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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: MotoScan cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-12-04 Star Rating: 4.757353
Name: MotoScan hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Norris Print-Tech A/S File Name: com.npt.motoscan
Current Version: 5.4.11 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-2507 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

MotoScan is a ready-made toolbox for inventory, warehousing and field service scenarios. MotoScan Android device is an apk created explicitly for data capture tasks. MotoScan makes it simple to setup tracking of goods using barcodes. MotoScan can scan barcodes, manual input text and numbers or taking a picture or look up data in a local database. It supports integrated scanners in all Zebra/Symbol Android device devices. It also supports scanning using the camera on devices without an integrated scanner, such as consumer devices like Android device phones. The application comes default with five scenarios, Keep, Shipping, Move, Inventory and Price Check. MotoScan is ready as is or you can configure it easily for individual needs. Inventory is the most common data capture scenario required. You can brand the apk with your own name In the Price Check menu, it is possible to look up the price based on barcode. At the site Moto-Scan.com it is explained how to customize the look-up function supporting you needs in warehouse, shop, maintenance or routing. Especially for documentation of goods received or maintenance, a image documentation option is implemented. Making it possible to document maintenance performed or documentation of having received goods. Adapting the menus and texts for the operator, fitted to your company language or local language. Everything can be easily adapted to your specification or company needs. All configuration is done though the Moto-Scan.com web website where the configurator program is accessible when you log in. The saved data on the devices will be delivered to your FTP server or your Dropbox. You can work off-line: Local buffering makes it possible to do registration without Wi-Fi / GSM connection and automatic upload of data is done when Wi-Fi or GSM is accessible once more. This is a demo ver. In demo mode you can’t connect to any data source or change any configuration. If you initiate a trial acc (60 days), you can connect one device with your acc, change and adapt one configuration and play with the functions before you decide to purchase licenses. In trial mode only one record can be stored. Purchase a license to convert your acc to full functionality. You can purchase licenses directly at the site. If you need multiple licenses (+50), you can contact us for an individual quotation for your company. MotoScan will run on any Android device mobile device from ver 4.03 and upwards. It can utilize integrated scanners in Zebra devices, and if the device has no scanner it can use the integrated camera for scanning. This makes it usable on mobile phones for scanning, just remember mobile phones are not designed for quick roaming and they are not created for rough operations like warehouse and field service environments. We suggest using a rugged handheld device, such as Zebra/Symbol Android device devices. MotoScan enables you to receive started with data capture without any prior knowledge to programming or logic algorithms. Configuration and maintenance of each device or device group is done through the MotoScan.com web website. The solution is ideal for little or medium sized busineses and we give you the chance to bring down installation and integration time without lowering the player experience. For more details, visit www.moto-scan.com

MotoScan Hack - Gallery:

MotoScan screenshot MotoScan screenshot MotoScan screenshot
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Changes in MotoScan:
Integrations with Honeywell Scanner
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