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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-09-30 Star Rating: 4.65
Name: QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: DrBeef File Name: com.drbeef.qvr
Current Version: 1.0.2 User Rating: Mature 17+
Downloads: 1000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch Play Quake on Google Cardboard - QVR on Google Play video.

QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) related image

Watch Quake for Google Cardboard (Android) Gameplay - Updated 2nd Nov 2015 video.

QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) related image


About the application:

~~ NO GAME ASSETS ARE INCLUDED - THIS IS AN ENGINE PORT ONLY ~~ =========================================================== Due to copyright/EULA restrictions no mini game assets are included; they will need to be downloaded separately. THE APP CAN DOWNLOAD & UNPACK SHAREWARE QUAKE SEPARATELY FOR YOU, BUT THE SHAREWARE GAME ASSETS DO NOT CONSTITUTE PART OF THIS APPLICATION AS THIS IS AN ENGINE PORT ONLY You will be offered the option to download the shareware ver at first start-up. If you already own the full ver of Quake, you can copy the pak files to your smartphone to play. You can buy the full ver of Quake on Steam, I highly suggest you do, here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/2310/ Or.. the shareware ver of Quake is gratis to download from the following location: ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake/quake106.zip Or.. you can test playing some total conversion mods, however there seem to be a lot of problems running these at the moment. I will hopefully increase help for these over time If you do need to use them, detailed instructions on downloading, extracting and copying the pak0.pak file from the shareware ver of Quake can be found here: http://bit.ly/21GHVXI It is a straightforward process and hopefully the above document will walk you through it with no trouble. YOU CANNOT USE THIS APP WITHOUT THE FOLLOWING: * a control pad (buttons are remappable in the mini game) * Cardboard or equivalent with headstraps to play in VR-mode (as you need hands to keep gamepad) Now the fun items... This cardboard engine port features the following: * Uses the perfect Darkplaces Engine wrapped in the Cardboard SDK * Non-VR mode - still requires a gamepad but you are not restricted to playing on a cardboard only, quickly switch to non-vr mode to play (via menu, or keep Begin button for 2 seconds) * Configurable eye-resolution (for lower spec phones) - If you search your smartphone is struggling to draw at an acceptable framerate, you can adjust reduce the eye buffer resolution in the Options menu (it takes a moment to restart following a resolution change, be patient..) * Re-texturing project help (http://qrp.quakeone.com/) * Online multiplayer * Supports mods (mileage may vary) * Command line params using a text file - make a text file in the QVR directory called commandline.txt and populate with any command line params you may want to use * Toy Soldier Mode - Play in 3rd person with a mini-marine running about in front of you causing havoc * Visit QuakeVR.com for more info As the original Quake sourcecode is GPL licensed, the full source for this is accessible in an archive contained in the assets folder of the apk. If you have problems, please send mail to the following address and I will endeavour to resolve them as soon as I can, within reason: [email protected] Quake is a registered trademark of id Tool / ZeniMax Media Inc. QVR is not endorsed by, associated with, or in any method affiliated with id tool or ZeniMax Media Inc. NOTE: If you owned the previous incarnation of this apk "Quake for Cardboard", then if you email [email protected] with your transaction reference number from when you purchased it, I will send you a promo code so you can receive this apk for gratis. Please let a few days for me to process your request.

QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) Hack - Gallery:

QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) screenshot QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) screenshot QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) screenshot
QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR) hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in QVR (Source port of Quake Engine for Cardboard VR):
latest:<br>- Fixed erroneous screen rotation when phone is upside down<br><br>older:<br>- Huge improvement to how game is rendered, much greater comfort on smaller phones with little to no eye strain now (I hope!)
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • James Moss: Love this apk, quake that still works with fresh devices, supports controllers nicly and has the option to play without vr mode, but i want i should host multiplayer mini games to play locally
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-29

  • Joel Gonzalez: Best vr mini game really
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-06-13

  • Ed Onslow: I used to play other Dark Territories port a lot, but it was killed by an Android device modernize and never fixed. Finally I can play it once more, and in VR! Only gripe is that I couldn't receive dual analog working with my gamepad for non-VR mode.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-31

