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For Android: 4.4 and up Guide: Python 3.7 cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-12-20 Star Rating:
Name: Python 3.7 hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: NextLabs.cc File Name: cc.nextlabs.python_3_6
Current Version: 1.0.1 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Python 3.7 Documentation Table of Content What's fresh in Python 3.7? 1. Whetting Your Appetite 2. Using the Python Interpreter 3. An Informal Introduction to Python 4. More Control Flow Tools 5. Data Structures 6. Modules 7. Input and Output 8. Errors and Exceptions 9. Classes 10. Brief Tour of the Standard Library 11. Brief Tour of the Standard Library — Part II 12. Virtual Environments and Packages 13. What Now? 14. Interactive Input Editing and History Substitution 15. Floating Point Arithmetic: Problems and Limitations 16. Appendix Installing Python Modules Distributing Python Modules 1. Introduction 2. Lexical analysis 3. Data model 4. Execution model 5. The import system 6. Expressions 7. Easy statements 8. Compound statements 9. Top-level components 10. Full Grammar specification 1. Command line and environment 2. Using Python on Unix platforms 3. Using Python on Windows 4. Using Python on a Macintosh Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3 Porting Extension Modules to Python 3 Curses Programming with Python Descriptor HowTo Guide Functional Programming HOWTO Logging HOWTO Logging Cookbook Regular Expression HOWTO Socket Programming HOWTO Sorting HOW TO Unicode HOWTO HOWTO Fetch Internet Resources Using The urllib Package Argparse Tutorial An introduction to the ipaddress module Argument Clinic How-To Instrumenting CPython with DTrace and SystemTap General Python FAQ Programming FAQ Design and History FAQ Library and Extension FAQ Extending/Embedding FAQ Python on Windows FAQ Graphic Player Interface FAQ “Why is Python Installed on my Computer?” FAQ Introduction Built-in Functions Built-in Constants Built-in Types Built-in Exceptions Text Processing Services string re difflib textwrap unicodedata stringprep readline rlcompleter Binary Data Services struct codecs Data Types datetime calendar collections collections.abc heapq bisect array weakref types copy pprint reprlib enum Numeric and Mathematical Modules numbers math cmath decimal fractions random statistics Functional Programming Modules itertools functools operator File and Directory Access pathlib os.path fileinput stat filecmp tempfile glob fnmatch linecache shutil macpath Data Persistence pickle copyreg shelve marshal dbm sqlite3 Data Compression and Archiving zlib gzip bz2 lzma zipfile tarfile File Formats csv configparser netrc xdrlib plistlib Cryptographic Services hashlib hmac secrets Generic Operating System Services os io time argparse getopt logging logging.config logging.handlers getpass curses curses.ascii curses.panel platform errno ctypes Concurrent Execution threading multiprocessing The concurrent package concurrent.futures subprocess sched queue _thread _dummy_thread dummy_threading contextvars Networking and Interprocess Communication asyncio socket ssl select selectors asyncore asynchat signal mmap Internet Data Handling email json mailcap mailbox mimetypes base64 binhex binascii quopri uu Structured Markup Processing Tools html html.parser html.entities XML Processing Modules xml.etree.ElementTree xml.dom xml.dom.minidom xml.dom.pulldom xml.sax xml.sax.handler xml.sax.saxutils xml.sax.xmlreader xml.parsers.expat Internet Protocols and Support webbrowser cgi cgitb wsgiref urllib urllib.request urllib.parse urllib.error urllib.robotparser http http.client ftplib poplib imaplib nntplib smtplib smtpd telnetlib uuid socketserver http.server http.cookies http.cookiejar xmlrpc xmlrpc.client xmlrpc.server ipaddress Multimedia Services audioop aifc sunau wave chunk colorsys imghdr sndhdr ossaudiodev Internationalization gettext locale Program Frameworks turtle cmd shlex Graphical Player Interfaces with Tk tkinter tkinter.ttk tkinter.tix tkinter.scrolledtext IDLE Other Graphical Player Interface Packages Development Tools typing pydoc doctest unittest unittest.mock unittest.mock 2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation test Debugging and Profiling bdb faulthandler pdb The Python Profilers timeit trace tracemalloc Software Packaging and Distribution ... more

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