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For Android: 5.0 and up Guide: Spin - Bike Around Your City cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-03-14 Star Rating: 2.4
Name: Spin - Bike Around Your City hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Spin Inc. File Name: pm.spin
Current Version: 2.0.26 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000-50000 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Spin - Bike Around Your City Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch Uber for Bikes Could Save Your Commute video.

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Watch Sweating & Spinning with SoulCycle video.

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Watch Spin Bikes Seattle video.

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Watch Spin around the city on the new bikeshare in seattle video.

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Watch YYC CYCLE- Spin Studio Calgary video.

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Watch DC Bike Review - Bikeshare, Limebike, Mobike, Ofo, SPIN, Jump video.

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Watch YYC CYCLE Spin Studio video.

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Watch Spin! Bike Rides benefit Heart to Heart video.

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Watch How to 'Fit' Your Spin Bike | Consumer Reports video.

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About the application:

Spin is a station-less bikeshare for your town, as featured on ABC News, FastCompany, The Atlantic, and TechCrunch.Pick up and drop-off Spin bicycles anywhere. You are always steps away from the nearest Spin bicycle! Here's how it works:* Search the nearest Spin bicycle by looking around...or via our apk* Scan the QR code on the bicycle and receive a code to unblock it* When you're done riding, just leave the bicycle neatly around your destination * Use the apk to end your trip, and lock the bicycle!* Pay for your trip by credit card

Spin - Bike Around Your City Hack - Gallery:

Spin - Bike Around Your City screenshot Spin - Bike Around Your City screenshot Spin - Bike Around Your City screenshot
Spin - Bike Around Your City hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Spin - Bike Around Your City:
- New side menu design. - Fixed crash related to Android 5 users. - Bug fixes and general improvements.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Zaizhuang Cheng: Love the bicycles, apk is easy and works good too!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-17

  • Didnt have any issues with the apk or payments. The bicycles dont have shocks tho, so be prepared for a very bumpy ride
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-06

  • Good idea, can't wait for it to come to my town!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-25

  • Clark Pan: Interface is very smooth and responsive. Beautiful cool apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-20

  • jordan zielinski: This apk is very simple to use and intuitive. I downloaded this and lime bicycle at the same time and spin was there clear champion
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-15

  • Luis Paz: It was fast and simple! Apk worked just ok. We're lucky we spotted the bicycles here in Miami Lakes, otherwise we would've never been aware of these. Super fun and convenient. I just hope that they put more around our city and throughout Miami because I would hate to see these go away or any type of shortage of bicycles close to me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-30

  • Sara Wang: Good bicycles and good customer service. So helpful!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-05

  • Jianzhong Ben: Cool apk for wheels!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-21

  • Kyle Rowe: Apk is easy to use, and I love the bicycles!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-24

  • Jaquana Miles: I used Spin for the first time today. It was good and simple to use. I will definitely test this out once more.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-23

  • Benny Wong: Love the apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-26

  • It's fine
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-05

  • Noah Bloom: I've been waiting for this a long time. Apk works good, fast, no problems, simple to receive a bicycle.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-07-13

  • Anthony Jimenez: Apk works well and looks good. I don't understand the low rating. One thing I want, however, is that the apk developer can create the apk icon into an adaptive icon. All my another apks except Fb, Ig, and Snapchat have updated their icons to be adaptive. Adaptive icons create for a uniform and more attractive apk. Also, the bicycles are good! Shocks on the bicycles would be appreciated but I can't complain because they have gears!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-12-14

  • Tried all three bicycle rental apks, so far this one works and I can actually end the rental if the lock didn't work quick enough. That's necessary to me. I don't have to call someone to end a ride.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-08-31

  • Waciuma Wanjohi: Bicycles are geared a bit high, making it harder to ride in hilly cities. Sometimes bicycles that are parked and accessible do not unblock. Convenient when working!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-08-04

  • So far I've been able to search a close bicycle when I need one, although the bike's place can be hard to search based on its place on the map. Usually they are at least on the same block. I've had problem getting the QR scanner to work, but entering the serial instead is no large deal. The first bicycle I rode had a weak front brake and rear brake was very squeaky. The light was beautiful useless and the method it was attached created it move out of put with every bump. The apk crashed a lot and wouldn't present any bicycles at first, even while I was standing in front of one. I had to reset the apk a few times before it resolved. Also, if you press the back button, the apk minimizes instead of expected behavior of returning to a previous page in the apk. But overall, the apk is useable and convenient. Eager to see where this goes in spite of initial bugs.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-07-20

  • josias benitez: I wish to pay with PayPal. Another than that the service rocks.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-12-09