  • Timothy Paugh: Dude it's quake in vr. It's good. Good job devs. I turned the field of view down and lowered the graphics. It created the mini game a lot better for me. s6 edge
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-22

  • Pau Ton: What a treat, love it! Hope you do more like this.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-13

  • A Google user: Absolutely terrifying. Quake was always a white-knuckle-ride thanks to the carefully planned suspense, ingenious map design and (nasty) surprises around every corner. In VR, it's - well, a whole fresh dimension. It feels incredibly immersive - this is due largely to the fact that there is no pretense at reality. This is obviously a virtual environment, blocky and pixellated, but with a true sense of dread. You feel trapped and anxious at fighting your method out; creatures are horrifyingly large, the drops are vertiginous, and the cold sweat you feel at a door sliding begin behind you, all the lights going off and a large grunt running in at you has to be experienced to be believed. It's a good implementation and runs very smoothly. Full marks for this - it's the VR experience we've been waiting for.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-02

  • Young Glokk: It's good but can you use a ps3 controller with it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-25

  • Dmacell: Plays very smoothly on my S5. Takes me back to my first home built pc and voodoo2 graphics card... except this time i am in the universe! Good job! Looking forward to trying some of the player created mods out there as well.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-20

  • Richard Craig: Best 99¢ I've ever spent, and best thing I've played on my Daydream.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-15

  • Rami Mellemgaard: only awesome vr FPS mini game out there
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-23

  • Satbir Singh: Unbelievable ! The best VR mini game out there, simply cos its a no compromise mini game. its the original Quake. Just sit on a rotating chair and its the best experience on VR till now !
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-17

  • Rustybolts K Pears: All good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-07-09

  • Andy McAdam: Runs amazingly well on galaxy s5.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-10

  • James Sayer: I didn't expect to be quite as emotional playing this. To suddenly be able to gawp up at familiar architecture that's previously only been viewable from a normal perspective is genuinely marvelous. Thank you Dev.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-13

  • lenne 0815: Works ( Almost ) Flawlessly on my Note 3, is there any method to increase rendering performance ( getting 30ish fps with buffer @ 1024 Btw, link on ur page is wrong, seems the subreddit moved to Quakegearvr instead on Quakevr
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-19

  • Alistair Fellowes: Played on my Note 3. Not as strong as some newer phones so frame rate dipped at times in VR mode, but still very playable. Perfect apk. Do the expansion packs for Quake work on this?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-12

  • A Google user: This is the best VR experience I've had yet. I have not yet had the occasion to test any of the current high-end devices, like the Vive or Rift, but this is surprisingly awesome. I think it's a awesome demonstration of what awesome VR is going to be like. Because you're using a cellphone (I'm using a Pixel 1), it's missing positional tracking, and the refresh rate is very awful. But you can see how cool VR will be with a system that has those things done well, along with hand trackers, and the ability to walk and jump with your own two feet. People are working on getting all of that technology to the mainstream, and I think apks like this present that it's right around the corner. One more note: On top of being the best VR experience I've had yet, sight and immersion-wise, I also had the least nausea I've ever had while playing with cellphone VR. Awesome job making Darkplaces VR-friendly. Easily worth the 99 cent. Helps if Quake 1 is your favorite mini game of all time, too, like it is mine. For the first time, I had this additional sense that I was "in" the mini game. Also, it's funny how large things appear in the mini game in VR.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-07

  • chris johnson: i played this on sideload, felt i had to buy it. good port. please port avp classic next
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-14

  • King Ed: It runs Quake. It's good. Easy as that.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-03

  • Mark Heptonstall: I had Quaker VR running side loaded then it stopped working today. The quality of this seems to much better. Not sure if it uses the high quality texture packs by default. May need to buy the full quake from steam now!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-11-28

  • Joe Stranger: Have to give 5 stars because what a good mini game and vr quake is good, I play the quake 2 ver that was knocking around. my smartphone has no gyroscope! But the 3d result is still unbelievable.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-02

