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For Android: 4.3 and up Guide: Populele Smart Ukulele cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-03-30 Star Rating: 2.9
Name: Populele Smart Ukulele hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Beijing Visual & Sense Technology Co., Ltd. File Name: com.gt.populeleinternational
Current Version: 1.8.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-5000 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Peep This: Populele Smart Ukulele | Ep. #30 video.

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Watch Mi Populele Smart Ukulele - Smart Guitar from Xiaomi video.

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Watch Populele - Time To Shine video.

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Watch Mi Populele Smart Ukulele - учимся играть на гитаре video.

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Watch The First Smart Ukulele Makes You A Master Instantly!! video.

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Watch Populele - Learn to Play the Ukelele in 15 minutes! video.

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Watch Populele - Time to Shine video.

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Watch Populele Ukulele Review || Novelty or The Future? video.

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About the application:

Learning to play an instrument, like the ukulele, can be comfortable, fun, and simple when you have a Populele smart ukulele. Through Bluetooth connection, Populele’s smart fretboard lights up to present exactly where your fingers go. Using hardware and tool integration, Populele brings technology and melody together to create a truly special and fast learning experience for beginners and advanced users alike. From in-app video guides to chord and song libraries and gaming modes to recording and sharing, this is the most integrated melody experience on the shop. As Seen In:“Like any stringed instrument, learning chords is a bit of pain. We can solve this with technology.” – The Verge “A wild fresh startup is about to unleash Populele, an electric Ukulele that will teach you how to play old Uke standards like Ukulele Lady, D’yer Maker, and Tiptoe Through The Tulips”. – Tech Crunch“It connects to an apk where players can receive instant feedback and correct themselves.” -- CNBC Features:Game Mode - Add some fun to learning ukulele skills! Our mini games cover strumming, plucking, chord switching, and more.Tools: Search a tuner, chord library, and another useful programs all in one apk. Turn on the dazzle mode or light up your own LED pattern and allow your melody shine.Song Library: Learn over 100 songs in your library. Can’t search your favorite songs? Tell us. We’ll add them for you.Recording & Share: One-click record and share your fresh, multi-track work.Send feedback to us at [email protected] Us www.popuband.comLIKE Us www.facebook.com/PopuBandMusic/FOLLOW Us www.instagram.com/popuband.us/

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Mohamed Segaey: Works good like sharm, sync quick, and every thing is working
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-29

  • Liyuan Ji: I had no trouble with my acc setting, and it was so fun! A few little bugs to fix, but I'm beautiful satisfied about the overall performance.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-22

  • tmiko29 Tan: Awesome apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-31

  • 李海泉: Now my populele is connected!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-20

  • Hao Sun: good!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-06

  • Tim Geiges: Error S3
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-07-27

  • patchcamel: A few bugs but it is brand fresh so that is to be expected.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-07-25

  • John Gonzalez: UPDATE: Since my initial review I've received a very pleasant an helpful email from Populele explaining that the spyware problem was a bug that has been fixed. I also have an problem with my Populele itself, which they offered to replace/exchange. Once the replacement uke is here I will install the updated ver of the apk. I really wish this to work. Such a good idea for learning the ukulele.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-07-29

  • Gabriel Creek: It's still a tiny rough, but it's getting better! Overall the concept is fun and the song collection is growing beautiful rapidly.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-08-12

  • Laura Small: I love the concept; and when it works, it works good! However, the tuner is wrong the majority of the time. When I practice or play the mini games, the apk tells me that I "miss" almost all of the notes. It's not registering what I play accurately. This is a very flawed apk, but I hope that that glitches receive fixed soon.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-07-21

  • Christopher Salvatore: I really wanted to love this app....but its just too rough to use. Also wasn't is supposed to be for tablets too? Nothing about this apk works, it doesn't seem to sync with the uke, videos don't play, a nice idea but no t worth the cash. I am going to give it a week and if it doesn't work it's being sent back for a refund. On the another hand the uke is good with a nice tone and is but very well. Hopefully the apk with receive updated and a ver for tablets ASAP Modernize. I got a very nice email from the company, it turned out the apk required other day or so, and yes it's much more stable. I do suggest getting lessons or trying Ukelees for dummies but you wish to receive the concept down. Even with the tutorials you really need the fundamentals to play well. In closing I'd give the uke 4 out of 5 and the apk a 3.5, ultimately there are no shortcuts you have to do the work, but this is a good program to assist you receive there
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-08-05

  • Phil Nolan: The apk is beautiful nice, I just want it looked a tiny more adult. It looks like it's created for tiny girls.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2018-01-14

