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For Android: 7.0 and up Guide: PRO Motion Detector Camera cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-11-29 Star Rating: 0
Name: PRO Motion Detector Camera hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Symon Mayn File Name: com.sjm.camera
Current Version: 20.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1-1 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Be sure to read the Notes below for general details and advice. This apk comes in 2 parts.. Part 1 is the Camera apk (PRO Motion Detector Camera) which will scan any area. Part 2 is the Viewer apk (PRO Motion Detector Viewer) so you can watch what PRO Motion Detector Camera is scanning. Each time motion is detected a picture is taken, these can be sent via email if enabled in Settings menu of the PRO Motion Detector Camera app. This is explained further below in the Settings section. You can configure features such as how a lot of video frames to send and also the sensitivity of the PRO Motion Detector Camera scanner, depending on the kind of surveillance you wish. You can receive down to ultra sensitive where even a butterfly will trigger the sensor or higher level where only really big movements will register. The Settings page of the Camera apk is necessary so here's an explanation of each setting: * Interval This is the capture frame rate and is set to 1 by default. It controls how smooth the video appears in the Viewer apk. This could probably be left at 1 which is the smoothest. * Set Sensitivity This controls how sensitive the Camera apk is. Values can be from 1 (being the most sensitive to 50 being the least). I would recommend somewhere between 8 and 15 depending on what type of movement you wish to monitor. Just experiment with it. * Notify on Motion Detected If you wish to be emailed when motion is detected, check this box and then fill out your email address (must be a Gmail acc) and password. * Number of Video Frames to Send via Email If for instance this was set to 10, the Camera apk would have to register 10 movements before sending the email. The 10 movement frames would be attachments to the email.This option is only accessible if you chose to be notified by email. * Notification Options This option will send emails automatically (and without player interaction if the alarm is disabled) see below for that option. * Alarm Here you can choose which alarm to use when motion is detected or you can turn off alarms by unchecking the box. Permissions: PRO Motion Detector Viewer * This apk needs to access Storage on the device so it can write temporary photo files that were sent by the Camera apk. These files are cleaned up after they are displayed in the Viewer app. PRO Motion Detector Camera * This apk needs to access Storage because it needs to write a single photo file to the device. This is then sent to the Viewer apk. * Camera access is needed so it can scan a room. Notes: After downloading from Play Shop for the first time, the first thing you could do is go to the Camera apk Settings page and set your preferences. Then go ahead and choose a target IP address (device) from the list. Tap the Begin button then run the Viewer apk which can be on the same device as the Camera apk or a various one. Once the Viewer apk is connected (via the Connect button) to the Camera apk you will have a grace period of 30 seconds to position the device that the Camera apk is running on before motion monitoring goes live. You can have both apks running on the same device if you wish but it's suggested to use 2 various devices - One to scan the room and the another to see whats going on. When an email is about to be sent first you will see a red button that simply stops the alarm if one was set. Then 2 buttons will pop up (unless you are using Notification Options as mentioned above). One button is Restart and Continue which will give you 30 seconds to position or re-position the Camera apk device and then scanning will begin up again The another button is Continue which will hold monitoring immediately and any further emails or alarms will be disabled. Also, when the Camera apk is shut down you may have to wait a min before restarting it, it takes a tiny while for the background processes to shut down. Just mess around with it until you have it how you wish it.. Contact me if you have any questions or problems.

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