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For Android: 4.4 and up Guide: Location Lockbox cheats tutorial
When updated: 2022-01-27 Star Rating: 0
Name: Location Lockbox hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Early Applications, LLC File Name: com.earlyapp.locationlockbox
Current Version: 1.7.6 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10-14 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Place Lockbox adds a layer of security and safety to your whereabouts. It’s a discreet, easy-to-use apk that gives you and your loved ones peace of mind about your security and wellbeing. Create a custom happening check-in whenever you wish some additional safety, like when you’re walking home late, going on a date, taking a trip or going somewhere fresh. During your scheduled happening, Place Lockbox will automatically check in with you to see if you’re fine. If you indicate that you’re not fine, or if you don’t answer within 30 mins of the check-in, your designated emergency contact will keep a text notice with your latest known place and the description of your happening so they can take action and receive help. Secure PINs ensures that only you can tell the apk if you're fine or if you need assistance. Set two special four-digit PINs that only you know: one for “I’m fine” and one for “I’m not fine” so that you’re always the one in control of your security. If someone enters an incorrect PIN, an alert will be triggered and sent to your emergency contact. Location Lockbox lets you add an infinite number of emergency contacts to your profile. And, you can choose as a lot of emergency contacts as you’d like for each check-in. Your contacts will only be notified by text notice the first time they are added to your Place Lockbox profile. After that, they will only keep a text if you need assistance – either when you enter your “I’m not fine” PIN or you don’t check in at all. Your and your emergency contacts’ info is strictly personal and is kept secure and secure. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are reported missing with no indication as to where their families and mates could start their find. If Place Lockbox helps a family search their loved one, our purpose has been fulfilled. Sheldon, creator of Place Lockbox

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