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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: soyayya Da Tausayi; a rayuwar aure cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-06-02 Star Rating: 4.5555553
Name: soyayya Da Tausayi; a rayuwar aure hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: sabilujmr File Name: com.andromo.dev874697.app1002350
Current Version: 1.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 5000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

wannan babbar manhaja mai suna "soyayya da tausayi" babbar manhaja ce da muka hadata domin ku ma'abota soyayya da son raya fulawa, wato yan soyayya maza da mata. Kadan daga cikin abunda zaka koya a cikin wannan manhajar sun hada da kamar su: * Idan kana tare da budurwa / masoyiyarka, ya kasance kanayi mata kalamai masu dadi na jan hankali, wadanda zasu dinga faranta mata rai. * KAMAR HAKA! Na dade ina kallon taurarin samaniya yayinda naga wacce tafi kowacce haske, saina naga bakowa bace nike ganiba sai ke masoyiyata! So gamon jinine, haqiqa sonki ya zamo jinin jikina! * Kinfita daban a cikin mata, duk lokacin da na kallleki, sai naga kamar babu kyakykyawar wace sai ke! * Ki kwantar da hankalinki masoyiyata babu wata a zuciyata sai ke kadai! * Yarda da amincewarki gareni, sune zasu tabbatar da soyayyarki tagaskiya a gareni! Farin ciki baya dorewa a rayuwa sai tare da bakin ciki, dan haka kowane hali nike bazan ta6a mantawa dake ba masoyiyata! * Nakan raba dare ina mai roqon Allah don neman biyan buqata, ko kinsan kece abu na farko da nike roqo samu! * Yanayin sanyi kan sa mutum ya takura, tare da lullu6a da qaton mayafi amma ni duk sanyin da ake idan na tunaki sai naji tamkar yanayin zafi! Kamar yadda kowacce bishiya kanyi rassa a sama, kuma tayi saiwa a qasa, haka sonki ya mamaye dukkan jikina, idan na kalleki sai nayi farin ciki, idan naji tattausan muryarki, sai nishadi da walwala tare da annashuwa gami da farin ciki su mamaye zuciyata * Abokina ahakan zaka bi don sace zuciyar masoyiyarka cikin sauki!! * Kema zaki iya juya turn na wannan kalaman domin sace zuciyar masoyinki cikin sauki!! In kuma kinyi musu ku jaraba kugani! MALLAKAR ZUCIYA A yayin da masoya suke gudanar da soyayya a tsakaninsu, dole ne sai an dinga yin ta cikin kaffa-kaffa. Nuna zumudi da matukar fito da maitar soyayya a fili, shi ke sanya gajiyawa ga dayan da ya zamo abokin tarayya a soyayya, don haka dole ne sai anyi ta cikin taku da nuna kulawa amma ba'a zake da yawa ba. Masu iya magana suna cewa, "ido wa ka raina...? Amsar kuma itace, wanda nake gani kullum" ba a ce kar ki/ka dinga kula masoyayarka ba sai dai ana so kar ka cika nuna zakewa. Ko a wajen zuwa tadi/zance/hira, kar ya zamo ka nace har a gaji da kai. Da yake yanzu zamani ne na amfani da social media ko waya hannu ,to ko ba ka je ba zaka iya aikawa da dan gajeran sako don masoyi/masoyiya ta san kana tare da ita. Don haka masoya su kula da wannan, domin yawan naci yakan haifar da matsala, nacin zuwa hira a kowanne lokaci nacin kiran waya, har ma da tura sakon text messeges a wasu lokuta wasu lokuta masoyi/masoyiya za taiya warewa don turawa masoyinta sakon nuna soyayya da kulawa haka nan wani lokaci masoyi zai ware wanda zai iya ziyartar masoyiyarsa domin zantawa, da gabatar da wasu batutuwa don kara dankon soyayya a tsakaninsu rashin kulawa kuma zai iya jawo wasu matsaloli su faru ga masoyan, amma dai an fi son kulawar ta zamo mai tsari, tsari mai kyau ta yadda masoyi/masoyiya ba zata gaji da masoyinta ba, ko kuma masoyi ya gajiya da masoyiyarsa ba dole ne ya zamo an samu kyakkyawar mu'amala ta soyayya da kauna tare da amincewa juna ta hanyar da zata zamo mai tsafta kuma ya kasance ana dan bada gaf saboda yin nazarin abinda kanfi saurin farantawa masoyi ko masoyiya rai tare da samar da kyakkyawan nishadi mai armashi. Kada ku manta kuyi rate na wannan apk din.

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