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For Android: 2.3 and up Guide: VBE PARATOOLZ cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-10-21 Star Rating: 5
Name: VBE PARATOOLZ hack for android Extension: Apk
Current Version: 1 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

This apk is designed for Paranormal Research. Your DEVICE MUST HAVE A COMPASS and ACCELEROMETER inside and working! Please Download this FREE SENSOR TESTER APP, Prior to Purchasing this apk. This FREE apk will tell you if your device will work or not. Also, if this FREE apk crashes. The chances of your device working with our PARATOOLZ apk is slim to none. To avoid any issues. AGAIN, Please download this FREE apk First. LINK: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.VBEINC.VBESENSORTESTER Thank you... Features: 1) EVP RECORDER 2) EMF Directional Pull Radar - 4 Direction + dual direction = 8 Directions total 3) GEO Detection ( Vibration ) 4) Auto EVP Recorder using EMF values above 10 5) File Management 6) Video Camera Shortcut 7) Screen Shot function 8) Instant Playback control 9) File Playback Control 10) File Date Time Stamping 11) File Auto Date Time Stamping 12) EMF activated Reversed Garbled Audio BanK ( LOOPED ) 13) GEO activated Reversed Garbled Audio BanK ( LOOPED ) This apk is designed to assist the Paranormal Investigator to Debunk any EVP files and to Assist Locate the Source of High EMF. Once the Source has been located. It is up to the Investigator to Debunk or Prove that the EMF source is an Clever source and not simply an Electromagnetic Field caused by normal Circumstances. This Apk, allows you to use the Compass in your Device to not only search the source, but to prove the source is Clever, by use of the EMF AUTO EVP Function of this apk. By asking the Spirit to Grab the Device while the EMF AUTO EVP Function is activated and telling the spirit to speak into the device. The Investigator proved two things. ONE, the EMF is not a normal EMF as it reacted to the Demands of the Investigator with Input. TWO, the Audio that is recorded is actually started by a Source another then the Investigator. Other Unbelievable feature, is to allow the Device be in a quiet place away from any metal or Magnetic sources. Allow the Spirits know to grab the device while they speak and to allow go once finished. This allows your device to capture files that are only as long as the Sentences the Spirits are speaking. This makes reviewing and enhancing the audio much easier for the Investigator. This apk also has an EMF / GEO activated Reversed Garbled Audio Bank ( LOOPED ). This bank of audio is designed to provide power to the speaker with a reversed tone of garbled audio ( NO LANGUAGE = NO NONSENSE ). When you hear your Language come through. You can instantly determine that there is a Spirit show and it is communicating. The Audio LOOP itself stays quiet until a spirit touches the device. However, if the Investigator / Player shakes the device. The Audio will also begin. Same goes for any EMF that is detected by the device. Lastly, you can check the authenticity of this apk with a Magnet or Metal object, by using the Radar function. Please remember, north Magnetic pull and South will produce opposite effects, however they both will prove this apks effectiveness. You can also shake the Device while the TRUST BOX Function is on to see a BLUE GEO Activated Icon appear. This proves this apk is capable of reading vibrations as well. Thank you for your Help and Believe using VBE INC apks...

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Changed some code to prevent High EMF and High GEO Lag on some devices
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Redman3576: Good apk love everything
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-24

  • Jen Donders: Other good apk Ricky! !! Very satisfied with this one 😊 hold up the good work!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-13

  • A Google user: good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-08-11

  • DD Gam3rs: If your a sceptic test this apk I'm fresh to this and it was hard to understand at first but now it's just unreal the response I receive from spirits and if you ever need assist Ricky is there all the time with live feeds plus you can join Fb group at (VBE INC) lots of assist and really awesome friendly people
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-07-02

  • Brandon B: Always improving !
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-07-16

  • paul smith: Yes works very well a much improved radar and real box is very cool i love the method it responds to vibrations all in a necessary and handy program in your investigations
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-05-21


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