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For Android: 3.0 and up Guide: Star Fleet Deluxe cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-11-22 Star Rating: 4.463158
Name: Star Fleet Deluxe hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: FDO LLC File Name: org.fdo.starfleet
Current Version: 1.1.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 500- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Star Trek (2009) Deluxe Soundtrack video.

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Watch Star Trek Into Darkness: Deluxe Soundtrack video.

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Watch Star Trek Beyond Deluxe Soundtrack video.

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Watch "Star Trek II" : The Deluxe Edition Soundtrack [CD] video.

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Watch Space, The Final Frontier/Main On Ends (Star Trek Beyond Deluxe OST) video.

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Watch Star Trek Into Darkness: The Deluxe Edition- Klingon Chase/ Meeting video.

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Watch Star Trek Into Darkness: The Deluxe Edition- End Credits video.

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Watch Transporting Good Time (Star Trek Beyond Deluxe OST) video.

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About the application:

Star Fleet Deluxe is a strategic interplanetary fight mini game in the Star Fleet series, which to date has included Star Fleet I – The Fight Begins!, Star Fleet II – Krellan Commander (both published by Interstel Corporation), and Star Legions (published by Mindcraft). This series chronicles the life and death struggle for control of our galaxy during Galactic Fight II. This conflict is a crusade of revenge by the Krellan Empire, allied with the Zaldron Empire, to destroy the democratic United Galactic Alliance (UGA), which had humiliated the Krellans during the first galactic fight (“the galactic fight to end all galactic wars”). The Earth is the principal member of the UGA, which has a sphere of influence of approximately 320 light years in diameter, occupying a volume of approximately 17 million cubic light years. The UGA consists of 395 inhabited member planets, of which 27 are home worlds, 185 are colonies (both dependent and independent), and 183 are pioneer planets (only with outposts and bases). The Krellan Empire is a warrior-based society. Krellans are warm-blooded humanoids and as a race are extremely aggressive and courageous. They live to defeat and eradicate the weaker clever species from the galaxy, except for use as their slaves. Krellans do have a powerful sense of honor and duty. For a Krellan to die in war is the greatest honor of all. Thus the old Krellan motto: “To live is to defeat and to defeat is to live!” This philosophy that is ingrained in their society and taught to them from birth is what makes them such a risky opponent. Until their stunning setback in Galactic Fight I, when they were humbled by the UGA, they had never known conquer. That is why they are consumed by a burning obsession for revenge during the current war. Star Fleet Deluxe (SFD) is set in the time period between Star Fleet I, in which the 36 UGA Invincible-class massive cruisers first encountered the Krellan Piranha-class destroyers, and Star Fleet II, which is the full-blown invasion of UGA place using the entire might of the Krellan fleet, including troopships for invading UGA planets. In SFD the UGA still only has its individual massive cruisers to throw at the invasion, but they are now faced with the second attack wave of the Krellans. This wave has supplemented the destroyer scouts with war fleets, each of which consists of a strong Klagar-class battlecruiser with four destroyer escorts, and supply fleets, each consisting of a Nebula-class supply ship with one or more destroyer escorts. As before, individual Zaldron ships with their cloaking devices add an extra risky element to the struggle. Star Fleet I was set entirely in the exploration place of the UGA. By the time of SFD, the Krellans have driven the UGA ships back into the Defensive Place, and their objective during the mini game is to reach and destroy the colonies in the Colonial Place. Following this second wave of attack ships will be a third wave of invasion fleets to actually invade and defeat the UGA colonies and planets deeper in UGA place. In SFD, your aim is to stop the Krellan attack and drive them out of UGA place. At this scene of the Krellan master invasion plan, they are not ready for a do or die attack. Their overall strategic objective is more than just destroying a few starbases and colonies, so they will retreat if they perceive that you have gotten the upper hand and their losses will be excessive if they continue. Your mission in SFD is to take command of a UGA Invincible-class massive cruiser and defend the 81 quadrants of an assigned region of place versus the expected Krellan attack. You are to protect any colonies within your assigned region until the main UGA fleet can arrive to relieve you. If possible, you are to not only stop the Krellan and Zaldron invaders, but are to drive them back out of the region. For your help there will be a number of Guardian-class starbases located in the defensive