  • Aglaia Lam: Hi. Please contain all the Chinese songs from your China ver of the apk like those from 周杰伦 and 林俊杰 and I'll rate this FIVE STARS. I wish to play both English and Chinese pop songs. Thanks do consider this!!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-12-25

  • Sara Wagner: I was so excited to receive this through the Indigogo campaign and the endorsement by the Ukulele Taecher sealed the deal. I wanted to use it to assist teach people to play. I didn't realize how invasive the permissions for the apk were. If those don't receive fixed I'm going to be returning the Populele before the 30 days is up. It's a nice, solid uke, but without feeling secure using the apk it's type of pointless. I have enough nice ukes I can play.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-07-26

  • Martin Hickman: We have tried to download this apk on 4 various Samsung tablets (1 is only 4 months old) and it is not compatible with any of them. So test the apk before you buy.! Looking for a true teacher until the apk is updated. ☹️☹️ As for the apk itself a mate downloaded it on their Sony smartphone, it looks OK but the screen is not large enough to use.🤔😢
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-12-21

  • Summer Lee: Whenever I switch apks, it reverts to Chinese. Eventually it switches back to English but it seems random. Please add a language option so I don't have to spend practice time trying to receive the apk to cooperate.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-08-04

  • Sean McFarland: Got my uke today. It's beautiful neat, sounds awesome. Would love to use the apk, but it keeps crashing just after the video that explains tuning, and just before review questions (I'm guessing, I can't receive past the video). LG G6. Will test on my smartphone, but it's a couple years old.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-07-29

  • Bella West: I absolutely love the ukulele. It has a good sound and it looks attractive (especially at night with the dazzle mode). However, I have run into some issues. The apk constantly crashes. Any time I test to begin the song library or mini games, It crashes. The application is fresh so of course there will be bugs and problems so I understand. Thank you!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-07-28

  • There are some significant bugs. Can't wait til it's fixed. The ukulele is good though.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-07-25

  • Delroy L: Why does it demand so a lot of permissions
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-07-22

  • David Hempy: All in all, it's a awesome begin. Very beautiful and fun looking for younger users, without being too goofy for adults. It has a few deal breaker problems, though. 1. Tuner is too quick. As soon as a string reaches the target frequency, the apk jumps to the next string. It needs to dwell for a second or two (better yet, as long as the user plays that string) for the note to settle and the player to stop moving the pegs and be satisfied before moving to the next string. There is no method to choose strings manually and stay there. If you choose the string once more to ok tune, it jumps to the next string immediately. Also, there could be an option (on by default) to hear the note from the apk when starting each string. 2. The song library is locked when not paired to the Populele. I understand that from the perspective of protecting revenue for sales of your instruments, or perhaps licensing agreements with the assists. But, it is infuriating when the battery in my Populele is dead with no charger around. Once an apk installed on a device is paired with aPoplulele, it could be unlocked on that device forever. There is simply no use case for locking it every time, once a legitimate purchase is confirmed. 3. THIS IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM OF ALL: The apk will not begin without an Internet connection! You might think that's no large deal these days...until you take your instrument on a camping trip and there is no cell service. That happened to me this weekend, and my campfire serenade was ruined, just because I should not tune my instrument. I didn't expect to be able to download fresh content , or maybe even see the song library… But not even be able to begin the application and run the tender is absurd and inexcusable! 4. As a smaller problem, please don't treat the back button as a request to close the apk. I just wish to go back up the menu one step, not exit . This is android device 101 items. Please receive that right. These deficiencies are so awful I nearly gave it one star, except I really feel that the apk has potential . I do hope you'll fix these issues and turn this apk into a good one. By the method, I really like the famous name and well I don't use lights very much I do have fun playing it and it's lovely sound.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-10-09

  • Jon Ooms: Unable to load song library, would rate it better if it was possible to begin any songs!
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-07-28

  • Hiro Katsuki: Needs metronome, tuner could let player to tune not just to GCEA. Lessons are interesting but apk doesn't pick up most of the chords played, results of the mini game doesn't tell player what to improve on. Could utilise musical symbols such as rest, half note, quarter notes or even signatures and dynamics. The mascot is beautiful but would be better if it only shakes its head when there's mistakes or assist players know they're awesome or not.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2018-01-06

  • Dan Benge: The Uke is nice. This tool is frustrating. I'm guessing it uses the phones internal microphone to listen for the correct chords. Unfortunately it's accurate for only about 70% of the time and that's when the uke is actually tuned. The apks tuner is horrible. I checked it versus my electronic tuner and it was woefully incorrect.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-14

