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For Android: 4.0 and up Guide: PixelTerra cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-03-28 Star Rating: 4.2
Name: PixelTerra hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: SKVGames File Name: com.antonskv.PixelTerra
Current Version: 1.2.11 User Rating: Everyone 10+
Downloads: 1000-5000 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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PixelTerra Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch Pixel Terra with Kitten - The basics. video.

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Watch PixelTerra 1.0.3 Gameplay video.

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Watch PixelTerra Trailer (Craft & Survival game Android / iOS) video.

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Watch First Day Survival (PixelTerra v0.5 alpha) video.

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Watch Абаригены не понимают шуток! - PixelTerra - #1 video.

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Watch Pixel Terra - A game with no end video.

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Watch PixelTerra (iOS Android) - LIVE #1 video.

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Watch Pixel Terra - Fun with Farming video.

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Watch Popular Videos - PixelTerra video.

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Watch PixelTerra: Survive & Craft (SKVGames) - simulation game for android - gameplay. video.

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About the application:

The globe of PixelTerra is quite risky so you need to build a shelter, search some meal supply and receive ready to protect yourself from creatures in order to survive at least a couple of days. Then you can only hope that the walls of your shelter will be powerful enough to withstand the onslaught.In this mini game you will see:● More than 100 recipes in the craftbook● Dungeons with treasures● Customized globe generation and adaptive difficulty● Loot with random properties● Day/Night cycle + weather effects● Hunting and fishing● Animal and crop farming● Trading with aboriginesTips for the beginner:● If you don’t like Survival mode, you can turn off powerful creatures and starvation in the settings.● Also you can slow down mini game speed If you play for the first time or constantly die.● Do not test to build a awesome shelter right away. Hide yourself first in the stone arrays.New blocks, stuff and recipes are permanently added in the mini game to create it more diversified and interesting to play.The video test includes elements of roguelike and rpg games.Attention! No need to buy all the recipes through IAP. Searching recipes is the part of the video test. You can search recipes in a few ways:-Logically arrange the resources;-Barter With indigenous people;-Locate them in the chests;

PixelTerra Hack - Gallery:

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PixelTerra hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in PixelTerra:
Added new items: mithril and tools made from it, decorative items, new swords More diverse contents of the chests in the dungeon Added 5 new music tracks Fixed bug: items of equipment were stacked in boxes Fixed bug: respawn resources occurred in one corner of the map
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • CoolRobot 21: I would love pets, and maybe a hero design kind deal, but otherwise good mini game😁👍👏
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-03

  • Chris Litle: I really have fun this mini game. Simple to play and understand. I did like the 99+ stacks though. A tiny disappointed that is gone. Also there are some stuff that are not easily found like the spiders which I have. Yet to encounter or even yetis. I don't know if I'm missing something or just not fully developed. Otherwise still a good mini game!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-24

  • Nico Demccutac: I just started a fresh mini game and I realized their was no guide to point fresh users in the right direction
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-26

  • GamingGA8: Good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-28

  • Sintawati Winanda: This mini game is good, though need more content XD.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-23

  • Aks T: Fine, after previous reviewed,I've played updated ver. It's awesome, hold it up!!.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-19

  • Jim 8: Just good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-31

  • Soundstriker243: Nice mini game and it's worth to download.I've even spend my cash for it.Also it need more items such as more types of enemies,more types of biome,more stuff to craft and etc.And when i'm going out to search some resources i getting far away from my base,i seemly lost and it's hard to search my method back so i need to leave a track everytime i goes out.So if you can add a minimap it will be easier for me to travel everytime i goes out.Also When i'm wearing an armor the armor didn't present on my character's​ body,it just look weird.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-03-26

  • Yohanes Subagio: More modernize please. Love it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-29

  • Joseph Dodd: Really fun. But how do I move an advanced campfire?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-11

  • revive: how do you equip stuff like swords pixs ect
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-11

  • Explosive skull: Add more foods for farming and more things you can create with meal and you could add more fresh types of resources
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-02

  • kenji kyochi: I love the game,but,if it had Moga or general controller help it would be excellent i dont like my fingers in the middle of the screen the entire time im playing.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-24

  • henrikas serpytis: Loved it a lot but the mini game feels empty and quite frankly, lonely.Heres a recommendation: test adding randomly generated village's with npcs in them, so you should chat, trade, receive quests from them, or just simply wreck them (If it's not in the plan's yet)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-30