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Changes in Star Fleet Deluxe:
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions!<br>If you have problems/suggestions please email me at [email protected].<br><br>1.1.0<br>Added novice mode (no time limit)<br>Added simulator mode (practice)<br><br>1.0.32<br>Fixed internationalization bug.<br><br>1.0.31<br>Fixed bug crashing game on newer phones<br><br>1.0.30<br>Added more time for early career missions<br>Added more detailed strategy for Krellan Battle Fleets in ships archives. This should help officers struggling to break the invasion<br>...
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Gabster: Love it.. Please add more cloaking
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-32

  • Chad McFall: I love this mini game however for some reason I can't access the view fleet private option on the officers menu I go into it but nothing appears I am not sure what why it is not working but I just wanted to create sure that I brought this to your attention.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-05-29

  • Trevor Sorensen: This is the best implementation of my original Starfleet mini game yet. Kevin did a unbelievable job with the GUI and improved the mini game play over the PC ver ( which never got past beta ver). I think you will have fun this mini game.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-04

  • Frank Meffert: This was literally the first mini game I ever bought and installed on a true PC. When I saw it here I had to check it out and I haven't been disappointed. Plays just like I remember. Definitely my number 1 played mini game at the moment.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-15

  • John Riff: I played Star fleet 1 on my Amiga back in the day and was so excited to search this in the apk shop. Good fun that harkens back to a more easy and happier time.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-07

  • Hugh o'donnell: Star Fleet 1 was and remains a classic, not just for video test but for introducing rewards and awards based on your video test, and it is for GAMEPLAY, no randomly shooting a 100 pigeons here. The mini game is turnbased and you need to balance not just your ships limited torpedoes and power levels when deciding whether to war or retreat for supplies, but also the state of thoses your defending and the risk of more opponents turning up. You have time to think, plan wisely. Highly suggest.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-19

  • Kenneth Harkin: I played this relentlessly on the PCjr back in the mid 80s, I still have it in the box! This is a good port with a surprising amount of depth and tactic. Thank you!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-19

  • A Google user: I played the original mini game 'Cygnus' with my dad years ago...great memory, good fun and now its back...fantastic! Thanks
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-22

  • Jim Sells: Played the pc a lot of moons ago...just as awesome. Now lets move on to SF2,
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-17

  • luis quintero: When in the military, I came across this mini game on top secret computers,the brass was really into it,I got to play it briefly for a day,and spent years trying to search it again,this makeover does good justice to a classic game,I'm really enjoying this,thank you for your work on this project, I look forward to buying part two.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-21

  • Daniel Macculloch: It would be good if the ship was more trek-like and also if you should select between different ship class as a perk for admirals/captains
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-32

  • Jon Rose: This is an old mini game with a long and storied history. And this is a phenomenal port. Classic tactic gaming at it's best, it has rapidly become one of my favorite mini games on Android device.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-10

  • Marc Saunders: Having played the originals I was delighted to search this mini game, and to see that it has not been ruined by modernisation, thank you so much for this and your efforts. Would be cool if ports should be done with the originals too, those I would pay for too..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-27

  • Mike Mears: Tech help is good, and now I'm up and playing!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-19

  • Paganguy1: I've played this mini game since it was first released for IBM pc's in 1986! Love this ver and am satisfied to be able to play it once more. Two quibbles: I would like to be able to select my own ship, like in the old mini game, and, we need more direct shield control, as it is I can't seem to move freely in the quadrant, for fear of leaving a shield facing begin. This fresh AAS, limits shield manipulation to the CURRENTLY facing shields. Not a large trouble, but tactically limiting. Another than that, good job, thank you!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-11

  • Wes Ewing: I LOVED THIS GAME IN 1984 !!!! ... and I love THIS APP! Very well done, I love using a touch screen to play as well. This apk is Very real to the old DOS classic, and just as fun, if not more so.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-20

  • Rob Cerasuolo: This mini game is easy and functional, and not overly flashy with graphics--just right!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-15

  • Gary Astorino: Loved it on my commodore loved the beta on PC. Still have my original disk and ebooks. Glad on Android device. Was playing on commodore emulation
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-06

  • Mark Wolf: UPDATE: I did a hard wipe of my smartphone and left off the Google Mini games Service and Boom Beach. Works good now. Controls are good so far, got through guide ok. I played this as a child on the 286 and used to love this mini game. Saw that it was on Google Play and bought it immediately.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-06

  • John Harwood: Where did this come from? Best of the "Trek" mini games and still has the unbelievable career mode. By far the best interface I've ever seen for this sort of mini game. Bring on Krellan Commander!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-09

  • Brian Caasi: Good star fleet mini game! Beautiful in-depth with lots of details and assist if required.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-22

