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For Android: 8.0 Guide: Thirteen cheats tutorial
When updated: 2024-08-08 Star Rating:
Name: Thirteen hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: MichalSoft File Name: com.michal.tienlenwearos
Current Version: 1.0.14 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1-2 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Thirteen is a shedding card mini game sometimes called the national card mini game of Vietnam! It's a fairly easy mini game, but does require much tactic to play it well. The objective of the mini game is to be the first user to receive rid of all your cards. The mini game is played with a standard 52 card deck. The rank of cards from low to high is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, Lord, Ace, 2. The unusual thing here is that the 2 is the highest card. It's also a unique card in that it cannot be used in any sequences. The suits also have a rank. The suits from low to high are Spades♠, Clubs♣, Diamonds♦, Hearts♥. The suit rank is less necessary than the normal card rank though, and only comes into result if you have two cards with the same rank. E.g. a 5 of spades is always higher than a 4 of hearts, even though spades is the lowest suit and hearts is the highest suit, because 5 is higher than 4 and that's more necessary. But if you have a 5 of spades and a 5 of hearts then the 5 of hearts would be considered higher because the rank is the same but hearts is higher than spades. When the table is empty and a user is playing he can play a few various types of combinations. Those are: single card, pair of cards with the same rank, three cards of the same rank, four cards of the same rank, sequence of at least 3 cards (E.g. 4,5,6. The card in a sequence don't have to have the same suit. A 2 can never be part of a sequence.), double sequence of at least 6 cards (e.g. 3,3,4,4,5,5). Once a user has place out a combination the another users have to test to play the same kind of combination with a higher rank. If a user can't play a higher ranking combination of the same kind he must say Pass (double tap your score). If no user can place out a higher combination than what's on the table, they all say Pass and the cards are removed from the table. The user who had the final combination on the table gets to play next and can play any combination he wants, since the table is now empty. A user is allowed to Pass even if he has cards that he should play. However, if he does that he will have to hold passing until the current cards have been cleared from the table. Understanding the ranking and how it works is very necessary. For pairs you can play the same numerical rank if the highest card of the pair is higher than the highest card of the pair on the table. Or you can play any pair of 6's or higher on top of any pair of 5's because numerical rank matters more than suit rank. For sequences you can play other sequence if the highest card of your sequence is higher than the highest card of the sequence on the table. Once more, it's all about the highest card of the combination. Or you can play any three card sequence that starts on a higher numerical rank, e.g. starts from 6. 2 is the highest card in the deck. However, there are a couple of combinations known as bombs that can be played on top of 2's as follows: • A 4-of-a-kind or a double sequence of 3 cards can be played on top of a single 2. • A double sequence of 4 cards can be played on top of two 2's. • A double sequence of 5 cards can be played on top of three 2's. Tap the cards you wish to discard and double tap your score. If you wish to deselect some card just tap it again. This apk is for Wear OS.

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