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For Android: 2.3 and up Guide: Text Fiction - Play Zork! cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-10-13 Star Rating:
Name: Text Fiction - Play Zork! hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Onyxbits File Name: de.onyxbits.textfiction
Current Version: 2.6 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Text Fiction - Play Zork! Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

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Watch Text Fiction Play Zork ! video.

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About the application:

SYNOPSIS: TextFiction - An interpreter for interactive fiction stories (aka: terp, z-machine, text journey engine, interactive ebook reader) DESCRIPTION: West of House This is an begin field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. There is a little mailbox here. A rubber mat saying 'Welcome to Zork!' lies by the door. What next? >_ With interactive fiction novels you're more than just a passive ebook reader, following the adventures of the character. Instead, you become the character! Discover the globe, create decissions and ultimately decide on the outcome. IF stories are fun for hours, immersive as hell and play at your own pace, making them the ideal pass time for a long street trip and short work breaks alike. TextFiction is definitely the best adaptation of the genre accessible for Android device. You control the protagonist through a novel SMS like interface which replaces the need for typing commands with intuitive touch controls. Players of chat apks will instantly feel at home! The barrier-free design also makes this apk the excellent choice for players with disabilities. Hundreds of gratis RPG stories from variety of literature genres (sci-fi, fantasy, mystery,... ) are accessible for download, ensuring entertainment for months to come. You can't receive more offline mini games for gratis in one single app! FEATURES: * Supports z3, z5 and z8 z-machine mini games (may be wrapped in zblorb), no glulx * Special, instant messanger like player interface * Configurable action keys to slash down on typing (long press to modify). * Tap words in the story to copy them into the commandline. Double tap to clear. * Nightmode and classic Terp mode ("Lucy", "Mina" and "Jason" colorscheme) * Optionally uses the Text To Spech engine to read stories out loud (long touch a bubble to start/stop narration). * Touch sensitive borders/corners for moving in the designated cardinal direction (may be fiddly on little screens). * Saving/restoring progress (including autosave when navigating away from the apk) * A true battery saver due to low power consumption and no advertisements (TextFiction is one of the few mini games that don't need wifi). FAQ (please don't abuse the reviews as a help forum!): Q: I'm fresh. What's an interactive story? A: Have you ever read a novel and longed for taking part in the plot yourself? Interactive stories let you to do exactly that. Textfiction is like a fanfiction reader (a library apk for gratis ebooks) that only describes to you the setting, but allows you to select your own actions, often resolving in alternative endings. Q: Are the mini games free? A: Textfiction itself gratis to play. Most of the interactive novels are in the public domain and may be downloaded gratis of charge to your library. Q: How do I save/restore a game? A: Press the "Plus" button to bring up the menu. Save/restore commands won't work. Q: Do I loose my progress when going back to the libary app? A: No! Whenever you leave the story screen, the mini game performs an auto save. It does not, however, perform an autorestore when you return (leaving the mini game is suppose to be a reset). Q: Why is the story output erased when I restore a game? A: When you restore a mini game, you move to other part of the story. The current chat history no longer applies and gets discarded to avoid confusion. Q: Can I change the action buttons? A: Yes! just write something in the commandline, then long press a button to modify it. Q: Can I write my own fanfiction stories? A: Yes! The authoring program of choice can be found here: http://inform7.com Q: Why does my bluetooth keyboard repeat the enter key? A: Text Fiction comes gratis of charge. Unfortunately, this means no budget for buying troublesome hardware in order to check the trouble out. Q: Will a 1* rating convince you to change the apk according to my whims? A: Go kiss a Grue

Text Fiction - Play Zork! Hack - Gallery:

Text Fiction - Play Zork! screenshot Text Fiction - Play Zork! screenshot Text Fiction - Play Zork! screenshot
Text Fiction - Play Zork! hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Text Fiction - Play Zork!:
Full changelog: http://www.onyxbits.de/content/release-notes-text-fiction-v26<br><br>This is a bugfix release.
Download apk from Google Play

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