  • AKG Z28: Good mini game but the turn base fighting isn't fair. Opponents receive to attack you twice for every one shot you send at them. This makes the mini game extremely frustrating to play. Also, not having any assist from allies is ridiculous. There needs to be friendly ships. One ship being forced to slay 30+ opponent ships and 2+ war cruisers doesn't create any sense and makes the mini game too challenging and very repetitive. The turn based fighting needs to be fixed and there needs to be ship upgrading.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-06

  • Dave Maddy: Although there has been a lot of versions of this mini game since its first inception this one is by far the best
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-22

  • John Flynn: Not sure if possible, but I wish to see the option to choose various mission lengths like in the original mini game. Also the largest criticism is the mission briefing and objectives don't actually matter. Every mission you are actually expected to destroy every opponent ship and base. Doesn't matter if you receive the opponent is withdrawing notice, miss even 1 ship and you lose. Please fix this.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-12

  • Kevin Fightmaster: Dr Sorensen released the first mini game in the series, "Star Fleet: The Fight Begins", back in 1983. I loved that mini game. This mini game ports a later ver of the mini game to the Android device. It adds a number of fresh features as well as adapting the UI to the touch screen. A good mini game.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-03

  • Kyle Teigen: You probably wouldn't expect an ancient PC mini game ported to an Android device device to enthrall you with it's atmosphere, but man does Starfleet deliver here! Whether your calculating trajectories for reconnaissance probes, or laying mines to screen Krellan patrols, the mini game really helps you live out the fantasy of sitting on the bridge, captaining a certain popular NCC-Something-or-Other..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-17

  • Edwin Mojica: Gorgeous
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-25

  • Ken Gallagher: I have fun the tactic of this mini game, especially managing the very limited resources that are accessible. You have 5 torpedo tubes but can only fire 5 salvos total before you have to replenish. 3 problems I have with the mini game, however. 1. The only ship that cannot seem to maneuver and fire is your ship. Destroyers and battlecruisers all move constantly after firing, making it much harder to hit them, but you basically have to sit still and receive hammered. 2. In the manual for starfleet 2 krellan commander, the massive cruiser has 6 phaser banks, but yet in this mini game, I can only fire 2. 3. the manual navigation can receive really tedious when having to stop, move left, then move back on course to avoid stars. Since you cannot know if a star is in the method, this can receive quite tedious at times. Otherwise it's a fun mini game
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2018-09-22

  • TheSlinger1010: Like the mini game but it has a few bugs that need to be addressed. The sprites sometimes shrink to a little ver. Also when at a starbase and you're attacked you can't raise shields so you can leave the starbase .
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-12-22

  • Matt Wilson: modernize: reinstalling fixed the licensing problem
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-06-06

  • Just here for videos a: beautiful fun
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-06-24

  • Spencer Jurney Jr: Numerous graphical bugs: Sprites will change in size when torpedos colide with them on a constant basis. And on a more private level which is aimed more at logic than video test, why would an entire fleet retreat because a single opponent base was still standing? If one ship can eliminate an entire troops of these things, i assume the entire fleet would be unstoppable. But I'm a few decades too late i guess
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-11-05

  • Kyle F: I played a lot of Begin Fleet I on the old 286 wayback. The Android device ver brings that all back beautiful faithfully. If you played the PC mini game you'll be able to pick this up. The UI has a number of quirks that create it a bit cumbersome and hinder it. On my Samsung smartphone, the "manual shield control" UI only shows shield #1 and #2; the others aren't available. Well, shield #3 is type of available, but not usable. The fourth isn't even shown. This is really annoying since strategies often require specific shield configuration. Also, I can't figure out if I can change the ship heading without moving the ship. It seems you have to move to change heading. The original PC ver you should move with a distance of zero to change heading. The apk locks in portrait mode, other annoyance. My tablet's cover is created for landscape, so I've got to work around that. Despite the hindrances, it's faithful enough to the original video test, and for that grateful.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2015-06-13

  • Caleb Mazil: Played this on my Tandy 1000 as a child. Purchased it for my Samsung note 10 worked good. But the mini game insists on playing only in portrait mode in my fresh tab A. Which with shields makes it unplayable. Is there a fix coming for this?
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2016-10-10

  • Steven Corr: Tried hard to like this mini game but found tiny to have fun. Feels very dated now. If only someone would bring starfleet command to android device.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2014-09-14

  • bassbari0315: The mini game leveling doesn't seem to work up from easier to harder...
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2018-10-03


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