  • Jeffrey Bigcas: 5 star all the method! Just a minor recommendation: please add an option to destoy objects like bed, door and walls once placed thru long press. Thank you! It will give us more option to reconstruct. And please add backpack crafting to increase default storage. Thanks!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-20

  • Juan Melchor: There's bug when you test to place stuff in the crates. If the item in the crate will go over 99. The item you're trying too add will just add up to 99 and the rest disappears. Unless you drop the item on a blank slot. Create the stuff split.. if the item in the crate will go over 99, add then split. If there's no more slot after the split, the item could automatically go to the inventory else it will be dropped if the inventry is also full.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-22

  • amiel dioyo: add horse pet and creative mode
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-30

  • Helenix M: Love it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-02

  • Glopin Bopbin 420: Fine so I like but please add joy stick controls I hate the touch system it's very annoying
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-07

  • Kristina Herrboldt: Can't figure out how to drop stuff, but it's a solid begin to a mini game.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-03-29

  • Markus Hess: Loving it so far, one thing I've noticed is when an item is crafted and I tap the blue box to retrieve the item, it disappears. Am I missing something?
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-01-29

  • Faux Weed: I don't how to eat.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-04-14

  • Timothy Schneider: I like it, but I don't understand how to move stuff off each another from a stack, so I can't create the pickaxe. Please assist?
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-09-03

  • Ryan Whitwam: Stuck in cropped portrait mode on Pixel C. Cannot play.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-01-23

  • Jan Brünemann: Awesome price and very helpful developer!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-01-02

  • Jason Hawk: I very much enjoyed what tiny of the mini game I've played so far. If I should suggest something, I trust the mini game would play much smoother if instead of time progressing regardless of user action, the mini game was turn-based, so monsters and time only moved every time you interact with something, like in mini games like Pixel Dungeon or Cardinal Quest. Also, having the hotbar on the right side of the screen feels a tiny awkward trying to move stuff from your inventory, but that seems more like something I would need to receive used to rather than something you need to change. Good mini game, hold up the awesome work!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-07-32

  • Rainbow Tea: I like it. Auto save would be nice.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-08-05

  • Judy Kattavilayvong: I love the mini game, only recommendation I would create is have an option for multiple craft amount, like instead of making 1 floorboard at a time, maybe 5, 10, 15, 20 at a time etc, but another than that good mini game very addicting. Also I'm stuck with what to do with the lava... I can't seem to reach the treasures that's surrounded by lava I've tried everything I should think of
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-11-13

  • Simon Redgrave: Good begin to a top-down crafting roguelike. Nicely differentiated from all the Terraria clones with colorful creatures and 16 bit graphic style. Needs a map! Option to speed up mining! More content all round!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-04-25

  • David Inglis: Haven't gotten far yet but I like the style. Thanks​ for including pause while in menus. I will hold exploring
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-03-15

  • John Santos: RESPAWN? Nothing happens when i receive killed my screen is just red..
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-01-14

  • Reanna LaCasse: Would be 5 stars if heroes respawned after death.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-08-12

  • J.B. H: Short of 4 stars due to being incomplete. Couldn't finish the guide because wheat was not on my map. Awesome fun but not yet a full experience.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-08-10

  • Josafeth Verkins: How do you separate stuff from stacks?
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-07-30

  • Brandon Games: Decent mini game The mini game concept and mechanics are beautiful awesome. The large problem I have with it is that I only receive to play for about 10 - 15 minutes before it starts to receive buggy. Screen flashes and goes black, my guy doesn't move or he disappears all together. Fix those problems and it will receive a better rating. Also the guide needs to be a tiny more in depth and pause the mini game while in menu's.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-01-06

  • K White: Says to mine iron ore in guide. Only have wooden pickaxe, does 0 to rocks with iron ore so ore can't be mined. No another materials to craft from another than wood. How to progress? Virtual gamepad for movement would be an improvement. Guide needs improved, says to do things but not how to do them. Primary UI usage would be nice. ***Edit: This is a flaw with recipes. Simple for a pickaxe to deduce, but now it wants a stove. Primary things you need in order to do 'starter' things shouldn't require it. Create a stove to make iron ingot? Would, if it showed how to create a stove. There is no 'primary' wood stove to copy into a stone stove.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-01-08


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