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For Android: 2.3.3 and up Guide: Ostia Antica cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-01-17 Star Rating: 3.5
Name: Ostia Antica hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Excavation guides File Name: com.excavationguides.ostia
Current Version: 1.0.3 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Ostia Antica Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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About the application:

Allow us tutorial you through Ostia Antica, and enrich your visit to the excavation site. This tutorial covers the 40 most necessary excavated structures in the Ostia Antica. It offers a full description of every excavated building including 3D models or sketches of how the buildings used to look in their past glory. Markings on the map shows where the structures are placed, and where your are accordingly to them. Using TTS (text to speak) your phone will act as an audio tutorial and will read the texts out to you loud, as you visit the various websites. The voice used is the default Android device speaker voice, that is already installed on your device. All you need to do is to press “Play” at the button of a chosen text, and the selected text will be read out to you. You can either use our predefined tour of the highlights of the place, or you can plan your own tour through the excavation website. Simply use the Tour Planner features to choose the buildings you would like to see and then follow you own route through Ostia. Let us present you Ostia Antica, as it used to be… Features included in the apk: - Description and history 40 of the buildings in Ostia. - Pictures of the excavated buildings and 3D models of how they used to look. - Audioguide using TTS (text to speech). - Tour planner to make your own special route through the excavation website. - Markings of the buildings on a GPS powered map. - A description of the history of the entire Excavation site. 40 buildings are covered in Ostia Antica Excavation: - The Necropolis. - The roman gate. - The aquaduct. - Square of win. - Baths of the voachmen. - Fiume Morto - Dead River. - Baths of Neptune. - Street of the fountain. - The covered water-basin. - Barracks of the Fire Brigade. - Square of the Guilds. - Theatre. - Christian chapel. - House of the Millstones. - Mill-bakery. - Museum. - House of the Wine-bar. - Capitolium. - Temple for Rome and Augustus. - The Curia. - Basilica. - Fountain. - House of the Cult-niche. - Round Temple. - House of the Fishmongers. - Republican Temples. - House of Amor and Psyche. - Baths of Mithras. - Guild-seat of the Grain Measurers. - House of Serapis. - Baths of the Seven Sages. - House of the Charioteers. - Garden Houses. - Public Latrine. - Forum Baths. - Really big bakery. - Temple of the Good Mother (Magna Mater), Cybele. - Temple of Attis. - Fortuna Annonaria. - Fulling mill. - Baths of the Marine Gate. The Ostia apk will ask for your GPS position - However the data will not be stored or in anyway shared with external parties. The apk will work without the GPS turned on, but then it will not present your position on the maps. The Ostia apk has no “add-ons” or "in apk purchases", so all the features will be yours without additional fees. The apk is ongoing being updated and fresh features released.

Ostia Antica Hack - Gallery:

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Ostia Antica hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Ostia Antica:
Fixed location issues.
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Patrik Adolfsson: Definitely enhanced my visit. The GPS was good and the snippets of info valuable. Thank you.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-10-21

  • Aaron Ahearne: Sort of works. It's hard to see or understand your place on the map as there are two markers, neither of which seem to be that accurate. There were some interesting points which I didn't see on any of the signs, but there are also sections which appear in the audio tutorial but aren't included at all on this apk. It's beautiful buggy overall, especially trying to set up the guided tour.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2019-09-25


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