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For Android: 2.1 and up Guide: Chemical equation keyboard A cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-08-24 Star Rating: 4.233333
Name: Chemical equation keyboard A hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: hosinoatusi File Name: com.fc2.web.etuc.keyboard30
Current Version: 1.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-2269 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

This is a soft keyboard that is convenient for writing chemical equation. Alphabets for element symbol, numbers, superscript, subscript and symbols for chemical equation can be entered without switching the keyboard or converting. You can enter alphabets "A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,O,P,S,U,Z" for element symbols, numbers "2,3,4,5,6", superscript "²,³,⁺,⁻", subscript "₂,₃,₄,ₓ", and "+,→,⇄,↑,↓,(,),[,]" for chemical equation symbols. If you press the key of the alphabet continuously, it switches from uppercase letters to lowercase letters. If you press the "()" key continuously, it switches to "[]". Please be aware that superscript, subscript and ⇄ may not be saved properly depending on the hero code of the text file to be entered. If it is UTF-8 of the standard hero code of Android device OS it can be saved correctly. There is a chance of garbled heroes when saving with the standard hero code of Windows PC. Element symbol that can be entered H - Hydrogen He - Helium Li - Lithium Be - Beryllium B - Boron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen F - Fluorine Ne - Neon Na - Sodium Mg - Magnesium Al - Aluminium Si - Silicon P - Phosphorus S - Sulfur Cl - Chlorine K - Potassium Ca - Calcium Sc - Scandium Mn - Manganese Fe - Iron Co - Cobalt Ni - Nickel Cu - Copper Zn - Zinc Ga - Gallium Ge - Germanium As - Arsenic Se - Selenium Nb - Niobium Mo - Molybdenum Ag - Silver In - Indium Sn - Tin Sb - Antimony I - Iodine Cs - Caesium Ba - Barium La - Lanthanum Ce - Cerium Pm - Promethium Sm - Samarium Eu - Europium Ho - Holmium Lu - Lutetium Hf - Hafnium Os - Osmium Au - Gold Hg - Mercury Pb - Lead Bi - Bismuth Po - Polonium Ac - Actinium Pa - Protactinium U - Uranium Np - Neptunium Pu - Plutonium Am - Americium Cm - Curium Bk - Berkelium Cf - Californium Es - Einsteinium Fm - Fermium No - Nobelium Sg - Seaborgium Bh - Bohrium Hs - Hassium Cn - Copernicium Nh - Japanium Fl - Flerovium Mc - Moscovium Og - Oganesson Element symbols that cannot be entered Ar - Argon Ti - Titanium V - Vanadium Cr - Chromium Br - Bromine Kr - Krypton Rb - Rubidium Sr - Strontium Y - Yttrium Zr - Zirconium Tc - Technetium Ru - Ruthenium Rh - Rhodium Pd - Palladium Cd - Cadmium Te - Tellurium Xe - Xenon Pr - Praseodymium Nd - Neodymium Gd - Gadolinium Tb - Terbium Dy - Dysprosium Er - Erbium Tm - Thulium Yb - Ytterbium Ta - Tantalum W - Tungsten Re - Rhenium Ir - Iridium Pt - Platinum Tl - Thallium At - Astatine Rn - Radon Fr - Francium Ra - Radium Th - Thorium Md - Mendelevium Lr - Lawrencium Rf - Rutherfordium Db - Dobnium Mt - Meitnerium Ds - Darmstadtium Rg - Roentgenium Lv - Livermorium Ts - Tennessine Enabling Keyboards 01 Go to Settings > System > Languages & input > and tap Virtual keyboard in the Keyboard & inputs section. 02 You'll see a list of each keyboard you've installed. Tap "Manage keyboards". 03 Toggle on the fresh keyboard. You might see a warning that this input way may collect the text you kind including private information. But this apk does not collect any input content. This is not a warning specific to this application, it will always be displayed if you choose a hero input application another than the keyboard that is standard on the device. If you're happy with the explanation, tap OK. Note: Instructions will vary depending on your Android device OS. Switching Keyboards 01 Launch the apk you wish to kind in. 02 Tap to bring up the keyboard. 03 Tap the keyboard icon on the bottom right. (On some devices this icon isn't show, in that case pull down the notification bar when a keyboard is active.) 04 Choose the keyboard from the list that pops up.

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Chemical equation keyboard A hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Anna Reuter: Couldn't receive the apk to install.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-06-10

  • ho ho: Almost all chemical reaction formulas learned by high school can be written with this keyboard. You don't need to switch between alphabets, numbers and symbols, so you can write very quickly. Thanks to the development squad for a very awesome job.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-02-12

  • Bhuvana Raghunandan: cannot kind on the lower or upper bracket and cannot kind catalyst on the arrow and if we kind inside the bracket the size of the alphabets does not reduce say for example if you wish to write gaseous little (g) ( in the little bracket it doesn't become. size of the arrow for writing the catalyst also does not increase it is a fixed size. and use of little letters is very difficult
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2018-12-29

  • Mr.X: The up can't even be installed
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-02-16


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