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For Android: 4.0 and up Guide: Shopping List - TB List.Make cheats tutorial
When updated: 2021-07-19 Star Rating: 4.5285716
Name: Shopping List - TB List.Make hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Tuplebits LLC File Name: com.tuplebits.list.make
Current Version: 7.7.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000-10767 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Shopping List - TB List.Make Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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About the application:

Tuplebits List.Make™ is a feature packed and simple to use mobile apk (contains Wearable ver) that maintains your grocery lists, shopping lists, notes, reminders and everything else you need to have at your finger tips: Whether you are on the go, shopping at your local grocery shop, shopping at the mall or planning to go to gym, you can use List.Make to hold track of all stuff that need to be bought or checked. Tuplebits List.Make™ contains a robust engine with built-in templates such as shopping mall list, grocery list, workout list and more. Built-in templates allows to simplify your shopping process by managing list stuff just with a single tap. Pro ver of this apk allows you creating your own templates and shop literally any types of list such as notes, tasks, to-do stuff, reminders as well as customized shopping mall list, grocery list, or your work out schedule. TB List.Make provides very easy and intuitive interface, help for voice commands and data sharing features that differentiate this apk among a lot of another related apks. Unlike a lot of another apks accessible on the shop, this apk allows recognizing complex sentences in dozens of various languages including English, Spanish, Russian, German, French, Korean & Japan. Test out voice recognition feature and you will see that it takes less than a min to populate your list with any stuff without typing a letter on your smartphone. You can share your reminders with members of your family, mates or squads at work via email and SMS. Wearable ver of the apk allows syncing a copy of your active list from your handheld device and allows accessing your lists at any time! *** Standard ver features *** ⤇ Make and manage multiple custom shopping or to do lists list stuff ⤇ Help for voice commands (Speech Recognizer) for adding stuff into your list ⤇ Templates with over 1000+ stuff, including: ⤇ Gratis access to built-in grocery list template with over 500+ stuff grouped into categories ⤇ Gratis access to built-in shopping mall template with over 300+ stuff grouped into categories ⤇ Gratis access to built-in work out template with over 200+ stuff grouped into categories ⤇ Latest list to ease access for stuff recently added into your shopping, grocery or work out lists ⤇ List Share – Allows to share grocery, shopping or exercise lists by text or email with your mates or family ⤇ Color themes ⤇ Templates with over 1000+ stuff *** Wearable Apk Features *** ⤇ Wearable ver of the apk including each of the following features: ⤇ ⤇ Data synchronization for infinite number of records in your list ⤇ ⤇ Offline copy of your active list on your wearable device. Unlike in some another apks we offer always available list on your wearable without being paired to your handheld! *** Pro ver Features *** ⤇ Disable In-App Ads ⤇ Gratis Upgrades ⤇ Custom templates - a special feature that allows you creating and managing your own template(s) for all your needs ⤇ Priority Help & Missing Feature Request

Shopping List - TB List.Make Hack - Gallery:

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Shopping List - TB List.Make hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Shopping List - TB List.Make:
This release includes a series of UI improvements and bug fixes.
Download apk from Google Play

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