  • Evan Clifthorne: Downgrading review because the scan function keeps breaking and it makes me unhappy.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-11-10

  • Cibele Motta: Something goes wrong with charge on your credit card, who do you contact? Where us the ride policy?
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-11-25

  • Andrew Williams: The apk, when it works is good. I have a trouble with phantom bicycles not being there when I arrive. I'm running S8+ so it's not hardware. Bicycles are useable during awesome weather. Run at only 3 speed which is not ideal for Seattle's hills. Havent found a bicycle yet without squeaky v brakes. Not confident in winter riding with these models. Disc brake of rival companies could be something to strive for.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-09-21

  • Rob Hubble: Crashes whenever it loses focus, which is annoying. Otherwise, easy and clean apk.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-07-18

  • Allison Pearce: I know there aren't any bicycles in my neighborhood, but I wish to take a Lyft over to where there are some, and then rent one for the day. However, the method the apk is set up, I am only allowed to see what's near by - which is none. Please add a method for me to see where there are bicycles (outside of my immediate place) so that I can tell my Lyft driver where to take me. Thanks!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-07-09

  • Katie Lambert: What a piece of junk. It quivered and shook the whole time and I thought it was going to collapse. I actually crashed it, as the brakes don't really work(the bicycle and are both ok). My 10 year old bicycle is soooo much better than the SPIN bicycle.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-10-08

  • Rita B. Lee: Bicycles disappear as I click on each point and when I pan around on map. Confused if it's UI or ghost bicycles.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-07-18

  • Arash Motamedi: 1. Bicycle GPS not accurate, frequently unable to search bicycles where they're supposed to be according to the map. 2. App/bike connectivity problems, "starting trip" takes a long time and eventually times out, beautiful frustrating. 3. QR scanner notoriously finicky and slow. Must be improved and be a lot more snappy. (Test WhatsApp web authentication for comparison, scans QR code in milliseconds)
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-07-26

  • Harvey Braswell: Says it's not accessible in my place (San Francisco). Noticed all the bicycles that were on 2nd Ave SOMA are gone this morning.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-32

  • Brian Goldstein: On recent Android device OS, apk crashed after I registered. On relaunch apk locked up. Beautiful pathetic given a lot of another reviewers have related tech problems with the apk. Awesome for Lime bicycle I guess :-).
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-09-21

  • Chris McCabe: The apk is useless for locating a bicycle. A high percentage are shown to be inside locked buildings/garages, which they might be, and others are simply nowhere around where they say they are. It's not like I just missed it because the marker stays on the map for a long time.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-06

  • Alex Pirnuta: Awesome idea. Awful quality bicycles. Can't unblock half of the time or not where they're supposed to be.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-13

  • Christopher Horton: Problem getting the apk to actually work. On pixel
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-09-22

  • Danilo Gasques Rodrigues: The apk is confusing and buggy. It shows a map full - really full - of parking signs and a few "orange" dots. Clicking on the dots or parking signs does not give you more info. Moreover, the map freezes when you zoom out. Adding a payment way is a pain. It requires a credit/debit card the first time you use it, so prepare to spend some mins trying to add a card while the apk goes back to the screen that allow you add payment details without acknowledging your input or giving you an error notice. I had to reset the apk before it recognized one of the a lot of credit cards I added. The 🔙 button on Android device behaves in mysterious manners. Test going back to the previous screen, it might allow you stuck to whichever screen you opened latest. Overall, the idea of bike-sharing, albeit not novel, is still not ubiquitous here. Thus, it is good to see a company working on it. Automatically stopping your ride when you lock the bicycle is definetly a plus as cellphone batteries are not always reliable.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-12-10

  • Matt Pearsall: Bicycles' places on the map and their places in the true globe are not connected. I end up wandering until I'm lucky enough to stumble across one. Will revise this review if this problem gets resolved.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-05

  • Olivia Luttazi: Awesome idea, awful execution. Bicycles are created by the lowestbidder and havr constant issues. Apk sometimes works ok, often it fails to load any bicycles, and on the 10th reset that it actually does work, you receive an unlimited loading screen once you place in the ID.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-11-17

  • Brad Russell: Lots of phantom bicycles, where the map says there's a bicycle but there really isn't. Also, I supposedly got $20 for signing up, but I had to place cash in acc before it would allow me check a bicycle out. Then it didn't even allow me check out any bicycles! I tried it on three or four various bicycles around city. No smartphone holder either. Only reason it has two stars instead of one is because the very first time I used it, it was unbelievable. If this thing ever actually works once more, it'll still be my second choice bicycle RENTAL (we're not sharing, don't receive it twisted) apk just because it doesn't have a smartphone holder.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-08-26


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