  • Ken Raef: The application makes me wish to shout. The rhythm mini games suck. There is no indicator on if you are early or late or if for some reason. It's the cords. Plus when you receive stuck on a mini game there is no skipping past it, you are just stuck.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-12-04

  • Clifford Hammerschmidt: Almost works, but reverted to Chinese in the latest modernize :(
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-04

  • Katie Rule: It needs work. Trying to play the mini games is a nightmare: there's no calibration for the faulty rhythm or note perception, and the instructional videos receive garbled with low Internet speeds. Not to mention the fact that the apk won't flip when you turn the smartphone, and the feedback portion has awful questions, and won't take more than one comment (which is why I feel compelled to give a laundry-list here). However, it is a fresh apk, and it can be updated. It has an unbelievably superb player interface and intuitive graphics. I can see that with some tinkering, it will be a unbelievable apk. For this reason, I haven't deleted the apk, and asked for my cash back on the uke.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-04

  • Denis Grechko: Couldn't make an acc and the mini game wouldn't go past the introduction video. It's really saddening, especially when you paid cash for the uke and you receive nothing promised. The apk sucks beyond my comprehension
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-06-20

  • Eric Lo: Can't even connect with my smartphone. Have tried 3 devices old and fresh. Complete waste of cash. Old iPad mini doesn't work. oneplus 3 also doesn't work. Most of the fresh smartphone comes with x86 nowadays why r u guys still sticking to ARM and not create the fresh devices on shop compatible!?? Don't tell me you have worked hard or yadayada. Just create the apk compatible with fresh smartphone on the shop! U r so outdated!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2018-01-19

  • Michael P: Doesn't work on my Samsung S8 or my Samsung smartphone. Tried it on an old iPhone. Ok...Now it connects. Still this is sorely lacking. This was a Christmas gift and it is far from a awesome value, a awesome apk, or a awesome method to learn ukulele. It doesn't hold you informed on your rhythm or lack of. It has few songs. The coding folks required to take more time, involve musicians, and deliver on a promise top teach ukulele. In reading another reviews I see the company says check compatibility before buying yet nowhere on the site nor on the Iniegogo r page (I bought from Indiegogo) does it say which formats are compatible. In fact it says most smart devices are compatible but my smartphone, Samsung smartphone, and others are NOT compatible. I wish a refund on the ukulele. Very disappointed. Do not buy this product. Next I will see how customer service is when I request a refund. Stay tuned. A disappointment to say the least.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-12-26

  • Adam Green: Connected once to samsung s7. Since then will never connect
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-12-11

  • Zach Stroum: The interface displays both English and Asian heroes simultaneously, overlapping. I can't receive past the first part of the needed guide, which means the apk is essentially useless.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-07-28

  • Maciek Sakrejda: The apk is terrible. It does not register what I'm playing reliably, crashes, it's riddled with spelling errors, and is unresponsive. The ukulele itself is beautiful decent, but the apk integration is supposed to be the selling point. Instead it's just garbage.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-07-22

  • h kuwahara: Useless, will not allow me sign in
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-08-02

  • William Middleton: I'm not a kid but this apk thinks you are. Every part of this makes me regret my purchase. I hope they create a ver of the apk that is geared towards a buyer over the age of 8 because the programs are there but between the child videos that you CANNOT skip and the content they lock until you finish the videos makes me never wish to begin to apk once more. ADULTS WANT TO LEARN TO PLAY TOO!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-07-23

  • Laura Poff: This is the worst apk I have ever experienced. The load screen is excruciatingly long. It forces landscape view. There is no simple method to exit the apk. It sucks my battery. There are no songs accessible to me. I have started mini game mode twice but can't skip the beginning videos each time. I hate that I spent so much cash on this smart uke where the apk is honestly so stupid. Perhaps create a very primary ver of the apk for adults who wish to skip around. Do some sad path programming for goodness sakes.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-08-10

  • Alex Smith: Worst apk I have ever seen. It is freezing all the time and loosing connection with "mainland". DOES NOT WORK WITHOUT GPS AT ALL!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2018-01-17

  • Adam Andriashek: Won't allow me connect to a smartphone for some reason. There is a section in GAME that has Chinese heroes that I can't read cause I don't know Chinese. Then when you click on it, it goes into a Chinese video that I also can't understand. Then when I test to pluck the chords they tell me to pluck I message the ukulele is no longer connected or the lights are off and it's not registering. So I test reconnecting and it goes back and forth from connecting to disconnecting which is really frustrating. When I finally manage to receive it connected once more I go back in to test that lesson and they ukulele is disconnected once more! I sure hope this apk gets all fixed up soon.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2017-08-04


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