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For Android: 8.0 and up Guide: ODD Ball cheats tutorial
When updated: 2021-12-29 Star Rating: 2.6578948
Name: ODD Ball hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: ODD. Studios File Name: com.oddballism.app
Current Version: 1.2.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-4068 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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ODD Ball Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch Kelly's Heroes - Oddball takes a rest, best scene of the movie video.

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Watch Rio Da Yung OG - Odd Ball (Official Video) video.

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Watch Meeting Sgt. Oddball - The Tank Commander with no outfit | Kelly's Heroes Clip(1970) video.

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Watch Oddball Live Demo video.

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Watch This Ball is a Drum Machine? | ODD Ball | LOOTd Unboxing video.

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Watch Oddball Full Episodes video.

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Watch Play with Music - by ODD. video.

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Watch Is Jared McCain playing possum? | Oddball w/ Amin Elhassan and Charlotte Wilder video.

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Watch Raising Toasty | Full Episode | Oddballs | Netflix After School video.

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About the application:

ODD Ball is a playful musical instrument, in the form of a bouncy ball. Play any instrument you can think of by simply bouncing, catching, spinning and rolling. With ODD Ball making melody, quite literally becomes as simple as bouncing a ball. The ODD Apk is at the heart of ODD Ball. Pick any sound from an expansive audio library of drums, keys, guitars and effects from any genre, play over your favourite artists and tracks, loop and create beats, sing on top of your tunes and finally share and make tracks with your friends. With ODD there is no limit, you can play with multiple balls at the same time and master your beat bouncing skills, to present off your moves. Sound Library: The ODD Apk comes with an expansive sound library, to satisfy anybody’s taste. You can select from traditional drums, electronic synths, keys, guitars, basses, Hip Hop and Grime inspired beats, or any another ‘Odd’ sound under the sun. Every sound reacts to bounce in various methods and can be totally transformed with the Pitch Slider - have a go and discover all the sonic possibilities in your hands. Play over a track: When you are starting out with ODD Ball, the easiest thing to do is to play over a track. We made a series of presets called Quickplays, which will automatically load a backing track and a set of cool sounds for you to receive playing straight away. The Apk is compatible with music-streaming apks, such as Spotify or Apple Melody, which means you can listen to your favourite artists and play along with ODD Ball at the same time. Record and Loop: The Loop Wheel is one of the most necessary features on the apk and allows you to make you own tracks. When you press the rec button, the Apk will begin recording all the beats you are bouncing down and automatically overlay the various sounds you play, to easily make cool sounding tracks. Shuffle: If you ever encounter a creative block, shuffle is there for you. This unique features allows you to shuffle the sounds you are bouncing with ODD Ball while you are playing or recording - you will end up creating tracks that you would have never thought of before, shuffle helps you go with the flow. Record your own sounds: The Mic-in feature allows you to record any kind of sound around you and turn it into an instrument that you can play with ODD Ball. Test using the Pitch Slider to transform what you recorded to make something completely special, and if you dare, you can even record yourself singing on top of your tracks - you might be the next Drake. Effects: As your tracks build up you might wish to add some flavour... some texture. With the built in effects: Place, Freak, Glitch, Gravity and Warp, you can add a special spin to the composition you have created. Save and share: When you are satisfied with a composition and wish to present it off, the button in the bottom right hand corner allows you to save or share your tracks directly. You can share your track as an audio file, so that everybody can listen to it on your social channels, or as a project, if you wish to make and build up tracks together with your mates.

ODD Ball Hack - Gallery:

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ODD Ball hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in ODD Ball:
This update avoids using location service, permissions and data to connect to your ODD Ball.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • DJ Jaydid: Won't work! Can't connect my balls!! Modernize I've installed modernize on multiple devices now, and it works, I found that running 3 balls on any one given device stresssed it out , so I'm doing 2 on my smartphone then one on my smartphone, after I installed app file I remember a permissions step that now I can't recall, can you run down procedure in an email, thank you so much! I love playing with my balls!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-09-03

  • Joe Chava: I usually set my phones to utilize the battery to it's most energy-efficient since I use it to stay in contact with people and browse online/watch clips, so trying to use the app/ball I experienced a lot of of the same problems as most on here. But once I set it to maximize performance it has performed beautifully. I actually set-up my older smartphone to strictly use this apk and it's unbelievable. Scream out to Pasquale (email him, he's good at responding) for helping me fix this 🤘
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-19

  • Yotam Frid: Contacted ODDBALL squad and got very quick and friendly response. Now works as expected
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-06-28

