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For Android: 4.0 and up Guide: Osho Zen Tarot cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-05-21 Star Rating: 4.079602
Name: Osho Zen Tarot hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Osho International File Name: com.osho.mobile.droid.ozt
Current Version: 4.2 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Osho Zen Tarot Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch Osho Zen Tarot Deck Review video.

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Watch 🌟OSHO ZEN TAROT, by Deva Padma. A short review! video.

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Watch Unboxing the Osho Zen Tarot video.

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Watch Short Demo Reading with Osho Zen Cards and Tidbits video.

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Watch OSHO: Oracles, Tarot and Other Divination Tools video.

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Watch Intuitive Tarot Reading Mini Lesson - Osho Zen Tarot video.

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Watch *Warning* counterfeit osho zen tarot video.

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Watch An Intro to Osho Zen Tarot Cards with Shivan video.

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Watch Osho Zen Tarot: Review & Reading! video.

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Watch Relationship Spread -Osho Zen Cards video.

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About the application:

When life seems to be full of doubt and uncertainty we tend to look for a source of inspiration: what will happen in the future? What about my health, the kids? What will happen if I create this decision and not that one? This is how the traditional tarot is often used, to satisfy a longing to know about the past and future. This Osho Zen Tarot focuses instead on gaining an understanding of the here and now. It is a system based on the wisdom of Zen, a wisdom that says happenings in the outer globe simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we ourselves might be unclear about what those thoughts and feelings are. So it helps us to turn our attention away from outside happenings so we can search a fresh clarity of understanding in our innermost hearts. The conditions and states of mind portrayed by the contemporary photos on the cards are all shown as being essentially transitional and transformative. The text in the accompanying cards helps to interpret and understand the photos in the easy, straightforward and down to earth language of Zen. Building on the popularity of the physical deck and ebook we have made an Android device apk that allows you to do a reading on the go, anywhere anytime. Fresh Features - Save your favorite cards - Save your favorite layouts - Combined smartphone and smartphone layout - Share on fb, twitter and email - Multi Lingual Help (English, Italian, Spanish, Russian & Arabic) Included Features - All 7 layouts - All Cards - Osho Commentary - Commentary - Tutorial - Assist - Fast Readings

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google User: Finally an apk for Osho Zen! Osho Zen Tarot is my favorite tarot package. I have been using it for years :) I am so excited it's actually accessible as an android device apk! In future updates I hope it can have a save feature, move apk to SD option, more spreads and/or ability to make your own spread. :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-11-29

  • A Google User: I have fun this apk and use it often.. :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-01-18

  • A Google User: Love it! I've been using it from a few years ago and it is still providing wisdom on my daily today.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-32

  • A Google User: Lovely apk What joy to have this lovely deck in my pocket as an apk each day to refer to my everyday card. The look up text is the full ver as in the actual ebook that accompanies the physical deck, not a resume, which helps a lot. It also has the relevent words from Oshos teachings that appear on the opposite page of same ebook. As a fresh owner of the actual deck I cant imagine being without this apk. Works flawlessly on android device lollipop 5.0.1 Thanks Osho Squad. Adam
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-05

  • A Google User: Yey for a good apk! I consider my a student of Osho and to have this particular tarot deck on hand wherever I go is good. Thanks to the creators and thanks for the latest updates! ;) Cheers!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-02-07

  • A Google User: Enlightening
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-01-27

  • A Google User: My favorite deck! So far so awesome. Had the previous ver and never had a trouble. Hope this one works as well!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-04

  • melin tati: Love it!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-10-14

  • A Google User: Attractive and effective All divination is meant to reflect back at you that which you already know, and this apk takes the natural intuitiveness of the Osho deck and makes it completely portable. The artwork is that superb classic imagery from the deck, also a joy to examine.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-01-18

  • Suryank Gupta: Best
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-12

  • Pablo Lopez: The error preventing me to use the apk was fixed. Attractive tarot and attractive apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-22

  • A Google User: Best deck ever! I learned how to read tarot cards with this deck 20 years ago. Love having the convenience of it on my smartphone.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-20

  • A Google User: Now it's excellent I used it fine with previous ver but didn't like the style copied from iOS and the low-res photos, now it has been updated and with the corrected errors in spread distribution, seems excellent. I'm surprised at the accuracy.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-22

  • Sanjay Joshi: Good apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-07-26

  • A Google User: Love getting a card every morning. Good method to begin the day!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-08-31