  • Clive Mason: Does exactly what it says on the tin. Unbelievable. More than satisfied to pay only a quid for the amount of work it would have taken to port the Quake source code into Cardboard! Would cost me more than that in electricity alone... 😀 Good work - the engine runs very smoothly, even on lower spec devices.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-04-02

  • Bill Pyke: I couldn't afford a PC back in the days of Quake. My boss allowed me to install it on his machine. I played often and stayed very late - after hours. Now with QVR I can climb inside my beloved Quake. And truly be at home. But what's a awesome controller to use? The 'jump' hangs me midair and leaves totally stuck. I'm using a cheap Sunpak SP-VRR Bluetooth controller. Thank you for QVR, I love you!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-11-23

  • Jeremy Tozer: Good, Feels like you are there.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-26

  • Piers Jessemey: Good. Any another mini games on your radar for the vr treatment?
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-12

  • Jakob: Best vr experience you can receive on cardboard in my opinion
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-14

  • Nasty Buttler: Very awesome port of Quake 1, and it's in VR! I want I should compare the source code to the original, for an idea of what's required to do this for another mini games I like. As far as the graphics and video test go, I had to look at the context of the product: It is a port. Graphics are sharper than what I remember the mini game having, and VR makes the video test even better than it originally had. This port gets 5 stars for everything from me. It works good with the 8bitdo NES30 Pro controller.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-28

  • Scott Morris: Best cardboard mini game out there. Runs good on my LG G2 with an Xbox 360 controller.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-16

  • Itumeleng Gafane: Good mini game!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-02

  • Ben Owczarenko: Perfect must have if you like quake but..... The mini game is truly good perfect work with the port, a few things I would like fixing though true time globe shadows don't work, true time dynamic shadows don't work, and stainmaps doesnt work..no blood staining. However that said, I appreciate this is a lot of time spent making this work in the first put.. I play this daily, it's totally addictive... Makes you noxious first time, didn't feel normal for about 15mins. I wish to see what's its like with everything switched on... Runs smooth with rygels hi-res textures, (not ultra hi not enough ram) little mod compilation, hi poly models, reforged weapons, reforged skins and per map weather and lighting, Romi rtlights, and reflective overload. A few tweeks required in the config file. About 2GB of mods incorporated. Running on HTC u 11.. Bloody good I tell thee
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-27

  • Douglas Oxborrow: Thank you for this. It was worth 5x the price. The original was one of my favorites back in "the day" and now this gives me something I can actually play and have fun. My 37th VR apk. My #1 favorite. Bravo.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-07-31

  • Snooch 1025: play Quake on android device in VR. Best Google cardboard apk to date
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-16

  • Paul Downey: This emulator is absolutely unbelievable, and is surpassed by none another. I only have one problem with it though. For some unknown god-forsaken reason, it will run on every device I own my Samsung 10-inch smartphone, my Samsung Galaxy S4, but will not run on my Galaxy S7 Edge, which is the most strong of all of the devices that I own. In even speaking with the emulators creator, for the life of us, we should not even figure out why. That's the only thing that sucks, and no fault of the Creator. Still, it would be unbelievable to have this mini game running with all the texture packs, and all the mods, on this absolute creature of a smartphone.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-16

  • Robert Lee: Like a lot of another VR things, camera is rotated 90deg ccw, causing menus to act weird. Otherwise good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-09

  • Piotr Komincz: Good. I wish more
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-25

  • Damià Pastor: worth the motion sickness
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-31

  • W. Durrsly: I wanted to touch everything that wasn't trying to slay me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-05

  • Cody Maddox: Possibly the best cardboard mini game. It works flawlessly and it brings this classical to life. Buy this and if you only pay the shareware ver it is more than any another mini game on cardboard.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-28

  • Paul Stone: Using Samsung S5 Neo with a Believe Exos VR.. WOW!! The suggested texture package is a must, it looks stunning. Initially had issues going fully immersive but cured that by pressing the 'back up' button whilst in cardboard mode.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-19

  • Andrzej Anasiewicz: That is exactly what i required and more! Thanks for a good job!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-18


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