  • Jack Barker: Love the product and looking forward to making more melody
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-30

  • Natalie Betts: The Apk is simple to use, interactive, lots of options and helps you to make loops instantly ♥️ you can also link the ODD Ball to Ableton which gives even more functionality.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-01-10

  • Laimis: Brilliant instrument for performance! I had some latency problems when received the ball. I have just restarted my smartphone, reinstalled apk, closed apks, fully charged ODD ball, turned off/on wireless connection, data, gps, bluetooth and after reconnecting odd ball latency trouble is magically gone! So LG G7+ is definitely fine for my performance needs. Satisfied with ODD ball! To provide feedback for improvement: I would like to see track sections to jump between them. So it would be even possible to make a track.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-30

  • stefanie schranz: crazy cool. Bought two for my mother (a pianist and melody teacher) and my uncle (a musician) and they're loving every second of it. It's simple to grasp for beginners and for any experienced musician you can make insane beats. Love it and would definitely suggest. :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-02-16

  • Carl Strycharske: The apk didn't work on my Samsung S10+ at first so I got in touch with the ODD help via Whatsapp. Their help was fast and thorough! Once they identified identified problem they hit me with an apk modernize and everything works exactly as advertised. These things are too cool to allow a tiny troubleshooting sour my experience!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-06-19

  • Joey Vasselo: Can't wait to experience the development of this apk and product Needs quantization abilities and maybe some equalizer settings All in time I assume
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-09-04

  • Maciej Szurek: I can not connect to my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G. Bluetooth sees the oddball. Apk does not...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-06-13

  • Jo Howe: Beautiful glitch to start with but help is quick, friendly and efficient and quickly resolved . Lots of fun 👍
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2021-06-31

  • Brian Sciatto: I have 3 of them I use for juggling. They work good. Did have connection problems at first on Android device but customer service was very helpful getting it resolved.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-10-14

  • Matteo Christöfl: The oddball is super cool and very fun to play around with. Unfortunately the Latency (Delay) on my Honor 10 is insanely high and makes the ball impossible to use properly, as it makes the sound feel disconnected from the movement and I'm unable to record even a easy loop. I have resorted to using it on my girlfriends old smartphone (an iPhone6 from 2015) and it works perfectly. The apk is well designed and and works well. Customer help was fast and friendly but couldn't assist with the latency
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2021-02-02

  • Wayne Kramer: Apk is very buggy have to constantly reset and reconnect the ball before I can finally receive started also this thing should benefit greatly from a quantizer and note corrector also would like to see a slider that adjusts hit sensitivity and would also like it if while the apk was begin my screen wouldn't time out
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2020-09-30

  • Émile Paquette: Can't connect the ball to the apk, it does not present when clicking the +. It shows on my girlfriend's iPhone where it works. Edit help came through with an app for the next ver, which works as expected!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-06-26

  • Edward Deen: So far is super cool. Hadn`t seen such a cool product in a while. My children love it, just as much as I do. I would like to see some another features in the Apk, like single volume control, but overall it is good!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-24

  • Scott Renaud: The sounds that come out are often glitchy, which is very _odd_ because the app's primary job could be to do exactly that. Note to devs, this problem needs to prioritized and fixed asap as the unpleasant sounds are making this ball nearly unusable. The apk crashes often as well. I really wish to love this product, but it's tough!
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2020-09-30

  • Milian Micov: I got the ball as a gift for Christmas. I had a lot of problem setting it up on an S10+, and when I did the delay was horrendous. I tried on an iPhone. It was bit better, but the UX is terrible on both. If I wish to listen to a sample, it is added to my samples and I have to remove it when I realize I don't like it. Removal is done via a little button on the sample track. It's 2021, please add modern drag & drop functionality. It's too simple to remove samples that have recordings too. Disappointing.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2021-02-16

  • stuart hall: Some major problems with the apk and compatability were dealt with very quickly and efficiently. Some of the best customer service I've ever received from any company. If the apk has worked first time and some of the minor glitches had gone it would have got 5/5
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2021-01-07

  • John Birchman: Can't receive any of the balls to pair with apk using instructions provided. Have tried 3 various balls, and 3 various phones.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-08-05

  • Paul Mergel: Disappointing to say the least!! Android device ver of apk will not display or connect with the Oddball device thru Bluetooth midi connection.. Long two year wait for it not to work....
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-08-06