  • A Google User: Awesome Osho zen in inspiring and this apk works perfect. Thank you
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-08-11

  • A Google User: Very inspiring Beautuful colors and very inspiring
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-12

  • A Google User: Finally! So much better after the fresh modernize. HQ pictures and simple navigation.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-04

  • A Google User: Good Job on ver 2! The button for random selection of cards on the top right does not present up!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-07

  • A Google User: No random button I've purchased this apk for three platforms. No random button on Nexus is a trouble. Please sort it and then you the deserved five stars. Thanks, didn't realise this review was still up Since then they have been brilliant with communications and updates. Thanks for sorting it all out.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-24

  • A Google User: Very fluid, organic...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-09-24

  • A Google User: Cool. Need widget option If you can provide a widget that can display tarot everyday and by player click you could let to read full contents of tarot.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-05

  • A Google User: I love this apk but... This is a good apk but the only problem is with the everyday card notifications. When I receive my notification for the everyday card, I click on it and read it then close the apk and then other notification will pop up. This will sometimes go on for up to 4 times. Its more annoying than anything else. The rest of the apk works good. Droid 4 with up to date ICS.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-04-23

  • Edwin Charles Ellis, II: Good apk Very intelligent design
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-07

  • A Google User: Very sensible approach to tarot.. . Spot on readings.. Digital ver of the inspiring card set..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-21

  • A Google User: Needs HD modernize Works well on my HTC one but it really suffers from not having the cards in HD and the ability to zoom into the picture. Updated to 4 Star because we can now see the attractive artwork in high resolution, missing one star because I would love to see a 'create your own' layout feature for more personalised reading.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-05-18

  • A Google User: I miss being able to use it in landscape mode. I am a professional reader and I use this when I do my readings. I miss being able to use it in landscape mode, because now I have to use my smartphone in portrait mode and lay it flat on the table as opposed to having it propped up. Please bring back landscape mode, it would really assist me out. Otherwise, I've been reading with these cards since the late 1990's, and I have fun being able to use this as a reference as opposed to looking things up in the ebook. Good job otherwise. I love how readable the apk is.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-07-28

  • A Google User: Good apk Fun and engaging for self discovery. It's just like having the full physical deck in your pocket wherever you go with some added benefits of the digital age. Being able to save favorite cards and share them and layouts with others is terrific. It would be nice if we should save the commentaries and share them as well.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-06-28

  • A Google User: Maravillosa herramienta Lo uso a diario y me es muy útil. No le pongo 5 estrellas por que hecho de menos un menú de opciones para.configurar por ejemplo el lenguaje(alguien sabe como.cambiarlo?) Otra posible mejora es que al leer una carta de la tirada y volver a la visión general la tirada no se reinicie. A excepción de esto, me parece un recurso muy útil, y agradezco contar con el.gracias!!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-10-18

  • A Google User: Love this deck. One of the best decks I've found. Doreen virtue create some of my another fanatics especially angel tarot
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-02-26

  • John Robeson: I have loved this apk for more than a year. Then, about a week ago, the text size on the card descriptions and Osho commentary has suddenly changed from normal to large. Basically unusable. To fix it I had to delete all apk data, uninstall/reinstall the apk. In the process I lost all my saved favorites, but at least it's back to normal. Hope it stays that method.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2018-03-16

  • A Google User: Very awesome apk. But sometimes the notification didn't work properly.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-03-20

  • Daniel John: Thank you for continuing to modernize and fix bugs on this apk. It's good but on latest Android device versions the text of the interpretations becomes HUGE. But it's a good apk apart from that
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-07-15

  • Stellar Tan: It could have a share feature. To enable sharing of a single card or readings.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-12-07

  • A Google User: Please add Ability to look up card meanings when not specifically doing a reading. Ability to enlarge card size. Please do justice to this good deck
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2013-08-23

  • A Google User: Please modernize size Not compatible with Galaxy S4 Slow graphic display does not display on full screen
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2013-06-14

  • A Google User: Not all modes work. Whenever I test to use the View All Cards option, all I receive is "Osho Zen Tarot has stopped working." Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't assist. Samsung Note 3 running KitKat (4.4.4).
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2015-01-19

  • A Google User: All Cards crashes GS4 Glad to see an Osho Tarot. All seems OK except when All Cards is chosen, the tool quits. Cards should be larger or expand to fill the screen. Fix for five stars.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2014-03-29

  • A Google User: Seems to be working Going awesome for now. Will modernize later. Awesome job!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2015-05-22


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