Sifert: Incredibly strong Easily the most customizable launcher I have tried (and I've tried them all). I don't think there's anything you can't do with this apk. If you wish to receive into the advanced items then yup there is a learning curve but the sky's the limit. There are some templates accessible on Play for the impatient. :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-07

  • Venugopal Parameswaran: Perfect launcher Perfect launcher with perfect features. I love this. However I found one problem. Everytime I reset my samsung galaxy grand (i9802) I receive the default launcher screen popup asking me to choose either lighting or touchwiz launcher though the launcher is set to default. It would be good if you can fix this problem. Thanks
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-13

  • Harley Summit: Worth every dollar. The level of options is still blowing my mind...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-17

  • M.M. van der Meer: No another launcher beats this! Yes, you have to take quite some time to learn to configure this one... But it sure pays off! No another launcher has this much customization and sich low resource usage. You can easily run this on a dual core with only 256mb, it works like no another! If you own a smart television or mediabox, look no further, you set this up any method you wish to. It's also good for making a senior-phone, large buttons with large text, no trouble. Wish a wiget inside a folder or a panel? Here's the only one that does it. JUST AMAZING!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-05-25

  • Polawat Ouilapan: Extreme Customization Light weight and very customizable.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-26

  • Cameron Reid: This is not a easy or convenient launcher. Doing anything takes a bit of study and the myriad customizations require a somewhat dense and opaque interface. Having said that, and having lived with it for a while, there is no launcher as flexible or customizable. It is also very quick and lightweight.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-07

  • Yuanjin Li: My Favourite Best ! Better and Better!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-25

  • Peter Schneider: Superb! Doubt there is any another launcher out there with this capabilities! Thanks a lot Pierre.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-25

  • Prasad Madhbhavikar: Serious tournament to Nova Launcher I could admit, tried the pirated ver of this apk for a day for trying out the features, was very impressed that I bought this apk :) lots of features! Highly suggested for complete customization partnered with Tasker.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-30

  • Pandu Poluan: Sky's The Limit Almost nothing you can't do with this launcher / home screen replacement. Of course, to make a Beauty, a Masterpiece, needs a not insignificant effort. But worth it! With LLX, your smartphone is *your* smartphone. Customized precisely to your exact needs. Can't suggest this enough to everybody!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-27

  • Filippo Salustri: Essentially flawless With good power comes good responsibility. This launcher redefined what a launcher should be, but it is not for the faint of heart. But it's really little, really quick, and really strong. There's nothing else like it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-30

  • adrian barry: Works well. Good customisation Works well and looks good. You can use it as it comes from the shop or customise it to the limit of your expertise or beyond. Loads of fun.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-20


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