  • Noah Hilton: Updating my review. Before the product was glitchy and some the interfaces did not work. Parts of the apk still even said debug. However latest updates have created the product better and feel more complete.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2020-09-19

  • Aidan Gibson: Large latency from ball hit to sound coming out the smartphone. Basically makes it useless as a percussion instrument. Also what's with the demanding place data all the time, even when not in use? GDPR compliment much? I am just using the speaker in the smartphone. IE no external speaker. Smartphone is Asus ROG 2.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-12-22

  • murray taylor: Takes a long time to sync to a device, caused my G7 thinQ smartphone using bluetooth without headset or speaker to crash and required reboot, cant play in time because there is always a lag so awesome luck hitting a snare on 2 and 4 every time. The concept is intelligent but the apk does not deliver the functionality required.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2021-04-13

  • B V.O: I've tried a lot of, a lot of times. I've spoken to the actual people who are type and accessible but I'm scared it's a disappointing experience. I hid it away in a draw for a while because it created me mad and then came back to it. I've installed, charged, waited, reinstalled.... Wasted £100.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2021-08-07

  • Martin C: I like the idea but I think the main problems for me are that the ball itself is too difficult to control the velocity. Its sometimes hard to trigger the right sound. On top of that it's also not sensitive enough - It misses finger taps most of the time. As for the apk, it's awesome but it really needs a auto quantise option. If I'd known these problems I would have spent £30 on this but definitely not £90.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2021-07-04

  • Dylan Flanagan: Charged my ODD Ball overnight and this morning I managed to receive it connected. The apk crashes constantly which makes it impossible to actually record anything. When I was able to receive it to work without crashes my ODD Ball decided to power off and wouldn't power back on after charging all night and with not even 10 mins of use. Was forced to place it back on the charger for about 5 mins before it would power back on. Will definitely be returning for my cash back.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-12-24

  • Vincent V. Kramar: It crashing frequently, sounds are often distorted, there's delay and the pairing doesn't always work. Overall awful execution for a project that has been a couple of years in the making.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-09-04

  • Eric Robins: From reading all the reviews and private experience, I would say that you guys have a large trouble with Androids phones. And if someone has a pixel such as myself you have major issues in the backend while trying to run things in the background. As my first day getting the ball haven't been able to officially use it yet.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2021-06-13

  • Candis Heffelfinger: Doesnt work at all. Large disappointment
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2021-06-29

  • Tom McMahon: same as others mentioned. sounds are distorted and apk is buggy. I did reach out to help about possible smartphone settings causing the issues but never heard back. I cant dig into the guides if responses and sounds are crackled and fuzzed out. seems beautiful lame.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-09-29

  • Ben Glazebrook: I have a pixel 3 and everytime I connect the ball it will freeze my entire smartphone and have to reboot it.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2020-09-29

  • Mark Agnew: This is such a special thing. It works really well and introduces a completely fresh method to make melody. The fact that it can be used as a midi controller as well opens a door to limitless possibilities.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-06-28

  • Tsveta Koleva: Recent modernize: Headset works now but laggy. Some work needs to be done on the permissions dialog. Updated, keeps popping up and not opening the permission settings. Reinstall fixed it but can't begin the status bar while it's shown and lost all my custom tracks and sounds, but they're still in the tray. Notice confusing, took time to understand that I need to set the place permission to always for ball discovery to work at all. Crashes when play is pressed and then you choose a backing track.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2021-02-25

  • Juan Felipe Hedmont: So basically I had to reinstall the apk once more as other player mentioned and let the permission myself on the apk control, so far is working better than before with still a bit of lag.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2021-02-28

  • Daniel Campbell: The apk and the device is absolutely unreal, I can't trust how well it works, there is next to 0 latency, this is a must have for creative blocks in the studio!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2021-01-10

  • enrico franchi: It simply does not work. Does not add the ball (not seen when scanned). All permissions requested given. The ball itself works (iPhone).
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2021-05-16

  • Michael Angelo Rivera: Crashing in my huawei p20 pro, is not working with this ver. If this is working as what you replied, it isn't ... once it crashed, I will need to reconnect my oddball once more in the apk. I think I've wasted my cash on this one this year.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-12-22

  • -m.: Very disappointed! Apk won't connect.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2021-03-17

  • Madalina Serafim: Awesome idea, but fix you apk Odd ball squad :) it's crashing and adding more instruments will cause for none of them to play anymore. The only workaround was to disconnect and reconnect the ball to the apk, but it's not always working. This truly spoils the fun. If the apk will be stable for sure it will worth the cash we paid.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2021-03-14


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