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For Android: 2.3.3 and up Guide: Mathematics 10 cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-12-32 Star Rating: 0
Name: Mathematics 10 hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: CrondIT File Name: com.crondit.summa10pro
Current Version: 1.4 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10-20 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch 10th grade math - MathHelp.com - 1000+ Online Math Lessons video.

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Watch Class 10 Maths Exercise 8.2 HINDI MEDIUM | NCERT SOLUTIONS|प्रश्नावली 8.2 कक्षा 10 गणित Trigonometry video.

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Watch KITE VICTERS STD 10 Mathematics Class 88 (First Bell-ഫസ്റ്റ് ബെല്‍) video.

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Watch KITE VICTERS STD 10 Mathematics Class 82 (First Bell-ഫസ്റ്റ് ബെല്‍) video.

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Watch KITE VICTERS STD 10 Mathematics Class 87 (First Bell-ഫസ്റ്റ് ബെല്‍) video.

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About the application:

Mathematics quiz. Addition, substraction, compare 0-10. Kindergarten. Teaching try in mathematics for basic school pupils (1st grade). Add up to 10, subtract to 10, compare numbers to 10, solve equations up to 10. Four levels of complexity, extended stats for each level. Assignments of the form: 4 + X = 8, 5 + 3 = X, 9-X = 5, X-1 = 8, X <4, 7> X. The relationship between the numbers (greater, less, equal). Addition and subtraction operations, + and - signs. Amount, difference. The addition table is within 10. Components and sum. The relationship between addition and subtraction. Additive property of addition. Addition 6, 7, 8 and 9. Minuend. Subtrahend. Difference. Finding an unknown term. Subtraction 6, 7, 8 and 9. In the math try for class 1, the time limit for each reply is used, the more complex the level the less time is given to select the correct answer. In appendix 352 of the question, when starting from them, 10 questions are chosen in random order. If all the answers are correct then you can score 10 points. Points are deducted for the wrong reply and for exceeding the time limit. A math guide is used to automate the consolidation of acc skills to 10. In the stats section, the calculation is performed on the latest ten application starts. The mean score and the quality score are displayed. All indicators could be in the green place, if this condition is met, the material will be firmly secured. - a easy tool, no additional windows, run and run; - random choice of questions (ten questions are chosen from the database); - limit the time for response on each problem; - four levels of complexity, a more complex level gives less time for reflection; - The levels are selected in such a method that the successful passing of the try on the most complicated implies automaticity in the score to 10; - if the kid answers all the questions correctly, he gets 10 points; - points are deducted for an incorrect reply or for the expiration of the response time; - if you stop on the question and wait, then all the points scored for the current try will burn; - at the end of the try info is displayed on the level of difficulty and scored points; - overall progress is always reflected at the top of the screen. For what it is required - for parents. It helps a lot when the kid does not wish to learn. And this soulless objective machine, until the kid passes the try and demonstrates the final screen with the previously agreed results, he will not keep ... [select the right one on the situation] ...

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